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Re: scientific evidence

Steve Smith
Glen -

Cherry picking here...
> I actually distrust consensus and convergence, equally, I think.  This
> is for the same reason I think the "singularity" concept is suspicious.
>   It implies a closedness that I don't believe in.  The universe seems
> open to me, which implies that any process (including explanation)
> _wanders_ significantly.  I will admit constraints, though.  Although
> any process may wander, it may do so within some hard boundaries ...
> like a sandwiched series that forever oscillates without actually
> converging.
I recently started a project which involves Quorum Sensing in the
cell-cell signaling sense.   I presume your beef with consensus
(especially) and convergence (maybe less so) is the implied finality or
totality of it?   I presume you will agree that there are 'degrees' of
recruitment that might lead to a quorum (and in the extreme a
consensus?) and in entrainment as a form of recruitment?
>   For most of my career, I've tried to explain to my fellow simulants
> that any particular snapshot of a modeling effort is not very useful.
> I.e. any particular _model_ is not very useful (with an
> anti-authoritarian prejudice against the much-abused "all models are
> wrong, some are useful" aphorism -- I actually think that aphorism has
> done more damage to the proper way to use simulation than any other
> concept).
This is an aside I'd like to try to untangle a little:  The aphorism in
question is, for me, an antidote to two extremes.  One extreme of
course, is the one where some people harp on the problems in a model to
the extent of not appreciating that they are not by definition anything
*but* a model, the finger pointing at the moon, the map which is not the
territory (aphorismia ad nausea)...  the other extreme is the one where
some (other) people imagine that (usually their own) models are reality
or more than "useful" in a given context (some kind of blessed state as
a chosen or special model?).

I assume you are not quibbling with those two uses of the aphorism? But
more (maybe) with the nature of aphorisms (similar to the problems with
models... trying to claim a universal truth?).

A simple summary might just be an explanation of how you think this
aphorism has "done more harm..." ?   I'm sure it *has* done harm, but
I'm not sure what it is you refer to?
> But the whole modeling and simulation (M&S) effort (trajectory or bundle
> of trajectories, given model forking) _is_ useful.
I worked on a project back around the turn of the century (I find that
phrase entertaining, especially now that it is as relevant as it was to
my Grandfather as he trundled off to WWI in 1918) which was a
"composable simulation" framework.  The prime example we used it on was
for the Future Combat System (misbegotten/ill-fated? DoD project) where
we applied something we dubbed as "generative analysis" to explore a
subset of model-space via iterated simulation using a
learning-classifier system (roughly a GA) to speciate and test the
results.   In this case, there was a single meta-model which was that
Red Team and Blue Team forces could be conjured with a wide range of
features within the meta-model's trade-space (range, speed, firepower,
armor, comms, sensors, etc.) and pitted against eachother.  
Specifically, we would set up hundreds of Blue-Team compositions and run
them against a fixed red-team composition and initial conditions, etc.,
obtain a multivariate effectivity function (mission success, Blue Loss,
Red Loss, residual capability, etc.) to use to evaluate and spawn a new
population, etc.

I assume this is a (constrained?) variant of what you are calling
"model-forking"?  "trajectories" would seem to relate to varying initial
conditions or boundary constraints to generate ensembles of results from
a "single?" model?

> In other words, iteration is "doing it again" and recursion is "doing it
> to the result of the last time you did it", making recursion more
> specific.  Hence, recursion targets a more closed type chain.
> This is important to me because my work is multi-formalism, the model
> produced in one iteration can be wildly different from the model
> produced in prior or subsequent iterations, different in generating
> structure and dynamics as well as phenomenal attributes.
> Hence I like the concept of filter explanations better than that of
> recursive explanations, where the filter can co-evolve with the stuff
> being filtered.
I'd like to catch up on your definitions here (in this thread or our
offline parallel one)... maybe others are curious as well by what you
mean by multi-formalism and these evolving models (My example with
GA-designed ensembles of meta-model parameters might be the same thing
> Thanks. I've added it to my Powell's wishlist.
You lucky boy, to live within a drive or rail to Powells on demand. My
wife and I spend up to half our time there it seems when we visit the
area.   The independents are going slowly but surely.  Powells is a bastion.

I wonder if Dymocks "down under" is still viable?  I believe we have a
few Ozzies (and maybe a Kiwi or two?) here...  I know anecdotally they
are still alive, but with Amazon Worldwide and the changes(?) in the
Commonwealth's practice around protecting it's own publishing industry,
I suspect their niche has changed radically?

- Steve

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com
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Re: scientific evidence

glen ropella
Steve Smith wrote at 04/11/2013 11:24 AM:
> I recently started a project which involves Quorum Sensing in the
> cell-cell signaling sense.   I presume your beef with consensus
> (especially) and convergence (maybe less so) is the implied finality or
> totality of it?   I presume you will agree that there are 'degrees' of
> recruitment that might lead to a quorum (and in the extreme a
> consensus?) and in entrainment as a form of recruitment?

Yes, my problem with both consensus and convergence is the downward
causation, or more specifically, the extent to which that forcing
structure can or cannot be escaped.

With relatively independent things like zero-intelligence agents, this
isn't as much a problem (I think) because the resistance to flip from
one behavior (consensus participation, exploitation) to another behavior
(exploration) should (ideally) be low, or at least bounded.

But with intelligent agents (like humans), any behavior that obtains can
be positively reinforced to a huge degree, perhaps infinitely.  The
little, programmable homunculus in side your head becomes specialized
and stuck in its ways.  That makes the "escape velocity" from a
consensus much more difficult.

That's also part of my suspicion of thought and preference for action.

> I assume you are not quibbling with those two uses of the aphorism? But
> more (maybe) with the nature of aphorisms (similar to the problems with
> models... trying to claim a universal truth?).

