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"We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a Schwarzchild entity..." Nassim Haramein [oops, into nonduality...]: Rich Murray 2010.01.26

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"We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a Schwarzchild entity..." Nassim Haramein [oops, into nonduality...]: Rich Murray 2010.01.26

Rich Murray-2
248 posts
"We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a
Schwarzchild entity..." Nassim Haramein  [oops, into nonduality...]:
Rich Murray 2010.01.26

N. Haramein, The Schwarzschild Proton, AIP CP 1303, ISBN
978-0-7354-0858-6, pp. 95-100, December 2010.

6 page

The Schwarzschild Proton  [hidden email]

"We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a
Schwarzchild entity and that such a system predicts remarkably well,
even under crude approximations utilizing semi-classical mechanics,
its interaction time, its radiation emissions, its magnetic moment,
and the possible origin of the nucleon confinement in terms of
spacetime curvature..."

19 references, including 4 by N. Haramein since 2005 with colleagues



Nassim Haramein's award winning scientific paper, "The Schwarzschild
Proton," has passed the peer review process and has been published at
the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings.
The table of contents of the proceedings book can be found on their
site and should soon be updated with full text.

This paper received a Best Paper Award in the field of "Physics,
Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Field Theory, and Gravitation" at the
University of Liège, Belgium during the 9th International Conference
CASYS'09 (Computing Anticipatory Systems).


18 page

Spinors, Twistors, Quaternions, and the “Spacetime” Torus Topology
(PDF), by Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

This significant paper marks a new paradigm in the world of quantum
theory, as it describes the nuclei of an atoms as a mini black hole,
where protons are attracted to each other by gravitation rather than
some mysterious undefined "strong force."
This radical new view of the quantum world produces a unification of
the forces and appropriately predicts measured values for the nucleon
of an atom.

Much more work must be done to complete the picture, yet this simple
paper is already producing remarkable results!

We have introduced torque and Coriolis forces in Einstein's field
equation to form an expression for the spin driving forces that we
observe in a vast variety of cosmological, classical, and quantum
domain phenomenon.
This approach appears to fit well with the spinor approach in the
Dirac formalism in the quantum domain, that is, that the Lorentz
conditions applied by Einstein in relativity may be the origin of the
spinor and, hence, be the fundamental theory that yields the spinor
formalism and the role of spin in physical phenomena.

The dual torus topology occupies a central role in the spinor, twistor
and quaternionic formulation.
This topology appears to be ubiquitous in astrophysical and
cosmological phenomena and is predicted by the U4 bubble of the affine
connection in the Haramein-Rauscher solution to Einstein’s field
The geometric structure of the complexified Minkowski space is
associated with the twistor algebra, spinor calculus, and the SUn
groups of the quaternionic formalism.
Hence quantum theory and relativity are related mathematically through
the dual torus topology.

We have demonstrated a unique relationship of the dual torus topology
to the spinor calculus, twistor algebra and the quaternionic
This topology appears to be ubiquitous in Nature and may result from
spacetime torque and Coriolis forces generating spin/rotation at all
scales, from galactic and stellar objects, supernovae, to the weather
patterns in the Earth’s atmosphere, and may even be a key to defining
an electron’s path.
The tori form appears to also occupy a role in unification models
through the group utilized in supersymmetry models.

Logic and Semantics in Front of Nanoscale Physics;
6th BCSCMsG International Symposium on Rewrite Science;
VIth International Symposium in Honor of Jean-Pierre Vigier.
Partial Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference CASYS'07 on
Computing Anticipatory Systems, Institute of Mathematics, Liège,
Belgium, August 6-11, 2007
D. M. Dubois (Ed.),
Publ. by CHAOS, Vol. 22, 2008. ISSN 1373-5411 ISBN 2-930396-09-1.


Scale Unification – A Universal Scaling Law For Organized Matter (PDF),
by Nassim Haramein, Michael Hyson, and E.A. Rauscher.  21 page

From observational data and our theoretical analysis, we demonstrate
that a scaling law can be written for all organized matter utilizing
the Schwarzschild condition of a black hole, describing cosmological
to sub-atomic structures.
Of interest are solutions involving torque and Coriolis effects in the
field equations.
Significant observations have led to theoretical and experimental
advancement describing systems undergoing gravitational collapse,
including vacuum interactions.
The universality of this scaling law suggests an underlying
polarizable structured vacuum of mini white holes / black holes.
As the atomic and subatomic data points levels obey the scaling law, a
computation is given demonstrating that the proton can be defined in
terms of a Schwarzschild condition, when the vacuum structure is
Further, we briefly discuss the manner in which this polarizable
structured vacuum can be described in terms of resolutions analogous
to a fractal-like scaling as a means of renormalization at the Planck
Finally, we describe a new horizon we term the “spin horizon” which is
defined as a result of a spacetime torque producing boundary
conditions in the magnetohydrodynamic structures of galactic center
black holes, which we demonstrate obeys similar dynamics as the
interior of our sun.

Amoroso, R.L., Diens, I., & Varga, C., (eds)
Oakland: The Noetic Press, ISBN 9780967868776

52 pages

Collective Coherent Oscillation Plasma Modes In Surrounding Media of
Black Holes and Vacuum Structure - Quantum Processes with
Considerations of Spacetime Torque and Coriolis Forces (PDF),
by Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

This paper details the dynamics of coherent bodies such as stars,
black holes, and galaxies and provides in depth information about the
nature of plasma and the vacuum at the quantum level.

Published in R. L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (eds.)
Beyond The Standard Model: Searching For Unity In Physics, 279-331.
© 2005 The Noetic Press, ISSN# 1528-3739.

