Santa Fe Plaza Riot

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Re: Santa Fe Plaza Riot

Marcus G. Daniels
A typical editor won't even expose HTML.  It could be some other graph-like document representation and most people would never know what serialization format happens to be used.    Let's talk about technology that has become an obstacle to progress:  Unix has people thinking the world should be thought of as flat bytes and not composed types.   Ooh for abstraction we get fields and lines!  Talk about impoverished.

On 6/3/20, 4:41 PM, "Friam on behalf of uǝlƃ ☣" <[hidden email] on behalf of [hidden email]> wrote:

    Ha! No. Technology is NOT monotonic. HTML sucks. SGML sucks. ... XML?  IDK, maybe, for some things, not for everything.

    On 6/3/20 4:35 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
    > HTML provides better ways to highlight text that do not involve changing the visible glyphs.
    > HTML is everywhere.  More tech is better.   It's not 1995.  

    ☣ uǝlƃ

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    FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
    Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Santa Fe Plaza Riot

In reply to this post by Frank Wimberly-2
Yeah, it makes sense the Gmail app on an Android phone would look similar to the Gmail web client. I use K9. So if you look at my reply to Dave's post with "View Source", you'll see the header:

  User-Agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Google has decided to buck the system and not use the User-Agent header. C'est la vie.

On 6/3/20 4:51 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> That one was from a Google Pixel Gmail client.  No web client involved although when I'm working on my laptop there is.

☣ uǝlƃ

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
uǝʃƃ ⊥ glen
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Re: Santa Fe Plaza Riot

Frank Wimberly-2
When I view the source of your reply to me I see

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.8.1

On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 6:00 PM uǝlƃ ☣ <[hidden email]> wrote:
Yeah, it makes sense the Gmail app on an Android phone would look similar to the Gmail web client. I use K9. So if you look at my reply to Dave's post with "View Source", you'll see the header:

  User-Agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Google has decided to buck the system and not use the User-Agent header. C'est la vie.

On 6/3/20 4:51 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> That one was from a Google Pixel Gmail client.  No web client involved although when I'm working on my laptop there is.

☣ uǝlƃ

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6

Frank Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz
Santa Fe, NM 87505
505 670-9918

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Santa Fe Plaza Riot

Congrats! It's not that reliable, though. The headers are easy to manipulate.

On June 3, 2020 5:42:14 PM PDT, Frank Wimberly <[hidden email]> wrote:
>When I view the source of your reply to me I see
>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101


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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
uǝʃƃ ⊥ glen
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Re: Santa Fe Plaza Riot

Marcus G. Daniels
In reply to this post by jon zingale

Jon writes:


< Voter turn-out, similarly, seems to rely on nation and imagined communities. >


If a candidate says “I will reallocate police funding to public safety” a voter can decide if that is code for a leftist imagined community that they might identify with, or if it will help or hurt them in concrete ways.   There are some that will vote based on an imagined group identity and aren’t directly impacted by how tax revenue is allocated.    Others won’t vote at all because they don’t believe any policy change will help them or because they are disenfranchised.   Getting a clear signal to them about what’s in it for them, and giving them the opportunity to vote, is harder than throwing around a lot of tribal BS.  



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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Homo Hiveus or Bio Slime?

Steve Smith
In reply to this post by Prof David West
Dave -
Interesting / recommended:

Movie — Mortal Engines.  "We have to destroy London"  London traveling around the globe destroying all other mobile cities.

Thanks...  I have read the book and seen the movie.  I've been a fan of Steam Punk since Gibson/Sterling coined the genre with "The Difference Engine", even though *most of it* is pretty weak, more like fan-fiction than anything else.   I suppose that Mortal Engines is closer to Diesel Punk which I also (can) enjoy.   The image of city-scale vehicles (with city styling, presumably pulled up by the roots and made mobile by giant traction engines) with what felt like collective personalities (from their residents, weighted by the powerful of course) with their own agency (at least a hunger to consume other cities for their fuel? and materials and citizenry?).

I'm a sucker for a good Post Apocalyptic and they have become wildly more clever over the decades.   Though going back to Canticle for Leibowitz and Wells' work is good too.