Right.  The aphorism helps keep us out of those two rat holes ("my
model's great" vs. "your model sucks".  But the space has higher
dimensionality than that spectrum.  The other, more important rat hole,
is a general push for The One True Model, the idea(l) that a most
accurate model does/can exist and that we (whatever "we" might mean) can
find it, characterize it, implement it, etc.

> A simple summary might just be an explanation of how you think this
> aphorism has "done more harm..." ?   I'm sure it *has* done harm, but
> I'm not sure what it is you refer to?

When I hear "all models are wrong, some are useful", I hear "therefore,
we need to keep modeling to make better models".  And that's the
problem.  I have the same problem with people who think there is only 1
best way to _think_.

Although I sound cynical when I use the aphorism "the problem with
communication is the illusion that it exists", I'm not being cynical at
all.  It's actually a positive statement that argues _for_ variety and
diversity in thought ... against consensus, pro exploration.

To me, this is why the "Borg" is such a great enemy. To discover I think
(nearly) exactly like another person would be the best argument for
suicide I've ever heard.  To discover the fantastic ways in which others
do not think like me borders on the very purpose of life.

Further, I don't think evolution would work without this balance between
the extent to which internal models mismatch reality vs. the extent to
which they match reality.  I.e. to be wrong is beautiful and
interesting.  To be right is useless and boring.

Therefore, phrases like "all models are wrong, some are useful" is a
kind of crypto-idealism.  A sneaky way to get us to converge and,
thereafter, be entrapped by the convergence.  Even if the limit point
doesn't exist in itself, such crypto-idealism can trap us in an
ever-shrinking _cone_ of constraints.

> Specifically, we would set up hundreds of Blue-Team compositions and run
> them against a fixed red-team composition and initial conditions, etc.,
> obtain a multivariate effectivity function (mission success, Blue Loss,
> Red Loss, residual capability, etc.) to use to evaluate and spawn a new
> population, etc.
> I assume this is a (constrained?) variant of what you are calling
> "model-forking"?  "trajectories" would seem to relate to varying initial
> conditions or boundary constraints to generate ensembles of results from
> a "single?" model?

That's close, but not quite what I intended.  I read your example as
"automatic modeling", which is awesome and I'm sad that it faded away.
But model forking, to me, means the responsibility (along with all 4
causes, efficient, material, formal, and final) may change with the
changing of hands.  The two extremes are _abuse_, where the model is
being used for its side effects or purposes for which it was never
intended to an _attempt_ to carry on an effort set out by the original
modeler.  There's a whole spectrum in between.

The main difference I see between what I'm trying/failing to describe
and automatic modeling lies in the [im|ex]plicit nature of the objective
function(s) and the evolution of that(those) objective function(s), if
they evolve at all.

I'm also implying a full spectrum of asynchrony between forks, in time,
space, purpose, use cases, etc.

> I'd like to catch up on your definitions here (in this thread or our
> offline parallel one)... maybe others are curious as well by what you
> mean by multi-formalism and these evolving models (My example with
> GA-designed ensembles of meta-model parameters might be the same thing
> roughly?).

I basically mean the use of different mechanisms for the internals and
interactions of the various elements involved.  The most
straightforward, practical example are hybrid systems, where a discrete
module must interact with a continuous module.  But there are plenty of
others practical examples, as well as metaphysical ones: How do you get
an atheistic Hindu and a young earth Creationist to cooperate toward an

> You lucky boy, to live within a drive or rail to Powells on demand. My
> wife and I spend up to half our time there it seems when we visit the
> area.   The independents are going slowly but surely.  Powells is a
> bastion.

Yeah, Amazon's prices are always lower.  But I pay a little extra if I
meet employees or owners face to face.

=><= glen e. p. ropella
Broadcast dead revolution don't pay

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com
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Re: scientific evidence

Steve Smith
Glen -

> Yes, my problem with both consensus and convergence is the downward
> causation, or more specifically, the extent to which that forcing
> structure can or cannot be escaped.
> With relatively independent things like zero-intelligence agents, this
> isn't as much a problem (I think) because the resistance to flip from
> one behavior (consensus participation, exploitation) to another behavior
> (exploration) should (ideally) be low, or at least bounded.
> But with intelligent agents (like humans), any behavior that obtains can
> be positively reinforced to a huge degree, perhaps infinitely.  The
> little, programmable homunculus in side your head becomes specialized
> and stuck in its ways.  That makes the "escape velocity" from a
> consensus much more difficult.
I see a distinction (now) between whether your offense at convergence is
a social/political/spiritual one or a technical one. I think I hear you
saying that in fact, consensus and convergence *are* real phenomena in
human understanding but that you *do* think they are not good for the
individual or the group (unless it is the Borg as you reference later?)

I've been heard using the term Homo Hiveus to describe one end-state
that humans may (socially) evolve to...   I'm not convinced it is
necessary or even possible... but I *do* feel it would be a tragic loss
if humanity becomes one big lock-step colony (or set of
competing/mutually-ignoring? colonies).   I think we have a
counter-example to this in societies such as the Japanese who (from my
Western/American perspective) seem to be a lot more predisposed
(culturally?) to give over to collective behaviour.  The fascists of
early last century seemed prone to this (in a top-down way?), and to
some extent the collectivists (socialism, communism), and for the most
part all of those have (mostly) failed to capture the hearts and minds
of the members of the collective.