16 page

"The Origin of Spin: A Consideration of Torque and Coriolis Forces in
Einstein's Field Equations and Grand Unification Theory" (PDF),
by Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

This paper constitutes a foundational description of the source of
angular momentum/spin at all scales (from macro systems to micro
subatomic particle structures) rendering a unified view of gravitation
to the other forces such as electromagnetism, strong and weak force.
It does so by using the dual torus U4 bubble spacetime manifold
resulting from the inclusion of torque and Coriolis forces in
Einstein’s gravitational equations.
The theory then relates the dual torus spacetime manifold to the
subatomic group theoretical geometry of the cubeoctahedron (i.e.
vector equilibrium), completing the picture at the quantum level.
Both of these geometric structures and concepts are long-standing and
fundamental components of Haramein’s research.

Published in R. L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (eds.)
Beyond The Standard Model: Searching For Unity In Physics, 153-168,
© 2005 The Noetic Press, ISSN# 1528-3739.

1 page

American Physical Society (APS) Meetings
A Consideration of Torsion and Coriolis Effects in Einstein's Field Equations
Four Corners Fall October 24-25, 2003 Meeting ID: 4CF03
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.

Session S10 - Poster Session (During Extended Coffee Breaks Throughout
POSTER session, Friday afternoon, October 24
Cochise, Memorial Union

[S10.016] A Consideration of Torsion and Coriolis Effects in
Einstein’s Field Equations

Nassim Haramein, E.A. Rauscher (The Resonance Project)

Recent observation of distant acceleration of observed supernovae and
other cosmological objects lead to deviation from the usual Hubble’s
constant, and resulted in the reintroduction of a nonzero cosmological
constant in order to not only explain cosmological acceleration but
also to formulate a model of galactic, stellar and other cosmological
rotational structures.
We introduce a variable form of \Lambda (M_4) where M_4 is the four
dimensional Minkowski space.
We also introduce additional terms in the stress energy tensor which
accommodates torsion and the coriolis forces [1,2] reconciling the new
terms with the properties of the inhomogeneous Lorentz transformations
which are made so as to preserve the affine connections.
Discussions are made about the implications of galactic, supernovae,
etc. structures;
also proper frame of reference is considered in detail.

(1) R. Hammond, Gen. Rel. And Grav. 26, 247 (1994),
(2) J.P. Vigier, lett. Nuovo Cimento 24, 258 (1979).

The Quest for the Higgs Boson and the Planck Black Hole Production at
the CERN Large Hadron Collider

Fundamental Dynamics of Black Hole Physics

View video of conference >>

April Meeting 2002 :: Jointly Sponsored with the High Energy
Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the American Astronomical Society
April 20 - 23, 2002; Albuquerque Convention Center; Albuquerque, New

The Role of the Vacuum Structure on a Revised Bootstrap Model of the GUT Scheme

A Scaling Law for Organized Matter in The Universe

View video of conference >>

Joint Fall Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS and AAPT, and Zone
13 of the SPS October 4 - 6, 2001; Texas Christian University; Fort
Worth, Texas.

Resonance Email List
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DVD Trailer

Buy the DVD!

The Resonance Project Foundation
PO Box 764, Holualoa, HI 96725
(808) 329-0070
[hidden email]


The Resonance Project Foundation is excited to announce the launch of
our new membership website!
Join us in building a better world!
Become a member of The Resonance Project Foundation and have access to
critical information and updates in monthly newsletters and audio
The research and discoveries that are taking place at The Resonance
Project can propel our civilization into a new evolutionary chapter
that will resonate throughout humanity for generations to come.
You can make it happen by becoming a member!
Help us to help you!
A tax deductible membership contribution of as little as $10 a month
makes a big difference and makes it possible for our research team to
continue its essential progress.
It is time to activate the power of the people to support this
research for the people, by the people.
Read more and join us!
Please forward this to all concerned!
Leave a Comment :audio archives, membership, newsletter more...

Haramein at the Science & Nonduality Conference
by admin on Oct.11, 2010, under Astrophysics, Events
Our Director of Research Nassim Haramein will be speaking at the
Science and Nonduality Conference in San Rafael, California later this
Details are as follows:
Event: Workshop
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Time: 2:00–6:00 PM
Location: Embassy Suites, San Rafael, California
Room: Santa Rosa room
Event: Afternoon Plenary Session
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010
Time: 4:30-6:30 PM
Location: Embassy Suites, San Rafael, California
Room: San Rafael Ballroom
For registration and more information please go to
Thank you!
P.S. We are working on the new membership site so stay tuned for
upcoming announcements!

a Comment:

October 22nd, 2010 on 2:21 am
Hi, Nonduality means that the inner revelation and the outer
expression of the personality are one and the same.
So few seem to be interested in the greater implication contained
within profound spiritual experiences, because it is the contemplation
of these implications which quickly brings to awareness the inner
divisions existing within most seekers.


About Nassim Haramein

Nassim Haramein was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1962.

As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already developing the basis for a
unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he
eventually called the “Holofractographic Universe.”