Book — SEVENEVES by Neal Stephenson. Black hole destroys moon, three arcologies (one a space station, one undersea, and one in Alaskan mine, survive but ethnic strife among the seven "races" (each the descendants of one of the Eves) survives as well.

I'm a big fan of Stephenson, starting with Zodiac and peaking with Snowcrash and Diamond Age.   Diamond Age was an epic in it's own right and virtually everything he has written since has been an Epic squared.   I did read Seveneves and enjoyed it as much as I have most/all of his other Epic^2 works.   I'm stuck halfway through "Fall; Dodge in Hell" which as you must know is somewhat focused on  a dystopian (utopian for some) post-upload/AI future.

- Steve

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Thread/Post hygiene

Steve Smith
In reply to this post by gepr
To All -

Even though I don't follow Glen's 5 commandments religiously (or even
well), I appreciate the attempt to normalize the stylization of the
conversations here.

I'm facile enough with my own mail-tool and auxiliary tools to
*function* when people get overly idiosyncratic with their mail-client
use and formatting. I live with the HTML that sometimes gets embedded by
some clients/modes of use.   I *prefer* that people inline images
(rather than attach, requiring opening in another tool, etc.) and ???
which I think is usually effected through HTML.  I believed until "just
now" that what I see as "blue text with a vertical line on the left" was
embedded HTML, i now see it is just the way Thunderbird renders the (now
ancient) Unix Mail formatting of a ">" preceding the line when included
(and ">>" etc.)

I prefer *bold* and _underline_ and -italics- markup conventions as well
as (HTML again?) fixed/variable width as the only font conventions,
though I"m guilty of using the HTML formatting (bullets, indentions etc)
and even the Bold/Italics/Underline bits sometimes. 

I'm a larder, but I've tried to cut down on that which also cuts down on
the exponential growth of conversations if I don't respond to every
point one of you makes with "two thoughts", etc.   I will redouble my
efforts to keep the FriAM thread R0 < 1.0.

Everything Glen says about trimming the post to what  you are responding
to and sporadically summarizing are things I really appreciate when
others do it (well), though sometimes if done poorly it feels like
misappropriating a thread.  

We have been so thread-bendy (thread-shreddy) of late that it feels like
*everyone* has given up on this, but I suspect we might be able to rein
ourselves in (I caught myself just now almost continuing this under
Santa Fe Plaza Riot!

- Steve

On 6/3/20 5:29 PM, uǝlƃ ☣ wrote:

> 0th lesson: Reply, don't Forward.
> 1st lesson: Don't lard, whole thoughts only, top or bottom posted.
> 2nd lesson: Trim the parts of the post you're responding to down to the part you're responding to.
> 3rd lesson: Sporadically summarize the gist of the thread including edited/selected (for and against) [ir]relevant sub-threads.
> 4th lesson: Don't use a web client. Download all of the posts, and download the whole of every post, including the headers.
> And, no. *I* will never use HTML compostion unless it's by accident because I'm on a stupid ... I mean "smart" ... device wherein I can't figure out how to make it plain text. What does HTML get you anyway? ... except for extra formatting that takes even more tech to handle well? Now, if you really do NOT want to use email, then don't use email. Move to a different forum technology. There's a-plenty out there.
> On 6/3/20 12:21 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
>> */[NST===> I hear you callin’ glen, but I genuinely don’t know how to respond.  If you have ways that we might organize our conversations so they made more sense, and you are willing to give expert-to-citizen instructions, I promise to try them.  In the meantime, you couldn’t, by any chance, speaking of Ludditry, be seduced into using HTML?<===nst] /*

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

Marcus G. Daniels

Steve writes:


I prefer *bold* and _underline_ and -italics- markup conventions as well

as (HTML again?) fixed/variable width as the only font conventions,

though I"m guilty of using the HTML formatting (bullets, indentions etc)

and even the Bold/Italics/Underline bits sometimes.


Purposely escalating to a HTML e-mail to annoy you luddites.  



- .... . -..-. . ...- --- .-.. ..- - .. --- -. -..-. .-- .. .-.. .-.. -..-. -... . -..-. .-.. .. ...- . -..-. ... - .-. . .- -- . -..
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

In reply to this post by Steve Smith
Glen's proscriptions are not gratuitous.  He is kindly responding to a specific request for recommendations.