Extremist fanatics might be the closest to this?  Individuals being
"captured" by a small set of very powerful and shared memes? Moonies,
Muslim Bro'hood(???), Taliban(???), Aryan Nation, Extreme Right Christians.
> That's also part of my suspicion of thought and preference for action.
And how do you feel about thoughful action and actionable though <grin>?
>> A simple summary might just be an explanation of how you think this
>> aphorism has "done more harm..." ?   I'm sure it *has* done harm, but
>> I'm not sure what it is you refer to?
> When I hear "all models are wrong, some are useful", I hear "therefore,
> we need to keep modeling to make better models".  And that's the
> problem.  I have the same problem with people who think there is only 1
> best way to _think_.
And I hear...  "the map is not the territory", if you really want to see
what is in that area labeled "there be dragons here", you need to go
visit, and don't expect to come home having bagged a dragon, but you
might get eaten!
> Although I sound cynical when I use the aphorism "the problem with
> communication is the illusion that it exists", I'm not being cynical at
> all.  It's actually a positive statement that argues _for_ variety and
> diversity in thought ... against consensus, pro exploration.
I think aphorisms are at their best when they are offering cynicism or
polyannaism... in the latter I think we call them platitudes?
> To me, this is why the "Borg" is such a great enemy. To discover I think
> (nearly) exactly like another person would be the best argument for
> suicide I've ever heard.  To discover the fantastic ways in which others
> do not think like me borders on the very purpose of life.
I agree perfectly (now go ride off a cliff!) <smirk>
> Further, I don't think evolution would work without this balance between
> the extent to which internal models mismatch reality vs. the extent to
> which they match reality.  I.e. to be wrong is beautiful and
> interesting.  To be right is useless and boring.
That explains a lot about my severe depression and feelings of uselessness!
> Therefore, phrases like "all models are wrong, some are useful" is a
> kind of crypto-idealism.  A sneaky way to get us to converge and,
> thereafter, be entrapped by the convergence.  Even if the limit point
> doesn't exist in itself, such crypto-idealism can trap us in an
> ever-shrinking _cone_ of constraints.
I like your term - Crypto Idealism... now, have you ever considered that
you might be paranoid? <grin>

> That's close, but not quite what I intended.  I read your example as
> "automatic modeling", which is awesome and I'm sad that it faded away.
Or more to the point, "automated model exploration"?  I'm still
interested in re-igniting it if ever i find the right
project/collaborators.   My part was more on the analytics side of
trying to understand the *results* of these ensemble runs... high
dimensional correlation over a (sometimes rough) multidimensional
landscape.  But I also understand the ABM, GA and "design of
experiments" aspects well enough to participate or lead others with
fresh skills.
> But model forking, to me, means the responsibility (along with all 4
> causes, efficient, material, formal, and final) may change with the
> changing of hands.  The two extremes are _abuse_, where the model is
> being used for its side effects or purposes for which it was never
> intended to an _attempt_ to carry on an effort set out by the original
> modeler.  There's a whole spectrum in between.
Aha!  Thanks for the disambiguation.   I don't think we are converging,
as that would be useless and boring.  We are only converging enough that
I can agree that "communication is an illusion"!
> The main difference I see between what I'm trying/failing to describe
> and automatic modeling lies in the [im|ex]plicit nature of the objective
> function(s) and the evolution of that(those) objective function(s), if
> they evolve at all.
> I'm also implying a full spectrum of asynchrony between forks, in time,
> space, purpose, use cases, etc.
Ah yes... in fact, the "automated modeling" project was a vague attempt
to rein in and exploit what already happened.  Build an effective (for
some purposes) model and others with co-opt it and use it (modified or
not) for (more or less) different things to (more or less) effect.   The
results will probably never be collectively compiled, and if they are,
the biggest thing likely to be discovered is big holes in it's
>> I'd like to catch up on your definitions here (in this thread or our
>> offline parallel one)... maybe others are curious as well by what you
>> mean by multi-formalism and these evolving models (My example with
>> GA-designed ensembles of meta-model parameters might be the same thing
>> roughly?).
> I basically mean the use of different mechanisms for the internals and
> interactions of the various elements involved.  The most
> straightforward, practical example are hybrid systems, where a discrete
> module must interact with a continuous module.
In my experience, this is usually limited to using one as a forcing
function to the other, with the "other" being the dominant one? Fine
grain discrete informing a lower resolution continuous?  I'm not current
in the field.
>    But there are plenty of
> others practical examples, as well as metaphysical ones: How do you get
> an atheistic Hindu and a young earth Creationist to cooperate toward an
> objective?
This sounds like a Sphinx - worthy riddle or the setup for a Steven
Wright joke!
>> You lucky boy, to live within a drive or rail to Powells on demand. My
>> wife and I spend up to half our time there it seems when we visit the
>> area.   The independents are going slowly but surely.  Powells is a
>> bastion.
> Yeah, Amazon's prices are always lower.  But I pay a little extra if I
> meet employees or owners face to face.
I don't go to bookstores to buy books, I go there to browse them in the
context of other booklovers.  I *buy* books at bookstores to make sure
they are there the next time I want to go browse (or people watch).  
Powells is by far my favorite since Cody's closed.   Denver's Tattered
Cover (downtown) is worthy as well and I'm sad that ABQs Bound to be
Read failed.   Borders and their ilk managed to capture the superficial
feel of the best Indies, but it is like going to Chipotle's expecting to
have a Tomasita's (only for SFe residents and visitors) experience.