Nassim has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry
of hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics,
cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology
and ancient civilizations.
Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of
nature, he discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be
fundamental to creation, and the foundation for his Unified Field
Theory emerged.
This unification theory, known as the Haramein-Rauscher metric, is a
new solution to Einstein’s Field Equations that incorporates torque
and Coriolis effects.
Laying down the foundation of what could be a fundamental change in
our current understandings of physics and consciousness, this
groundbreaking theory has now been delivered to the scientific
community through peer-reviewed papers and presentations at
international physics conferences.
Fluent in both French and English, Mr. Haramein has been giving
lectures and seminars on his unification theory for over 10 years,
mostly in the U.S. and Canada.
His lectures are multimedia presentations that lead his audiences
through the validity of his theories with observational and
theoretical data.
He has presented at such institutions as the Department of Physics at
Georgia Tech, the Department of Physics at University of Nebraska at
Omaha, and Fellows of the Department of Education at the University of
Montreal, and his unification model has now been delivered to the
American Physical Society.
In addition to his scientific papers, Mr. Haramein imparts this theory
in a layman’s paper, a 4 DVD set entitled “Crossing the Event Horizon:
Rise to the Equation,” and his international speaking tours.
In the past 20 years, Mr. Haramein has directed research teams of
physicists, electrical engineers, mathematicians and other scientists.
He has founded a non-profit organization, the Resonance Project
Foundation, where, as the Director of Research, he continues exploring
unification principles and their implications in our world today.
The foundation is actively developing a research park on the island of
Hawai’i where science, sustainability, green technology, and
permaculture come together.

Elizabeth Rauscher Ph.D.

E. A. Rauscher, Ph.D. (Nuclear Physics and Engineering, University of
California at Berkeley). Dr. Rauscher was a nuclear scientist and
researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and at Stanford
Research Institute, Professor of Physics at John F. Kennedy University
of California, research consultant to NASA (space shuttle program) and
the U.S. Navy.

Dr. Rauscher served on the Congressional OTA Advisory Committee, and
has been Delegate and advisor to the United Nations.
Recognized for major contributions in Marquis Who's Who of Men and
Women in Science, Who's Who in California and in Technology Today,
Leading Consultants in Technology, DOE top ten man and women in USA
science award, USPA Leaders of America Life Time Membership Award. Dr.
Rauscher also received the award for Outstanding Contribution to
Astronomy and Astrophysics, American Astronomical Society Meeting,
Lawrence Hall of Science, and the CSPS Hall of Fame Award by the
California Society for Physical Studies for Outstanding Research in
Bioelectromagnetism, the Foundations of Quantum Theory, and
Contributions to Humanity. Also recipient of a Medal of Honor for
contributions to Unity of the Sciences, Seoul Korea, and many other
awards. Dr. Rauscher is author of over 250 scientific papers, 4 books,
3 US patents and held 1 European patent.

Michael T. Hyson Ph.D.

Michael was born on July 5, 1948 in Rockford, Illinois and spent his
early life in Winnebago, Illinois on a small farm. He was greatly
inspired by his father, Eugene, a microbiologist who helped develop
yellow fever vaccine.
Eventually, Dr. Hyson attained a BS in Biology at the University of
Miami in 1970, followed by a MS in Biology in 1973, and a Ph.D. in
Biology in 1976 with specialization in neurobiology. From 1977-79 he
pursued a Post Doctorate in Bioinformation Systems at CalTech. From
1980-87 he worked as a systems engineer for electrostatic levitation
at Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL). From 1988-89 he functioned as
research director at Pacific American Launch Systems. From 1990 to the
present day he is the Research Director of the Sirius Institute.
Presently he is a full-time Consultant with the Resonance Project
Foundation and a member of the Board of Directors.

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: "We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a Schwarzchild entity..." Nassim Haramein [oops, into nonduality...]: Rich Murray 2010.01.26

Nick Thompson
2732 posts
I am one of those list members who gets grumpy when somebody posts something
without making it clear why s/he cares about the material or, even better,
why I should care about it.  Can you give us a couple of pointers.  

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
Of Rich Murray
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:46 PM
To: [hidden email]; [hidden email]; michael barron; Rich
Murray; Rich Murray; [hidden email]; Sterling D. Allen
Subject: [FRIAM] "We have presented evidence that the proton may be
considered as a Schwarzchild entity..." Nassim Haramein [oops, into
nonduality...]: Rich Murray 2010.01.26

        McAfee SiteAdvisor Warning

        This e-mail message contains potentially unsafe links to these

"We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a
Schwarzchild entity..." Nassim Haramein  [oops, into nonduality...]:
Rich Murray 2010.01.26

N. Haramein, The Schwarzschild Proton, AIP CP 1303, ISBN 978-0-7354-0858-6,
pp. 95-100, December 2010.

6 page

The Schwarzschild Proton  [hidden email]

"We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a
Schwarzchild entity and that such a system predicts remarkably well, even
under crude approximations utilizing semi-classical mechanics, its
interaction time, its radiation emissions, its magnetic moment, and the
possible origin of the nucleon confinement in terms of spacetime

19 references, including 4 by N. Haramein since 2005 with colleagues



Nassim Haramein's award winning scientific paper, "The Schwarzschild
Proton," has passed the peer review process and has been published at the
American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings.
The table of contents of the proceedings book can be found on their site and
should soon be updated with full text.

This paper received a Best Paper Award in the field of "Physics, Quantum
Mechanics, Relativity, Field Theory, and Gravitation" at the University of
Liège, Belgium during the 9th International Conference
CASYS'09 (Computing Anticipatory Systems).


18 page

Spinors, Twistors, Quaternions, and the “Spacetime” Torus Topology (PDF), by
Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

This significant paper marks a new paradigm in the world of quantum theory,
as it describes the nuclei of an atoms as a mini black hole, where protons
are attracted to each other by gravitation rather than some mysterious
undefined "strong force."
This radical new view of the quantum world produces a unification of the
forces and appropriately predicts measured values for the nucleon of an

Much more work must be done to complete the picture, yet this simple paper
is already producing remarkable results!

We have introduced torque and Coriolis forces in Einstein's field equation
to form an expression for the spin driving forces that we observe in a vast
variety of cosmological, classical, and quantum domain phenomenon.
This approach appears to fit well with the spinor approach in the Dirac
formalism in the quantum domain, that is, that the Lorentz conditions
applied by Einstein in relativity may be the origin of the spinor and,
hence, be the fundamental theory that yields the spinor formalism and the
role of spin in physical phenomena.