But I see, alas, that I am a hypocrite.  (Glen has known this for some time, but I have only just discovered it.)  I have no intention of giving up larding.  And I certainly have no intention of giving up hypertext.  And I more often wish a thread hadn't been trimmed than wish it had.  So, I guess what I have to give up on, is the notion that exchanges such as ours, which are full of potentially publishable material, must be recreated in another form, or lost forever to the ages.  This is a bitter pill, for me.  So much of what is written here seems VERY good indeed.

Oh well.


Nicholas Thompson
Emeritus Professor of Ethology and Psychology
Clark University
[hidden email]

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam <[hidden email]> On Behalf Of Steve Smith
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 12:32 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [FRIAM] Thread/Post hygiene

To All -

Even though I don't follow Glen's 5 commandments religiously (or even well), I appreciate the attempt to normalize the stylization of the conversations here.

I'm facile enough with my own mail-tool and auxiliary tools to
*function* when people get overly idiosyncratic with their mail-client use and formatting. I live with the HTML that sometimes gets embedded by some clients/modes of use.   I *prefer* that people inline images (rather than attach, requiring opening in another tool, etc.) and ???
which I think is usually effected through HTML.  I believed until "just now" that what I see as "blue text with a vertical line on the left" was embedded HTML, i now see it is just the way Thunderbird renders the (now
ancient) Unix Mail formatting of a ">" preceding the line when included (and ">>" etc.)

I prefer *bold* and _underline_ and -italics- markup conventions as well as (HTML again?) fixed/variable width as the only font conventions, though I"m guilty of using the HTML formatting (bullets, indentions etc) and even the Bold/Italics/Underline bits sometimes.

I'm a larder, but I've tried to cut down on that which also cuts down on the exponential growth of conversations if I don't respond to every point one of you makes with "two thoughts", etc.   I will redouble my efforts to keep the FriAM thread R0 < 1.0.

Everything Glen says about trimming the post to what  you are responding to and sporadically summarizing are things I really appreciate when others do it (well), though sometimes if done poorly it feels like misappropriating a thread.  

We have been so thread-bendy (thread-shreddy) of late that it feels like
*everyone* has given up on this, but I suspect we might be able to rein ourselves in (I caught myself just now almost continuing this under Santa Fe Plaza Riot!

- Steve

On 6/3/20 5:29 PM, uǝlƃ ☣ wrote:

> 0th lesson: Reply, don't Forward.
> 1st lesson: Don't lard, whole thoughts only, top or bottom posted.
> 2nd lesson: Trim the parts of the post you're responding to down to the part you're responding to.
> 3rd lesson: Sporadically summarize the gist of the thread including edited/selected (for and against) [ir]relevant sub-threads.
> 4th lesson: Don't use a web client. Download all of the posts, and download the whole of every post, including the headers.
> And, no. *I* will never use HTML compostion unless it's by accident because I'm on a stupid ... I mean "smart" ... device wherein I can't figure out how to make it plain text. What does HTML get you anyway? ... except for extra formatting that takes even more tech to handle well? Now, if you really do NOT want to use email, then don't use email. Move to a different forum technology. There's a-plenty out there.
> On 6/3/20 12:21 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
>> */[NST===> I hear you callin’ glen, but I genuinely don’t know how to
>> respond.  If you have ways that we might organize our conversations
>> so they made more sense, and you are willing to give
>> expert-to-citizen instructions, I promise to try them.  In the
>> meantime, you couldn’t, by any chance, speaking of Ludditry, be
>> seduced into using HTML?<===nst] /*

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6 un/subscribe

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

In reply to this post by Marcus G. Daniels

I guess, when I originally raised this with Glen, I was hoping he would suggest and we might agree to use some particular platform that would rationalize our posts.  But we appear to be a Babel of Platforms.