- Steve

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com
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Re: scientific evidence

Arlo Barnes
In reply to this post by glen ropella
In an economics class we watched a video of Malcolm Gladwell at a TED talk relating the commercial history of spaghetti sauces, and demonstrating how an individual in the industry (I forget his name) changed the reigning paradigm from "finding the perfect spaghetti sauce" to "seeing what areas of preference of taste, texture, and so on people tend to cluster around, and then creating multiple varieties that offer the consumer a choice". Then we watched a different TED talk about how choice could be paralyzing, but it goes to show that there is a case where a non-convergence strategy was at least temporarily or partially successful compared to the convergence case.
-Arlo James Barnes

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com
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Re: scientific evidence

Nick Thompson
In reply to this post by Steve Smith
Uh .... The Village Pragmatist here:  remember, is Pragmatist philosophy,
consensus or convergence is not the goal. It's the outcome that arises from
people attempting to discover the Truth.  It really is quite paradoxical.
But just bear in mind the 100 years of chemistry by which we came by the
periodic table.  Peirce was saying, if people behave like those guys did,
the truth is where you will eventually get.  What he doesn't say -- but
which I think is implicit -- is that The Truth is a mythology that everybody
has to believe in to get them to play the game right, but given Descartes,
its discovery is unattainable.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Steve Smith
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 12:25 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] scientific evidence

Glen -

> Yes, my problem with both consensus and convergence is the downward
> causation, or more specifically, the extent to which that forcing
> structure can or cannot be escaped.
> With relatively independent things like zero-intelligence agents, this
> isn't as much a problem (I think) because the resistance to flip from
> one behavior (consensus participation, exploitation) to another
> behavior
> (exploration) should (ideally) be low, or at least bounded.
> But with intelligent agents (like humans), any behavior that obtains
> can be positively reinforced to a huge degree, perhaps infinitely.  
> The little, programmable homunculus in side your head becomes
> specialized and stuck in its ways.  That makes the "escape velocity"
> from a consensus much more difficult.
I see a distinction (now) between whether your offense at convergence is a
social/political/spiritual one or a technical one. I think I hear you saying
that in fact, consensus and convergence *are* real phenomena in human
understanding but that you *do* think they are not good for the individual
or the group (unless it is the Borg as you reference later?)

I've been heard using the term Homo Hiveus to describe one end-state
that humans may (socially) evolve to...   I'm not convinced it is
necessary or even possible... but I *do* feel it would be a tragic loss if
humanity becomes one big lock-step colony (or set of
competing/mutually-ignoring? colonies).   I think we have a
counter-example to this in societies such as the Japanese who (from my
Western/American perspective) seem to be a lot more predisposed
(culturally?) to give over to collective behaviour.  The fascists of early
last century seemed prone to this (in a top-down way?), and to some extent
the collectivists (socialism, communism), and for the most part all of those
have (mostly) failed to capture the hearts and minds of the members of the

Extremist fanatics might be the closest to this?  Individuals being
"captured" by a small set of very powerful and shared memes? Moonies, Muslim
Bro'hood(???), Taliban(???), Aryan Nation, Extreme Right Christians.
> That's also part of my suspicion of thought and preference for action.
And how do you feel about thoughful action and actionable though <grin>?
>> A simple summary might just be an explanation of how you think this
>> aphorism has "done more harm..." ?   I'm sure it *has* done harm, but
>> I'm not sure what it is you refer to?
> When I hear "all models are wrong, some are useful", I hear
> "therefore, we need to keep modeling to make better models".  And
> that's the problem.  I have the same problem with people who think
> there is only 1 best way to _think_.
And I hear...  "the map is not the territory", if you really want to see
what is in that area labeled "there be dragons here", you need to go visit,
and don't expect to come home having bagged a dragon, but you might get
> Although I sound cynical when I use the aphorism "the problem with
> communication is the illusion that it exists", I'm not being cynical
> at all.  It's actually a positive statement that argues _for_ variety
> and diversity in thought ... against consensus, pro exploration.
I think aphorisms are at their best when they are offering cynicism or
polyannaism... in the latter I think we call them platitudes?
> To me, this is why the "Borg" is such a great enemy. To discover I
> think
> (nearly) exactly like another person would be the best argument for
> suicide I've ever heard.  To discover the fantastic ways in which
> others do not think like me borders on the very purpose of life.
I agree perfectly (now go ride off a cliff!) <smirk>
> Further, I don't think evolution would work without this balance
> between the extent to which internal models mismatch reality vs. the
> extent to which they match reality.  I.e. to be wrong is beautiful and
> interesting.  To be right is useless and boring.
That explains a lot about my severe depression and feelings of uselessness!
> Therefore, phrases like "all models are wrong, some are useful" is a
> kind of crypto-idealism.  A sneaky way to get us to converge and,
> thereafter, be entrapped by the convergence.  Even if the limit point
> doesn't exist in itself, such crypto-idealism can trap us in an
> ever-shrinking _cone_ of constraints.
I like your term - Crypto Idealism... now, have you ever considered that you
might be paranoid? <grin>