The dual torus topology occupies a central role in the spinor, twistor and
quaternionic formulation.
This topology appears to be ubiquitous in astrophysical and cosmological
phenomena and is predicted by the U4 bubble of the affine connection in the
Haramein-Rauscher solution to Einstein’s field equations.
The geometric structure of the complexified Minkowski space is associated
with the twistor algebra, spinor calculus, and the SUn groups of the
quaternionic formalism.
Hence quantum theory and relativity are related mathematically through the
dual torus topology.

We have demonstrated a unique relationship of the dual torus topology to the
spinor calculus, twistor algebra and the quaternionic formalism.
This topology appears to be ubiquitous in Nature and may result from
spacetime torque and Coriolis forces generating spin/rotation at all scales,
from galactic and stellar objects, supernovae, to the weather patterns in
the Earth’s atmosphere, and may even be a key to defining an electron’s
The tori form appears to also occupy a role in unification models through
the group utilized in supersymmetry models.

Logic and Semantics in Front of Nanoscale Physics; 6th BCSCMsG International
Symposium on Rewrite Science; VIth International Symposium in Honor of
Jean-Pierre Vigier.
Partial Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference CASYS'07 on
Computing Anticipatory Systems, Institute of Mathematics, Liège, Belgium,
August 6-11, 2007 D. M. Dubois (Ed.), Publ. by CHAOS, Vol. 22, 2008. ISSN
1373-5411 ISBN 2-930396-09-1.


Scale Unification – A Universal Scaling Law For Organized Matter (PDF), by
Nassim Haramein, Michael Hyson, and E.A. Rauscher.  21 page

From observational data and our theoretical analysis, we demonstrate that a
scaling law can be written for all organized matter utilizing the
Schwarzschild condition of a black hole, describing cosmological to
sub-atomic structures.
Of interest are solutions involving torque and Coriolis effects in the field
Significant observations have led to theoretical and experimental
advancement describing systems undergoing gravitational collapse, including
vacuum interactions.
The universality of this scaling law suggests an underlying polarizable
structured vacuum of mini white holes / black holes.
As the atomic and subatomic data points levels obey the scaling law, a
computation is given demonstrating that the proton can be defined in terms
of a Schwarzschild condition, when the vacuum structure is considered.
Further, we briefly discuss the manner in which this polarizable structured
vacuum can be described in terms of resolutions analogous to a fractal-like
scaling as a means of renormalization at the Planck distance.
Finally, we describe a new horizon we term the “spin horizon” which is
defined as a result of a spacetime torque producing boundary conditions in
the magnetohydrodynamic structures of galactic center black holes, which we
demonstrate obeys similar dynamics as the interior of our sun.

NOVEMBER, 2006, Amoroso, R.L., Diens, I., & Varga, C., (eds)
Oakland: The Noetic Press, ISBN 9780967868776

52 pages

Collective Coherent Oscillation Plasma Modes In Surrounding Media of Black
Holes and Vacuum Structure - Quantum Processes with Considerations of
Spacetime Torque and Coriolis Forces (PDF), by Nassim Haramein and E.A.

This paper details the dynamics of coherent bodies such as stars, black
holes, and galaxies and provides in depth information about the nature of
plasma and the vacuum at the quantum level.

Published in R. L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (eds.) Beyond The
Standard Model: Searching For Unity In Physics, 279-331.
© 2005 The Noetic Press, ISSN# 1528-3739.

16 page

"The Origin of Spin: A Consideration of Torque and Coriolis Forces in
Einstein's Field Equations and Grand Unification Theory" (PDF), by Nassim
Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

This paper constitutes a foundational description of the source of angular
momentum/spin at all scales (from macro systems to micro subatomic particle
structures) rendering a unified view of gravitation to the other forces such
as electromagnetism, strong and weak force.
It does so by using the dual torus U4 bubble spacetime manifold resulting
from the inclusion of torque and Coriolis forces in Einstein’s gravitational
The theory then relates the dual torus spacetime manifold to the subatomic
group theoretical geometry of the cubeoctahedron (i.e.
vector equilibrium), completing the picture at the quantum level.
Both of these geometric structures and concepts are long-standing and
fundamental components of Haramein’s research.

Published in R. L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (eds.) Beyond The
Standard Model: Searching For Unity In Physics, 153-168, © 2005 The Noetic
Press, ISSN# 1528-3739.

1 page

American Physical Society (APS) Meetings A Consideration of Torsion and
Coriolis Effects in Einstein's Field Equations Four Corners Fall October
24-25, 2003 Meeting ID: 4CF03 Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.

Session S10 - Poster Session (During Extended Coffee Breaks Throughout
POSTER session, Friday afternoon, October 24 Cochise, Memorial Union

[S10.016] A Consideration of Torsion and Coriolis Effects in Einstein’s
Field Equations

Nassim Haramein, E.A. Rauscher (The Resonance Project)

Recent observation of distant acceleration of observed supernovae and other
cosmological objects lead to deviation from the usual Hubble’s constant, and
resulted in the reintroduction of a nonzero cosmological constant in order
to not only explain cosmological acceleration but also to formulate a model
of galactic, stellar and other cosmological rotational structures.
We introduce a variable form of \Lambda (M_4) where M_4 is the four
dimensional Minkowski space.
We also introduce additional terms in the stress energy tensor which
accommodates torsion and the coriolis forces [1,2] reconciling the new terms
with the properties of the inhomogeneous Lorentz transformations which are
made so as to preserve the affine connections.
Discussions are made about the implications of galactic, supernovae, etc.
structures; also proper frame of reference is considered in detail.