Nicholas Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Ethology and Psychology

Clark University

[hidden email]



From: Friam <[hidden email]> On Behalf Of Marcus Daniels
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 1:04 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Thread/Post hygiene


Steve writes:


I prefer *bold* and _underline_ and -italics- markup conventions as well

as (HTML again?) fixed/variable width as the only font conventions,

though I"m guilty of using the HTML formatting (bullets, indentions etc)

and even the Bold/Italics/Underline bits sometimes.


Purposely escalating to a HTML e-mail to annoy you luddites.  




- .... . -..-. . ...- --- .-.. ..- - .. --- -. -..-. .-- .. .-.. .-.. -..-. -... . -..-. .-.. .. ...- . -..-. ... - .-. . .- -- . -..
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

Tools are the complement of their usage patterns. Email is not the complement of coherent exposition. It's simply not the right tool for that job. Choose another tool. GDrive is OK. I'm sure Office 365 or Teams is fine. I used Zoho for awhile. I'd prefer GitHub or Gitlab, personally. But it's probably not obvious how to use it for that type of job.

But part of what you (seem to) respond to is the crazy nonsense splatter. And those tools are NOT appropriate for that. An email forum IS appropriate for that. But then you are working to defeat your own purpose. I have no choice but to conclude that you are simply confused about your purpose. 8^D Of course, if I listen more empathetically, what I think you're looking for is a kitchen sink tool KIT that has both tools for splatter (like this email forum) and tools for exposition (like collaborative authorship). And, to the best of my knowledge, such tools are all persnickety. And the only way you'll get a collection of people to use a persnickety set of tools is if you're their boss ... you pay them to do it ... and you fire them if they don't.

Maybe you could extract $20k from your retirement fund and dole it out to us, predicated on our meeting some prescribed objectives? >8^D (Hey! Before you accuse me of trying to steal money from elderly suckers ... at least I'm not selling "better flight simulators" or hydroxychloroquine.)

On 6/4/20 12:15 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
> I guess, when I originally raised this with Glen, I was hoping he would suggest and we might agree to use some particular platform that would rationalize our posts.  But we appear to be a Babel of Platforms.

☣ uǝlƃ

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
uǝʃƃ ⊥ glen
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

Ok, so I'm both stubborn and naïve.   Been there, done that.  


Nicholas Thompson
Emeritus Professor of Ethology and Psychology
Clark University
[hidden email]

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam <[hidden email]> On Behalf Of u?l? ?
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 1:29 PM
To: FriAM <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Thread/Post hygiene

Tools are the complement of their usage patterns. Email is not the complement of coherent exposition. It's simply not the right tool for that job. Choose another tool. GDrive is OK. I'm sure Office 365 or Teams is fine. I used Zoho for awhile. I'd prefer GitHub or Gitlab, personally. But it's probably not obvious how to use it for that type of job.

But part of what you (seem to) respond to is the crazy nonsense splatter. And those tools are NOT appropriate for that. An email forum IS appropriate for that. But then you are working to defeat your own purpose. I have no choice but to conclude that you are simply confused about your purpose. 8^D Of course, if I listen more empathetically, what I think you're looking for is a kitchen sink tool KIT that has both tools for splatter (like this email forum) and tools for exposition (like collaborative authorship). And, to the best of my knowledge, such tools are all persnickety. And the only way you'll get a collection of people to use a persnickety set of tools is if you're their boss ... you pay them to do it ... and you fire them if they don't.

Maybe you could extract $20k from your retirement fund and dole it out to us, predicated on our meeting some prescribed objectives? >8^D (Hey! Before you accuse me of trying to steal money from elderly suckers ... at least I'm not selling "better flight simulators" or hydroxychloroquine.)

On 6/4/20 12:15 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
> I guess, when I originally raised this with Glen, I was hoping he would suggest and we might agree to use some particular platform that would rationalize our posts.  But we appear to be a Babel of Platforms.

☣ uǝlƃ

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6 un/subscribe

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

Steve Smith
In reply to this post by thompnickson2
Nick -
> Glen's proscriptions are not gratuitous.  He is kindly responding to a specific request for recommendations.
In case you thought I was arguing or rejecting anything, I did
understand you made a request and Glen gave you his pre/pro scriptions
regarding that request.
> But I see, alas, that I am a hypocrite.  (Glen has known this for some time, but I have only just discovered it.)  