> That's close, but not quite what I intended.  I read your example as
> "automatic modeling", which is awesome and I'm sad that it faded away.
Or more to the point, "automated model exploration"?  I'm still interested
in re-igniting it if ever i find the right
project/collaborators.   My part was more on the analytics side of
trying to understand the *results* of these ensemble runs... high
dimensional correlation over a (sometimes rough) multidimensional landscape.
But I also understand the ABM, GA and "design of experiments" aspects well
enough to participate or lead others with fresh skills.
> But model forking, to me, means the responsibility (along with all 4
> causes, efficient, material, formal, and final) may change with the
> changing of hands.  The two extremes are _abuse_, where the model is
> being used for its side effects or purposes for which it was never
> intended to an _attempt_ to carry on an effort set out by the original
> modeler.  There's a whole spectrum in between.
Aha!  Thanks for the disambiguation.   I don't think we are converging,
as that would be useless and boring.  We are only converging enough that I
can agree that "communication is an illusion"!
> The main difference I see between what I'm trying/failing to describe
> and automatic modeling lies in the [im|ex]plicit nature of the
> objective
> function(s) and the evolution of that(those) objective function(s), if
> they evolve at all.
> I'm also implying a full spectrum of asynchrony between forks, in
> time, space, purpose, use cases, etc.
Ah yes... in fact, the "automated modeling" project was a vague attempt to
rein in and exploit what already happened.  Build an effective (for some
purposes) model and others with co-opt it and use it (modified or
not) for (more or less) different things to (more or less) effect.   The
results will probably never be collectively compiled, and if they are, the
biggest thing likely to be discovered is big holes in it's use/application.
>> I'd like to catch up on your definitions here (in this thread or our
>> offline parallel one)... maybe others are curious as well by what you
>> mean by multi-formalism and these evolving models (My example with
>> GA-designed ensembles of meta-model parameters might be the same
>> thing roughly?).
> I basically mean the use of different mechanisms for the internals and
> interactions of the various elements involved.  The most
> straightforward, practical example are hybrid systems, where a
> discrete module must interact with a continuous module.
In my experience, this is usually limited to using one as a forcing function
to the other, with the "other" being the dominant one? Fine grain discrete
informing a lower resolution continuous?  I'm not current in the field.
>    But there are plenty of
> others practical examples, as well as metaphysical ones: How do you
> get an atheistic Hindu and a young earth Creationist to cooperate
> toward an objective?
This sounds like a Sphinx - worthy riddle or the setup for a Steven Wright
>> You lucky boy, to live within a drive or rail to Powells on demand.
>> My wife and I spend up to half our time there it seems when we visit the
>> area.   The independents are going slowly but surely.  Powells is a
>> bastion.
> Yeah, Amazon's prices are always lower.  But I pay a little extra if I
> meet employees or owners face to face.
I don't go to bookstores to buy books, I go there to browse them in the
context of other booklovers.  I *buy* books at bookstores to make sure
they are there the next time I want to go browse (or people watch).  
Powells is by far my favorite since Cody's closed.   Denver's Tattered
Cover (downtown) is worthy as well and I'm sad that ABQs Bound to be
Read failed.   Borders and their ilk managed to capture the superficial
feel of the best Indies, but it is like going to Chipotle's expecting to
have a Tomasita's (only for SFe residents and visitors) experience.

- Steve

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Re: scientific evidence

glen ropella
In reply to this post by Steve Smith
Steve Smith wrote at 04/12/2013 11:25 AM:

> I've been heard using the term Homo Hiveus to describe one end-state
> that humans may (socially) evolve to...   I'm not convinced it is
> necessary or even possible... but I *do* feel it would be a tragic loss
> if humanity becomes one big lock-step colony (or set of
> competing/mutually-ignoring? colonies).   I think we have a
> counter-example to this in societies such as the Japanese who (from my
> Western/American perspective) seem to be a lot more predisposed
> (culturally?) to give over to collective behaviour.  The fascists of
> early last century seemed prone to this (in a top-down way?), and to
> some extent the collectivists (socialism, communism), and for the most
> part all of those have (mostly) failed to capture the hearts and minds
> of the members of the collective.

Yes, I agree.  It may simply be one of population density.  As long as
we have the rural communities and inter-deme transmission, we can
probably resist total over-convergence.

> Extremist fanatics might be the closest to this?  Individuals being
> "captured" by a small set of very powerful and shared memes? Moonies,
> Muslim Bro'hood(???), Taliban(???), Aryan Nation, Extreme Right Christians.

But examples like these demonstrate that even if we won't end up in
overwhelming over-convergence, there are isolated pockets where people
are stuck in the ideological gravity wells of the consensus surrounding
them ... like ants in an antlion pit.

> And how do you feel about thoughful action and actionable though <grin>?

At worst they're myths.  At best, they are post-hoc justifications or
rationalizations.  Now concepts like "mindfullness" are simply misnomers
because they're really about suspending your inner narrative and paying
attention here and now.  If there's a mind I approve of at all, it's the
immediate mind, tightly coupled with the environment, as opposed to some
hysterically deep hidden markov homunculus.

> And I hear...  "the map is not the territory", if you really want to see
> what is in that area labeled "there be dragons here", you need to go
> visit, and don't expect to come home having bagged a dragon, but you
> might get eaten!

The aphorism about models that maps directly to "the map is not the
territory" is "all models are always wrong".  No matter which way you
cut the relationship between a model and its referent, it's false.  The
value in modeling lies in the constellation of models, not any one model.

> I agree perfectly (now go ride off a cliff!) <smirk>

Ha!  No offense, but just because you tell me something doesn't mean
it's true.  I think one could drive a very large truck through the
volumes with which we disagree.

> I like your term - Crypto Idealism... now, have you ever considered that
> you might be paranoid? <grin>

Every minute of every day.

=><= glen e. p. ropella
I'm living in a room without any view

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Re: scientific evidence

Steve Smith
Glen -
>> And how do you feel about thoughful action and actionable though <grin>?
> At worst they're myths.  At best, they are post-hoc justifications or
> rationalizations.
Boy, when I first twigged to this (even a little) it freaked my ego out
a LOT.

>> And I hear...  "the map is not the territory", if you really want to see
>> what is in that area labeled "there be dragons here", you need to go
>> visit, and don't expect to come home having bagged a dragon, but you
>> might get eaten!
> The aphorism about models that maps directly to "the map is not the
> territory" is "all models are always wrong".
I guess I thought that *was* the *main* point of "all models are wrong,
some are useful"...
>> I agree perfectly (now go ride off a cliff!) <smirk>
> Ha!  No offense, but just because you tell me something doesn't mean
> it's true.
>   I think one could drive a very large truck through the
> volumes with which we disagree.
I'm sure...  including the idea that recognizing someone else as
thinking alike with me would be a justification for suicide?  Or would
it be a murder suicide?  Or a domino suicide?
>> I like your term - Crypto Idealism... now, have you ever considered that
>> you might be paranoid? <grin>
> Every minute of every day.
Another place we differ.  I only experience paranoia when people point
out that they disagree with me!