(1) R. Hammond, Gen. Rel. And Grav. 26, 247 (1994),
(2) J.P. Vigier, lett. Nuovo Cimento 24, 258 (1979).

The Quest for the Higgs Boson and the Planck Black Hole Production at the
CERN Large Hadron Collider

Fundamental Dynamics of Black Hole Physics

View video of conference >>

April Meeting 2002 :: Jointly Sponsored with the High Energy Astrophysics
Division (HEAD) of the American Astronomical Society April 20 - 23, 2002;
Albuquerque Convention Center; Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The Role of the Vacuum Structure on a Revised Bootstrap Model of the GUT

A Scaling Law for Organized Matter in The Universe

View video of conference >>

Joint Fall Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS and AAPT, and Zone
13 of the SPS October 4 - 6, 2001; Texas Christian University; Fort Worth,

Resonance Email List
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DVD Trailer

Buy the DVD!

The Resonance Project Foundation
PO Box 764, Holualoa, HI 96725
(808) 329-0070
[hidden email]


The Resonance Project Foundation is excited to announce the launch of our
new membership website!
Join us in building a better world!
Become a member of The Resonance Project Foundation and have access to
critical information and updates in monthly newsletters and audio archives!
The research and discoveries that are taking place at The Resonance Project
can propel our civilization into a new evolutionary chapter that will
resonate throughout humanity for generations to come.
You can make it happen by becoming a member!
Help us to help you!
A tax deductible membership contribution of as little as $10 a month makes a
big difference and makes it possible for our research team to continue its
essential progress.
It is time to activate the power of the people to support this research for
the people, by the people.
Read more and join us!
Please forward this to all concerned!
Leave a Comment :audio archives, membership, newsletter more...

Haramein at the Science & Nonduality Conference by admin on Oct.11, 2010,
under Astrophysics, Events Our Director of Research Nassim Haramein will be
speaking at the Science and Nonduality Conference in San Rafael, California
later this month.
Details are as follows:
Event: Workshop
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Time: 2:00–6:00 PM
Location: Embassy Suites, San Rafael, California
Room: Santa Rosa room
Event: Afternoon Plenary Session
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010
Time: 4:30-6:30 PM
Location: Embassy Suites, San Rafael, California
Room: San Rafael Ballroom
For registration and more information please go to
Thank you!
P.S. We are working on the new membership site so stay tuned for upcoming

a Comment:

October 22nd, 2010 on 2:21 am
Hi, Nonduality means that the inner revelation and the outer expression of
the personality are one and the same.
So few seem to be interested in the greater implication contained within
profound spiritual experiences, because it is the contemplation of these
implications which quickly brings to awareness the inner divisions existing
within most seekers.


About Nassim Haramein

Nassim Haramein was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1962.

As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already developing the basis for a
unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he eventually
called the “Holofractographic Universe.”

Nassim has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry of
hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics,
cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology and
ancient civilizations.
Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of nature,
he discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be fundamental to
creation, and the foundation for his Unified Field Theory emerged.
This unification theory, known as the Haramein-Rauscher metric, is a new
solution to Einstein’s Field Equations that incorporates torque and Coriolis
Laying down the foundation of what could be a fundamental change in our
current understandings of physics and consciousness, this groundbreaking
theory has now been delivered to the scientific community through
peer-reviewed papers and presentations at international physics conferences.
Fluent in both French and English, Mr. Haramein has been giving lectures and
seminars on his unification theory for over 10 years, mostly in the U.S. and
His lectures are multimedia presentations that lead his audiences through
the validity of his theories with observational and theoretical data.
He has presented at such institutions as the Department of Physics at
Georgia Tech, the Department of Physics at University of Nebraska at Omaha,
and Fellows of the Department of Education at the University of Montreal,
and his unification model has now been delivered to the American Physical
In addition to his scientific papers, Mr. Haramein imparts this theory in a
layman’s paper, a 4 DVD set entitled “Crossing the Event Horizon:
Rise to the Equation,” and his international speaking tours.
In the past 20 years, Mr. Haramein has directed research teams of
physicists, electrical engineers, mathematicians and other scientists.
He has founded a non-profit organization, the Resonance Project Foundation,
where, as the Director of Research, he continues exploring unification
principles and their implications in our world today.
The foundation is actively developing a research park on the island of
Hawai’i where science, sustainability, green technology, and permaculture
come together.

Elizabeth Rauscher Ph.D.

E. A. Rauscher, Ph.D. (Nuclear Physics and Engineering, University of
California at Berkeley). Dr. Rauscher was a nuclear scientist and researcher
at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and at Stanford Research
Institute, Professor of Physics at John F. Kennedy University of California,
research consultant to NASA (space shuttle program) and the U.S. Navy.

Dr. Rauscher served on the Congressional OTA Advisory Committee, and has
been Delegate and advisor to the United Nations.
Recognized for major contributions in Marquis Who's Who of Men and Women in
Science, Who's Who in California and in Technology Today, Leading
Consultants in Technology, DOE top ten man and women in USA science award,
USPA Leaders of America Life Time Membership Award. Dr.
Rauscher also received the award for Outstanding Contribution to Astronomy
and Astrophysics, American Astronomical Society Meeting, Lawrence Hall of
Science, and the CSPS Hall of Fame Award by the California Society for
Physical Studies for Outstanding Research in Bioelectromagnetism, the
Foundations of Quantum Theory, and Contributions to Humanity. Also recipient
of a Medal of Honor for contributions to Unity of the Sciences, Seoul Korea,
and many other awards. Dr. Rauscher is author of over 250 scientific papers,
4 books,
3 US patents and held 1 European patent.