> I have no intention of giving up larding.
As I already said, I don't mind a little lard.   I think the mode in
which you lard would be less obtrusive if you used the default/implicit
support that comes with default mail styling that most mail tools
offer.  I'm not sure what happened that made you force your own
lard-styling with HTML.   I seem to remember that your mail tool of
choice is whatever Windoze offers by default (Outlook?) which I know
nothing about, but I'd be surprised if using it with all the default
settings, that a simple "Reply" or "Reply List" wouldn't give you a copy
of the original text with the obligatory ">" at the beginning of each
included line (possibly rendered as a vertical bar and blue font) for
you to then trim down (or not) and pre/post/lard-pend your own
responses.   Best I can tell (most) everyone else here uses that
technique.    Your need for HTML to support more obvious larding may
reflect some small misunderstanding of default settings, etc.  in how
you view and compose a thread?  Unfortunately the best way for any of us
to help you with that is probably elbow-to-elbow (and then probably
someone who likes/uses Outlook regularly?).
>  And I certainly have no intention of giving up hypertext.  And I more often wish a thread hadn't been trimmed than wish it had.  So, I guess what I have to give up on, is the notion that exchanges such as ours, which are full of potentially publishable material, must be recreated in another form, or lost forever to the ages.  This is a bitter pill, for me.  So much of what is written here seems VERY good indeed.

I don't see you using hypertext for much more than your lard-styling?  I
forgot the other "good reason" for HTML that I accept...  and that would
be hyperlinks, I already mentioned inlined images.

The archives will be there for *some* time and some of us will have our
own copies (and backups of those copies) requiring more than anything
the will and diligence for someone to sift them down, untangle them and
reweave them into something more suitable for consumption by others.  
Unfortunately I don't know who would be motivated to do that.    I would
hope/think/trust that were one or another of us urps up a real gem that
others engage them offline to go forward with a more tight-loop
collaboration.   I have easily a half-dozen relationships with
list-members off-list, some which have yielded at least white papers or
mini coding projects.   

I still remember fondly the 'noodling' you tried to instigate in SFx
days using the Wiki software that we maintained for a very related
purpose.   Unfortunately I don't remember many others (maybe Benny
Lichtner, Guerin, ???) pitching in with us.   I share your fascination
with collaborative processes and am envious of some of Glen's (and
others'?) references to their experiences with Dungeons and Dragons and
the implied worldbuilding that lead to.   I was hopeful for the Massive
Multiplayer Online gaming world yielding something really good (and
those who play those games which is typified for me by World of
Warcraft, though i"m sure that's OldSkool by now).   I have done some
time with collaborative fiction writing which was interesting but never
lead to anything very satisfying... beyond the process. 

I've also found traditional styles of collaborative paper writing
lacking.  I can't remember a paper I wrote with others where at least
one member felt like they "did all the work" and in *some* cases, they
were spot on.   Most of my collaborators have been very gracious and it
works well because of that.  Often the work gets broken up into sections
with each author/specialist writing "their section" and then taking
turns editing the union down to normalize terminology and such.  

Maybe you can speak more TO what you think an interesting/good
collaboration would look like here? 

I appreciate what Glen says in another post on this thread: "But part of
what you (seem to) respond to is the crazy nonsense splatter. And those
tools are NOT appropriate for that. An email forum IS appropriate for
that."  I'm one of the worst purveyors of "crazy nonsense splatter", yet
I also really appreciate it when a small few here manage to find some
coherence and begin to "lase"... to bounce back and forth, amplifying a
base signal while removing incoherent noise.     