- Steve

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Re: scientific evidence

glen ropella
Steve Smith wrote at 04/12/2013 01:42 PM:
>> The aphorism about models that maps directly to "the map is not the
>> territory" is "all models are always wrong".
> I guess I thought that *was* the *main* point of "all models are wrong,
> some are useful"...

Maybe that was the _intention_.  But the pragmatic result is modeling
opportunism.  "Yeah, sure my model's wrong.  So what.  It's useful in
this context."

Now if that were _actually_ the case, then I'd be OK with it.  But what
usually turns out is that it's not useful in that context.  It's only
useful by that person in that context (or whatever other context that
person decides to exploit by vaguely mapping the previous context to the
next context).  In short, that aphorism "all models are wrong, some are
useful" opened modeling up to snake oil salesmen.

You can see this because most models do not lay out what use cases they
address at all.  They are almost always inextricably tied to the
modeler, not the context.

However, if you look at the modeling trajectory, the revision history,
or the suite of models surrounding any one model, you can begin to grok
the context, the use cases, independent of the modeler(s).

I.e. no individual model is useful.  Only model constellations are useful.

=><= glen e. p. ropella
I have gazed beyond today

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bursting the placebo bubble

glen ropella
In reply to this post by Arlo Barnes

The issue keeps coming up.  Perhaps I'm just sensitive to it, since my
S.O. is (finally!) getting her B.S. in nursing at a Catholic university
... because she works for a Catholic hospital.  And I can't think of a
better example of "applied complexity".  Here's a recent interview on
the Cancer Network:

ONS: Understanding Spirituality and How It Can Be Used to Help Patients

And here's a recent interview by Sam Harris of Ronald A. Howard:
The Straight Path

The irritating question is whether the Truth(TM) is _always_ in the best
interests of the organism (not the species, necessarily, but the
individual)?  Even if I set aside my objections to the existence of a
Grand Unified Truth and allow it for the sake of argument, the question
retains its meaning and power.

What are my responsibilities as I escort my mom into death?  Or, were I
a nurse, especially at something like a Catholic hospital, what would be
my responsibilities as I escorted a Catholic into death?  How about a
Jew?  Or an atheist?

The same could be said of children, I suppose.  When/how do you explain
to your child that there is no Santa Claus?  When/how do you explain to
your child that there is no God and those who say there is are simply
wrong, but perhaps not always wrong in a terrible way?

And, most importantly, how do you explain to people that you reject
treatments like homeopathy, chiropracty?, and acupuncture because
there's no evidence to support their efficacy?

A related issue surrounds DNR orders (Do not Resuscitate).  I've _heard_
that most doctors sign them because they're aware of the relative
ineffectiveness and physical trauma associated with techniques like CPR
and defibrillation.  Yet, most nurses, EMTs, firemen, life guards, local
CERT traine[r|e]s insist on them.  I don't have trustworthy data sources
for the efficacy or side effects of resuscitation methods.  So, I can't
say which position is more sound.  And I suspect doctors, like cops, are
biased because of their occupation.  But the question is, do the data
even matter?  Is a particular life _always_ so sacred to some particular
other that the efficacy and side effects simply do not matter?

That's related to things like accupuncture by the argument I often hear
that "it can't hurt, so if it's even a little bit possible it'll help,
then why not do it?"

Arlo Barnes wrote at 04/05/2013 08:42 PM:

> The first is in response to 'would I like people to burst my
> placebo/nocebo bubble?': the latest issue of Science magazine has an
> article on recommendations by the American College of Medicine of
> whether people should be told without being asked that they have alleles
> that indicate an elevated risk of disease when looking at genes related
> to common diseases (mostly cancers and tissue defects) as a course of a
> full-genome analysis for another disease/syndrome/disorder (pointing out
> that people may already be in an emotionally fragile state from said
> disease). Link here
> <http://www.sciencemag.org/content/339/6127/1507.full?sid=7561e634-f578-431a-8299-e86ef03891f4>.
=><= glen e. p. ropella
I learned how to live true and somebody blew up

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Re: bursting the placebo bubble

Douglas Roberts-2
A better question might be: why are we still teaching them these dishonest little fairy tales in the first place, which we then have to un-teach later?


On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:29 AM, glen <[hidden email]> wrote:

The same could be said of children, I suppose.  When/how do you explain
to your child that there is no Santa Claus?  When/how do you explain to
your child that there is no God and those who say there is are simply
wrong, but perhaps not always wrong in a terrible way?

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Re: bursting the placebo bubble

glen ropella
Douglas Roberts wrote at 04/25/2013 09:44 AM:
> A better question might be: why are we still teaching them these
> dishonest little fairy tales in the first place, which we then have to
> un-teach later?

I admit that's a more philosophical question, but not a better one.
It's not clear how answering that question will help address the applied
complexity problem of handling the mature organism, where these beliefs
are deeply rooted and may well affect their physiology in some way.

Harris' questions get to the root of the applied complexity problem.  Do
you tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to a dying old
person?  If so, is that medically beneficial or detrimental?

=><= glen e. p. ropella
Man alive the jive and lyrics,

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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Re: bursting the placebo bubble

Unrelated to the main topic here, but all the talk of DNR et al reminded me of this article earlier this week - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22154552 .

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:38 PM, glen <[hidden email]> wrote:
Douglas Roberts wrote at 04/25/2013 09:44 AM:
> A better question might be: why are we still teaching them these
> dishonest little fairy tales in the first place, which we then have to
> un-teach later?

I admit that's a more philosophical question, but not a better one.
It's not clear how answering that question will help address the applied
complexity problem of handling the mature organism, where these beliefs
are deeply rooted and may well affect their physiology in some way.