Michael T. Hyson Ph.D.

Michael was born on July 5, 1948 in Rockford, Illinois and spent his early
life in Winnebago, Illinois on a small farm. He was greatly inspired by his
father, Eugene, a microbiologist who helped develop yellow fever vaccine.
Eventually, Dr. Hyson attained a BS in Biology at the University of Miami in
1970, followed by a MS in Biology in 1973, and a Ph.D. in Biology in 1976
with specialization in neurobiology. From 1977-79 he pursued a Post
Doctorate in Bioinformation Systems at CalTech. From
1980-87 he worked as a systems engineer for electrostatic levitation at Jet
Propulsion Laboratories (JPL). From 1988-89 he functioned as research
director at Pacific American Launch Systems. From 1990 to the present day he
is the Research Director of the Sirius Institute.
Presently he is a full-time Consultant with the Resonance Project Foundation
and a member of the Board of Directors.

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives,
unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: "We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a Schwarzchild entity..." Nassim Haramein [oops, into nonduality...]: Rich Murray 2010.01.26

Steve Smith
2671 posts
Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy!

Let's get together sometime and be grumpy together Nick...

Are you back in SFe?

- Steve

> Rich,
> I am one of those list members who gets grumpy when somebody posts something
> without making it clear why s/he cares about the material or, even better,
> why I should care about it.  Can you give us a couple of pointers.
> Nick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
> Of Rich Murray
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:46 PM
> To: [hidden email]; [hidden email]; michael barron; Rich
> Murray; Rich Murray; [hidden email]; Sterling D. Allen
> Subject: [FRIAM] "We have presented evidence that the proton may be
> considered as a Schwarzchild entity..." Nassim Haramein [oops, into
> nonduality...]: Rich Murray 2010.01.26
> McAfee SiteAdvisor Warning
> This e-mail message contains potentially unsafe links to these
> sites:
> friam.org
> "We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a
> Schwarzchild entity..." Nassim Haramein  [oops, into nonduality...]:
> Rich Murray 2010.01.26
> N. Haramein, The Schwarzschild Proton, AIP CP 1303, ISBN 978-0-7354-0858-6,
> pp. 95-100, December 2010.
> http://www.theresonanceproject.org/pdf/AIP_CP_SProton_Haramein.pdf
> 6 page
> The Schwarzschild Proton  [hidden email]
> "We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a
> Schwarzchild entity and that such a system predicts remarkably well, even
> under crude approximations utilizing semi-classical mechanics, its
> interaction time, its radiation emissions, its magnetic moment, and the
> possible origin of the nucleon confinement in terms of spacetime
> curvature..."
> 19 references, including 4 by N. Haramein since 2005 with colleagues
> http://theresonanceproject.org/
> http://theresonanceproject.org/research.html
> Nassim Haramein's award winning scientific paper, "The Schwarzschild
> Proton," has passed the peer review process and has been published at the
> American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings.
> The table of contents of the proceedings book can be found on their site and
> should soon be updated with full text.
> This paper received a Best Paper Award in the field of "Physics, Quantum
> Mechanics, Relativity, Field Theory, and Gravitation" at the University of
> Liège, Belgium during the 9th International Conference
> CASYS'09 (Computing Anticipatory Systems).
> http://theresonanceproject.org/images/haramein_award.jpg
> http://theresonanceproject.org/pdf/quaternions_spinors_twistors_paper.pdf
> 18 page
> Spinors, Twistors, Quaternions, and the “Spacetime” Torus Topology (PDF), by
> Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.
> This significant paper marks a new paradigm in the world of quantum theory,
> as it describes the nuclei of an atoms as a mini black hole, where protons
> are attracted to each other by gravitation rather than some mysterious
> undefined "strong force."
> This radical new view of the quantum world produces a unification of the
> forces and appropriately predicts measured values for the nucleon of an
> atom.
> Much more work must be done to complete the picture, yet this simple paper
> is already producing remarkable results!
> We have introduced torque and Coriolis forces in Einstein's field equation
> to form an expression for the spin driving forces that we observe in a vast
> variety of cosmological, classical, and quantum domain phenomenon.
> This approach appears to fit well with the spinor approach in the Dirac
> formalism in the quantum domain, that is, that the Lorentz conditions
> applied by Einstein in relativity may be the origin of the spinor and,
> hence, be the fundamental theory that yields the spinor formalism and the
> role of spin in physical phenomena.
> The dual torus topology occupies a central role in the spinor, twistor and
> quaternionic formulation.
> This topology appears to be ubiquitous in astrophysical and cosmological
> phenomena and is predicted by the U4 bubble of the affine connection in the
> Haramein-Rauscher solution to Einstein’s field equations.
> The geometric structure of the complexified Minkowski space is associated
> with the twistor algebra, spinor calculus, and the SUn groups of the
> quaternionic formalism.
> Hence quantum theory and relativity are related mathematically through the
> dual torus topology.
> We have demonstrated a unique relationship of the dual torus topology to the
> spinor calculus, twistor algebra and the quaternionic formalism.
> This topology appears to be ubiquitous in Nature and may result from
> spacetime torque and Coriolis forces generating spin/rotation at all scales,
> from galactic and stellar objects, supernovae, to the weather patterns in
> the Earth’s atmosphere, and may even be a key to defining an electron’s
> path.
> The tori form appears to also occupy a role in unification models through
> the group utilized in supersymmetry models.
> Logic and Semantics in Front of Nanoscale Physics; 6th BCSCMsG International
> Symposium on Rewrite Science; VIth International Symposium in Honor of
> Jean-Pierre Vigier.