- Steve

> Oh well.
> Nick  
> Nicholas Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Ethology and Psychology
> Clark University
> [hidden email]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam <[hidden email]> On Behalf Of Steve Smith
> Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 12:32 PM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [FRIAM] Thread/Post hygiene
> To All -
> Even though I don't follow Glen's 5 commandments religiously (or even well), I appreciate the attempt to normalize the stylization of the conversations here.
> I'm facile enough with my own mail-tool and auxiliary tools to
> *function* when people get overly idiosyncratic with their mail-client use and formatting. I live with the HTML that sometimes gets embedded by some clients/modes of use.   I *prefer* that people inline images (rather than attach, requiring opening in another tool, etc.) and ???
> which I think is usually effected through HTML.  I believed until "just now" that what I see as "blue text with a vertical line on the left" was embedded HTML, i now see it is just the way Thunderbird renders the (now
> ancient) Unix Mail formatting of a ">" preceding the line when included (and ">>" etc.)
> I prefer *bold* and _underline_ and -italics- markup conventions as well as (HTML again?) fixed/variable width as the only font conventions, though I"m guilty of using the HTML formatting (bullets, indentions etc) and even the Bold/Italics/Underline bits sometimes.
> I'm a larder, but I've tried to cut down on that which also cuts down on the exponential growth of conversations if I don't respond to every point one of you makes with "two thoughts", etc.   I will redouble my efforts to keep the FriAM thread R0 < 1.0.
> Everything Glen says about trimming the post to what  you are responding to and sporadically summarizing are things I really appreciate when others do it (well), though sometimes if done poorly it feels like misappropriating a thread.  
> We have been so thread-bendy (thread-shreddy) of late that it feels like
> *everyone* has given up on this, but I suspect we might be able to rein ourselves in (I caught myself just now almost continuing this under Santa Fe Plaza Riot!
> - Steve
> On 6/3/20 5:29 PM, uǝlƃ ☣ wrote:
>> 0th lesson: Reply, don't Forward.
>> 1st lesson: Don't lard, whole thoughts only, top or bottom posted.
>> 2nd lesson: Trim the parts of the post you're responding to down to the part you're responding to.
>> 3rd lesson: Sporadically summarize the gist of the thread including edited/selected (for and against) [ir]relevant sub-threads.
>> 4th lesson: Don't use a web client. Download all of the posts, and download the whole of every post, including the headers.
>> And, no. *I* will never use HTML compostion unless it's by accident because I'm on a stupid ... I mean "smart" ... device wherein I can't figure out how to make it plain text. What does HTML get you anyway? ... except for extra formatting that takes even more tech to handle well? Now, if you really do NOT want to use email, then don't use email. Move to a different forum technology. There's a-plenty out there.
>> On 6/3/20 12:21 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
>>> */[NST===> I hear you callin’ glen, but I genuinely don’t know how to
>>> respond.  If you have ways that we might organize our conversations
>>> so they made more sense, and you are willing to give
>>> expert-to-citizen instructions, I promise to try them.  In the
>>> meantime, you couldn’t, by any chance, speaking of Ludditry, be
>>> seduced into using HTML?<===nst] /*
> -- --- .-. . .-.. --- -.-. -.- ... -..-. .- .-. . -..-. - .... . -..-. . ... ... . -. - .. .- .-.. -..-. .-- --- .-. -.- . .-. ...
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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

In reply to this post by Marcus G. Daniels

Yeah, OK. You win! :-P

I'll start using HTML.

Just to please you.

On 6/4/20 12:04 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
Purposely escalating to a HTML e-mail to annoy you luddites.  
☣ uǝlƃ

- .... . -..-. . ...- --- .-.. ..- - .. --- -. -..-. .-- .. .-.. .-.. -..-. -... . -..-. .-.. .. ...- . -..-. ... - .-. . .- -- . -..
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
uǝʃƃ ⊥ glen
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

Steve Smith
c'mon can't you get a <blink>BLINK!</blink> tag in there too?

Yeah, OK. You win! :-P

I'll start using HTML.

Just to please you.

On 6/4/20 12:04 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
Purposely escalating to a HTML e-mail to annoy you luddites.  
☣ uǝlƃ

- .... . -..-. . ...- --- .-.. ..- - .. --- -. -..-. .-- .. .-.. .-.. -..-. -... . -..-. .-.. .. ...- . -..-. ... - .-. . .- -- . -..
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

Marcus G. Daniels
In reply to this post by gepr

Beautiful!   I can’t even figure out how to get it to show me HTML source in Outlook.   It looks like Courier.   Nice.


From: Friam <[hidden email]> on behalf of uǝlƃ <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <[hidden email]>
Date: Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 3:57 PM
To: FriAM <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Thread/Post hygiene


Yeah, OK. You win! :-P

I'll start using HTML.