Harris' questions get to the root of the applied complexity problem.  Do
you tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to a dying old
person?  If so, is that medically beneficial or detrimental?

=><= glen e. p. ropella
Man alive the jive and lyrics,

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: bursting the placebo bubble

Douglas Roberts-2
In reply to this post by glen ropella
The intent was to produce a pragmatic perspective, not a philosophical one. By avoiding the telling of escapist fantasy-world fairy tails in the first place, there will be less untruth to deal with at later stages in life.


On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 11:08 AM, glen <[hidden email]> wrote:
Douglas Roberts wrote at 04/25/2013 09:44 AM:
> A better question might be: why are we still teaching them these
> dishonest little fairy tales in the first place, which we then have to
> un-teach later?

I admit that's a more philosophical question, but not a better one.
It's not clear how answering that question will help address the applied
complexity problem of handling the mature organism, where these beliefs
are deeply rooted and may well affect their physiology in some way.

Harris' questions get to the root of the applied complexity problem.  Do
you tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to a dying old
person?  If so, is that medically beneficial or detrimental?

=><= glen e. p. ropella
Man alive the jive and lyrics,

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Doug Roberts
[hidden email]

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Re: bursting the placebo bubble

glen ropella
Douglas Roberts wrote at 04/25/2013 10:16 AM:
> The intent was to produce a pragmatic perspective, not a philosophical
> one. By avoiding the telling of escapist fantasy-world fairy tails in
> the first place, there will be less untruth to deal with at later stages
> in life.

You're talking about a manipulation that might take generations to
realize an effect.  That's not very pragmatic.  A pragmatic perspective
is to look at the population we have right now and try to design our
manipulation based on that population and whatever evidence we have now.
 If and when we can tease out some local (temporally and spatially)
cause-effect relationships, then we can begin extrapolating to 30-80
years out, like you want to do.

So, the question remains, is there a medical benefit to bursting the
beliefs of a patient?  And more refined, does the condition of the
patient matter?  E.g. I can see how bursting my friend, who is getting
accupuncture for her neck pain, might help her.  But how about a 50 year
old prostate cancer patient with a good prognosis?  Versus a 98 year old
emphysema patient?

=><= glen e. p. ropella
I had my arm around a sundial

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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Re: bursting the placebo bubble

glen ropella
In reply to this post by Siddharth-3
siddharth wrote at 04/25/2013 10:16 AM:
> Unrelated to the main topic here, but all the talk of DNR et al reminded
> me of this article earlier this week -
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22154552 .
> Hmmm.

Thanks.  That's definitely relevant.  But the trouble with that article
(and most, actually) is the purely positive results reported.  Here's
one that _seems_ more objective.  A practical first step might be to
push for more realistic portrayals of CPR in the media.

CPR: Less Effective Than You Might Think

>  As opposed to many medical myths, researchers have reliable data concerning the success rates of CPR (without the use of automatic defibrillators) in a variety of settings:
>     2% to 30% effectiveness when administered outside of the hospital
>     6% to 15% for hospitalized patients
>     Less than 5% for elderly victims with multiple medical problems
> In June 1996, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study about the success rates of CPR as shown on the television medical shows "ER," "Chicago Hope" and "Rescue 911." According to the shows, CPR successfully revived the victim 75% of the time, more than double the most conservative real-life estimates. A more recent study published in 2009 suggested that the immediate success rate of CPR on television may be more realistic; however, discharge from the hospital and longer-term survival were rarely mentioned in TV dramas. In addition, while most CPR is actually performed on sick, older individuals with cardiac disease, most victims in television dramas are young and required CPR following trauma or a near-drowning — conditions with the highest success rates.
> Finally, patients on TV shows usually die or fully recovered. In real life, many of those who are revived by CPR wind up severely debilitated. One reason may be that, as noted by a study published in the January 2005 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, CPR is frequently not administered adequately, even when provided by trained ambulance personnel. Improved technique (including more frequent and rapid compressions, as recommended in the new guidelines) and use of automatic defibrillators could dramatically improve success rates.
> The low success rate of CPR may be an example of how a medical myth is perpetuated by the media because it is more appealing than the truth. Unfortunately, sugar-coating the concept of CPR leads to unrealistic expectations when a loved one requires CPR or is ill, and heroic measures are under consideration. A better understanding of when CPR may be effective and when it is highly unlikely to help will better serve everyone in the unfortunate event of catastrophic illness or injury. If you learn to administer CPR, you may save someone's life, so learning the proper technique is worth the effort. However, you should not expect the results you see on television.

=><= glen e. p. ropella
And I'm never gonna tell you why

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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Re: bursting the placebo bubble

Marcus G. Daniels
In reply to this post by glen ropella
On 4/25/13 11:36 AM, glen wrote:
> So, the question remains, is there a medical benefit to bursting the
> beliefs of a patient?
If the patient is asking a for an opinion, and the nurse has no reason
to think the patient's mental faculties are especially compromised, then
I think it is best to engage honestly.   It could distract them from
their physical condition.

If the patient is asserting a bunch of random fundamentalist nutcase
things about the nature of the universe and forcing the engagement of an
otherwise uninterested professional, then that patient could be in the
`burst' side of a side-by-side study.   (In the case of being an
employee of a hospital with a religious affiliation, this could be
professionally risky.)

If it is not a patient, but a relative or friend, then perhaps the best
thing to do is to direct the conversation to shared journey together and
not on a debate on the extent to which it will end.


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Re: bursting the placebo bubble

In reply to this post by glen ropella
'Realistic portrayals of CPR' such as this one by the British Heart Foundation?!?! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILxjxfB4zNk
*sigh* <stomps off into the sunset>

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 11:34 PM, glen <[hidden email]> wrote:
siddharth wrote at 04/25/2013 10:16 AM:
> Unrelated to the main topic here, but all the talk of DNR et al reminded
> me of this article earlier this week -
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22154552 .
> Hmmm.