> Partial Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference CASYS'07 on
> Computing Anticipatory Systems, Institute of Mathematics, Liège, Belgium,
> August 6-11, 2007 D. M. Dubois (Ed.), Publ. by CHAOS, Vol. 22, 2008. ISSN
> 1373-5411 ISBN 2-930396-09-1.
> http://theresonanceproject.org/pdf/scalinglaw_paper.pdf
> Scale Unification – A Universal Scaling Law For Organized Matter (PDF), by
> Nassim Haramein, Michael Hyson, and E.A. Rauscher.  21 page
> > From observational data and our theoretical analysis, we demonstrate that a
> scaling law can be written for all organized matter utilizing the
> Schwarzschild condition of a black hole, describing cosmological to
> sub-atomic structures.
> Of interest are solutions involving torque and Coriolis effects in the field
> equations.
> Significant observations have led to theoretical and experimental
> advancement describing systems undergoing gravitational collapse, including
> vacuum interactions.
> The universality of this scaling law suggests an underlying polarizable
> structured vacuum of mini white holes / black holes.
> As the atomic and subatomic data points levels obey the scaling law, a
> computation is given demonstrating that the proton can be defined in terms
> of a Schwarzschild condition, when the vacuum structure is considered.
> Further, we briefly discuss the manner in which this polarizable structured
> vacuum can be described in terms of resolutions analogous to a fractal-like
> scaling as a means of renormalization at the Planck distance.
> Finally, we describe a new horizon we term the “spin horizon” which is
> defined as a result of a spacetime torque producing boundary conditions in
> the magnetohydrodynamic structures of galactic center black holes, which we
> demonstrate obeys similar dynamics as the interior of our sun.
> NOVEMBER, 2006, Amoroso, R.L., Diens, I.,&  Varga, C., (eds)
> Oakland: The Noetic Press, ISBN 9780967868776
> http://theresonanceproject.org/pdf/plasma_paper.pdf
> 52 pages
> Collective Coherent Oscillation Plasma Modes In Surrounding Media of Black
> Holes and Vacuum Structure - Quantum Processes with Considerations of
> Spacetime Torque and Coriolis Forces (PDF), by Nassim Haramein and E.A.
> Rauscher.
> This paper details the dynamics of coherent bodies such as stars, black
> holes, and galaxies and provides in depth information about the nature of
> plasma and the vacuum at the quantum level.
> Published in R. L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert&  J-P Vigier (eds.) Beyond The
> Standard Model: Searching For Unity In Physics, 279-331.
> © 2005 The Noetic Press, ISSN# 1528-3739.
> http://theresonanceproject.org/pdf/torque_paper.pdf
> 16 page
> "The Origin of Spin: A Consideration of Torque and Coriolis Forces in
> Einstein's Field Equations and Grand Unification Theory" (PDF), by Nassim
> Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.
> This paper constitutes a foundational description of the source of angular
> momentum/spin at all scales (from macro systems to micro subatomic particle
> structures) rendering a unified view of gravitation to the other forces such
> as electromagnetism, strong and weak force.
> It does so by using the dual torus U4 bubble spacetime manifold resulting
> from the inclusion of torque and Coriolis forces in Einstein’s gravitational
> equations.
> The theory then relates the dual torus spacetime manifold to the subatomic
> group theoretical geometry of the cubeoctahedron (i.e.
> vector equilibrium), completing the picture at the quantum level.
> Both of these geometric structures and concepts are long-standing and
> fundamental components of Haramein’s research.
> Published in R. L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert&  J-P Vigier (eds.) Beyond The
> Standard Model: Searching For Unity In Physics, 153-168, © 2005 The Noetic
> Press, ISSN# 1528-3739.
> http://flux.aps.org/meetings/YR03/4CF03/baps/abs/S150016.html
> 1 page
> American Physical Society (APS) Meetings A Consideration of Torsion and
> Coriolis Effects in Einstein's Field Equations Four Corners Fall October
> 24-25, 2003 Meeting ID: 4CF03 Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
> Session S10 - Poster Session (During Extended Coffee Breaks Throughout
> Conference).
> POSTER session, Friday afternoon, October 24 Cochise, Memorial Union
> [S10.016] A Consideration of Torsion and Coriolis Effects in Einstein’s
> Field Equations
> Nassim Haramein, E.A. Rauscher (The Resonance Project)
> Recent observation of distant acceleration of observed supernovae and other
> cosmological objects lead to deviation from the usual Hubble’s constant, and
> resulted in the reintroduction of a nonzero cosmological constant in order
> to not only explain cosmological acceleration but also to formulate a model
> of galactic, stellar and other cosmological rotational structures.
> We introduce a variable form of \Lambda (M_4) where M_4 is the four
> dimensional Minkowski space.
> We also introduce additional terms in the stress energy tensor which
> accommodates torsion and the coriolis forces [1,2] reconciling the new terms
> with the properties of the inhomogeneous Lorentz transformations which are
> made so as to preserve the affine connections.
> Discussions are made about the implications of galactic, supernovae, etc.
> structures; also proper frame of reference is considered in detail.
> (1) R. Hammond, Gen. Rel. And Grav. 26, 247 (1994),
> (2) J.P. Vigier, lett. Nuovo Cimento 24, 258 (1979).
> The Quest for the Higgs Boson and the Planck Black Hole Production at the
> CERN Large Hadron Collider
> Fundamental Dynamics of Black Hole Physics
> View video of conference>>
> April Meeting 2002 :: Jointly Sponsored with the High Energy Astrophysics
> Division (HEAD) of the American Astronomical Society April 20 - 23, 2002;
> Albuquerque Convention Center; Albuquerque, New Mexico.
> The Role of the Vacuum Structure on a Revised Bootstrap Model of the GUT
> Scheme
> A Scaling Law for Organized Matter in The Universe
> View video of conference>>
> Joint Fall Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS and AAPT, and Zone
> 13 of the SPS October 4 - 6, 2001; Texas Christian University; Fort Worth,
> Texas.
> Resonance Email List
> Subscribe       Unsubscribe
> DVD Trailer
> Buy the DVD!
> The Resonance Project Foundation