Just to please you.

On 6/4/20 12:04 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

Purposely escalating to a HTML e-mail to annoy you luddites.  


- .... . -..-. . ...- --- .-.. ..- - .. --- -. -..-. .-- .. .-.. .-.. -..-. -... . -..-. .-.. .. ...- . -..-. ... - .-. . .- -- . -..
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

In reply to this post by Steve Smith

I think there's a way to embed CSS. But this stuff is obnoxious to me. So I don't think I'll take the time to figure out how to do it. It's hard enough to look at myself in the mirror while doing this! 8^)

On 6/4/20 3:59 PM, Steve Smith wrote:
c'mon can't you get a <blink>BLINK!</blink> tag in there too?
☣ uǝlƃ

- .... . -..-. . ...- --- .-.. ..- - .. --- -. -..-. .-- .. .-.. .-.. -..-. -... . -..-. .-.. .. ...- . -..-. ... - .-. . .- -- . -..
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
uǝʃƃ ⊥ glen
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

Marcus G. Daniels

I think there should be a XML-based ontology format to encode our important conversations as a formal system.   And not mere CSS3, there should be a whole XSL pipeline to generate Nick’s book.  Everyone follow the rules or your e-mails will not validate and will be rejected by the mail server!


From: Friam <[hidden email]> on behalf of uǝlƃ <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <[hidden email]>
Date: Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 4:07 PM
To: FriAM <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Thread/Post hygiene


I think there's a way to embed CSS. But this stuff is obnoxious to me. So I don't think I'll take the time to figure out how to do it. It's hard enough to look at myself in the mirror while doing this! 8^)

On 6/4/20 3:59 PM, Steve Smith wrote:

c'mon can't you get a <blink>BLINK!</blink> tag in there too?


- .... . -..-. . ...- --- .-.. ..- - .. --- -. -..-. .-- .. .-.. .-.. -..-. -... . -..-. .-.. .. ...- . -..-. ... - .-. . .- -- . -..
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene


Ha! And a boon would be we can transform it arbitrarily onto any other domain-specific ontology. So, whatever is written about, say, evolutionary biology could be mapped ... [cough] metaphored ... into a paper about, say, holography! If we can design a GAN to well-fit the maps, then whatever "theory" we end up with will provide us with the explanation of consciousness and solve the hard problem!

Man this technology thing is cool. Whatever was I thinking. >8^D

On 6/4/20 4:19 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

I think there should be a XML-based ontology format to encode our important conversations as a formal system.   And not mere CSS3, there should be a whole XSL pipeline to generate Nick’s book.  Everyone follow the rules or your e-mails will not validate and will be rejected by the mail server!

☣ uǝlƃ

- .... . -..-. . ...- --- .-.. ..- - .. --- -. -..-. .-- .. .-.. .-.. -..-. -... . -..-. .-.. .. ...- . -..-. ... - .-. . .- -- . -..
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6
uǝʃƃ ⊥ glen
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Re: Thread/Post hygiene

Frank Wimberly-2
Brilliantly funny.

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918
Santa Fe, NM

On Thu, Jun 4, 2020, 5:29 PM uǝlƃ ☣ <[hidden email]> wrote:

Ha! And a boon would be we can transform it arbitrarily onto any other domain-specific ontology. So, whatever is written about, say, evolutionary biology could be mapped ... [cough] metaphored ... into a paper about, say, holography! If we can design a GAN to well-fit the maps, then whatever "theory" we end up with will provide us with the explanation of consciousness and solve the hard problem!

Man this technology thing is cool. Whatever was I thinking. >8^D

On 6/4/20 4:19 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

I think there should be a XML-based ontology format to encode our important conversations as a formal system.   And not mere CSS3, there should be a whole XSL pipeline to generate Nick’s book.  Everyone follow the rules or your e-mails will not validate and will be rejected by the mail server!

☣ uǝlƃ
- .... . -..-. . ...- --- .-.. ..- - .. --- -. -..-. .-- .. .-.. .-.. -..-. -... . -..-. .-.. .. ...- . -..-. ... - .-. . .- -- . -..
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6