Thanks.  That's definitely relevant.  But the trouble with that article
(and most, actually) is the purely positive results reported.  Here's
one that _seems_ more objective.  A practical first step might be to
push for more realistic portrayals of CPR in the media.

CPR: Less Effective Than You Might Think

>  As opposed to many medical myths, researchers have reliable data concerning the success rates of CPR (without the use of automatic defibrillators) in a variety of settings:
>     2% to 30% effectiveness when administered outside of the hospital
>     6% to 15% for hospitalized patients
>     Less than 5% for elderly victims with multiple medical problems
> In June 1996, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study about the success rates of CPR as shown on the television medical shows "ER," "Chicago Hope" and "Rescue 911." According to the shows, CPR successfully revived the victim 75% of the time, more than double the most conservative real-life estimates. A more recent study published in 2009 suggested that the immediate success rate of CPR on television may be more realistic; however, discharge from the hospital and longer-term survival were rarely mentioned in TV dramas. In addition, while most CPR is actually performed on sick, older individuals with cardiac disease, most victims in television dramas are young and required CPR following trauma or a near-drowning — conditions with the highest success rates.
> Finally, patients on TV shows usually die or fully recovered. In real life, many of those who are revived by CPR wind up severely debilitated. One reason may be that, as noted by a study published in the January 2005 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, CPR is frequently not administered adequately, even when provided by trained ambulance personnel. Improved technique (including more frequent and rapid compressions, as recommended in the new guidelines) and use of automatic defibrillators could dramatically improve success rates.
> The low success rate of CPR may be an example of how a medical myth is perpetuated by the media because it is more appealing than the truth. Unfortunately, sugar-coating the concept of CPR leads to unrealistic expectations when a loved one requires CPR or is ill, and heroic measures are under consideration. A better understanding of when CPR may be effective and when it is highly unlikely to help will better serve everyone in the unfortunate event of catastrophic illness or injury. If you learn to administer CPR, you may save someone's life, so learning the proper technique is worth the effort. However, you should not expect the results you see on television.

=><= glen e. p. ropella
And I'm never gonna tell you why

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: bursting the placebo bubble

Parks, Raymond
In reply to this post by Siddharth-3
We have a Wounded Warrior at Sandia who died three times - once on the battlefield, once in the medevac helo, and once in the field hospital.

We have several WWs at Sandia - I wonder how they received the news of their injuries? Combat injuries are surely a possible research pool to answer the question of tell or hide. A surgeon from either Beth Israel or Mass General said that marathon bombing victims were so happy to be alive that their limb loss didn't faze them.

Ray Parks

From: siddharth [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 11:16 AM Mountain Standard Time
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <[hidden email]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [FRIAM] bursting the placebo bubble
Unrelated to the main topic here, but all the talk of DNR et al reminded me of this article earlier this week - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22154552 .

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:38 PM, glen <[hidden email]> wrote:
Douglas Roberts wrote at 04/25/2013 09:44 AM:
> A better question might be: why are we still teaching them these
> dishonest little fairy tales in the first place, which we then have to
> un-teach later?

I admit that's a more philosophical question, but not a better one.
It's not clear how answering that question will help address the applied
complexity problem of handling the mature organism, where these beliefs
are deeply rooted and may well affect their physiology in some way.

Harris' questions get to the root of the applied complexity problem.  Do
you tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to a dying old
person?  If so, is that medically beneficial or detrimental?

=><= glen e. p. ropella
Man alive the jive and lyrics,

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com

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Re: bursting the placebo bubble

Nick Thompson
In reply to this post by Douglas Roberts-2

A question for Doug.  Would you be so kind as to describe to me, in sufficient detail that I could mount a Pragmatic test, this god of his whose non-existence he so positively asserts? 


A question for the person who speaks of escorting somebody into death.  I confess, being old, I quite like the concept.  But I guess we have to remember that such an escort is always a Judas steer. 




From: Friam [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Douglas Roberts
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 11:17 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] bursting the placebo bubble


The intent was to produce a pragmatic perspective, not a philosophical one. By avoiding the telling of escapist fantasy-world fairy tails in the first place, there will be less untruth to deal with at later stages in life.




On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 11:08 AM, glen <[hidden email]> wrote:

Douglas Roberts wrote at 04/25/2013 09:44 AM:

> A better question might be: why are we still teaching them these
> dishonest little fairy tales in the first place, which we then have to
> un-teach later?

I admit that's a more philosophical question, but not a better one.
It's not clear how answering that question will help address the applied
complexity problem of handling the mature organism, where these beliefs
are deeply rooted and may well affect their physiology in some way.

Harris' questions get to the root of the applied complexity problem.  Do
you tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to a dying old
person?  If so, is that medically beneficial or detrimental?

=><= glen e. p. ropella

Man alive the jive and lyrics,

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com



Doug Roberts
[hidden email]

505-455-7333 - Office
505-672-8213 - Mobile

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Re: bursting the placebo bubble

glen ropella
Nicholas Thompson wrote at 04/25/2013 12:02 PM:
> A question for the person who speaks of escorting somebody into death.
> I confess, being old, I quite like the concept.  But I guess we have to
> remember that such an escort is always a Judas steer.

I could not disagree with you more.  We're _all_ going to die.  You may
not believe that, but it's true.  The trick is whether the _cattle_ who
are heading toward their slaughter are self-aware enough to understand
that they're going to die and that they have some control over how it

That's nothing like a judas steer.

=><= glen e. p. ropella
I'm seeing nowhere through the eyes of a lie

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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