> PO Box 764, Holualoa, HI 96725
> (808) 329-0070
> [hidden email]
> http://theresonanceproject.org/blog/
> The Resonance Project Foundation is excited to announce the launch of our
> new membership website!
> Join us in building a better world!
> Become a member of The Resonance Project Foundation and have access to
> critical information and updates in monthly newsletters and audio archives!
> The research and discoveries that are taking place at The Resonance Project
> can propel our civilization into a new evolutionary chapter that will
> resonate throughout humanity for generations to come.
> You can make it happen by becoming a member!
> Help us to help you!
> A tax deductible membership contribution of as little as $10 a month makes a
> big difference and makes it possible for our research team to continue its
> essential progress.
> It is time to activate the power of the people to support this research for
> the people, by the people.
> Read more and join us!
> Please forward this to all concerned!
> Leave a Comment :audio archives, membership, newsletter more...
> Haramein at the Science&  Nonduality Conference by admin on Oct.11, 2010,
> under Astrophysics, Events Our Director of Research Nassim Haramein will be
> speaking at the Science and Nonduality Conference in San Rafael, California
> later this month.
> Details are as follows:
> Event: Workshop
> Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
> Time: 2:00–6:00 PM
> Location: Embassy Suites, San Rafael, California
> Room: Santa Rosa room
> Event: Afternoon Plenary Session
> Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010
> Time: 4:30-6:30 PM
> Location: Embassy Suites, San Rafael, California
> Room: San Rafael Ballroom
> For registration and more information please go to
> http://www.scienceandnonduality.com
> Thank you!
> P.S. We are working on the new membership site so stay tuned for upcoming
> announcements!
> a Comment:
> Nonduality
> October 22nd, 2010 on 2:21 am
> Hi, Nonduality means that the inner revelation and the outer expression of
> the personality are one and the same.
> So few seem to be interested in the greater implication contained within
> profound spiritual experiences, because it is the contemplation of these
> implications which quickly brings to awareness the inner divisions existing
> within most seekers.
> http://www.theresonanceproject.org/personnel.html
> About Nassim Haramein
> Nassim Haramein was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1962.
> As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already developing the basis for a
> unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he eventually
> called the “Holofractographic Universe.”
> Nassim has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry of
> hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics,
> cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology and
> ancient civilizations.
> Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of nature,
> he discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be fundamental to
> creation, and the foundation for his Unified Field Theory emerged.
> This unification theory, known as the Haramein-Rauscher metric, is a new
> solution to Einstein’s Field Equations that incorporates torque and Coriolis
> effects.
> Laying down the foundation of what could be a fundamental change in our
> current understandings of physics and consciousness, this groundbreaking
> theory has now been delivered to the scientific community through
> peer-reviewed papers and presentations at international physics conferences.
> Fluent in both French and English, Mr. Haramein has been giving lectures and
> seminars on his unification theory for over 10 years, mostly in the U.S. and
> Canada.
> His lectures are multimedia presentations that lead his audiences through
> the validity of his theories with observational and theoretical data.
> He has presented at such institutions as the Department of Physics at
> Georgia Tech, the Department of Physics at University of Nebraska at Omaha,
> and Fellows of the Department of Education at the University of Montreal,
> and his unification model has now been delivered to the American Physical
> Society.
> In addition to his scientific papers, Mr. Haramein imparts this theory in a
> layman’s paper, a 4 DVD set entitled “Crossing the Event Horizon:
> Rise to the Equation,” and his international speaking tours.
> In the past 20 years, Mr. Haramein has directed research teams of
> physicists, electrical engineers, mathematicians and other scientists.
> He has founded a non-profit organization, the Resonance Project Foundation,
> where, as the Director of Research, he continues exploring unification
> principles and their implications in our world today.
> The foundation is actively developing a research park on the island of
> Hawai’i where science, sustainability, green technology, and permaculture
> come together.
> Elizabeth Rauscher Ph.D.
> E. A. Rauscher, Ph.D. (Nuclear Physics and Engineering, University of
> California at Berkeley). Dr. Rauscher was a nuclear scientist and researcher
> at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and at Stanford Research
> Institute, Professor of Physics at John F. Kennedy University of California,
> research consultant to NASA (space shuttle program) and the U.S. Navy.
> Dr. Rauscher served on the Congressional OTA Advisory Committee, and has
> been Delegate and advisor to the United Nations.
> Recognized for major contributions in Marquis Who's Who of Men and Women in
> Science, Who's Who in California and in Technology Today, Leading
> Consultants in Technology, DOE top ten man and women in USA science award,
> USPA Leaders of America Life Time Membership Award. Dr.
> Rauscher also received the award for Outstanding Contribution to Astronomy
> and Astrophysics, American Astronomical Society Meeting, Lawrence Hall of
> Science, and the CSPS Hall of Fame Award by the California Society for
> Physical Studies for Outstanding Research in Bioelectromagnetism, the
> Foundations of Quantum Theory, and Contributions to Humanity. Also recipient
> of a Medal of Honor for contributions to Unity of the Sciences, Seoul Korea,
> and many other awards. Dr. Rauscher is author of over 250 scientific papers,
> 4 books,
> 3 US patents and held 1 European patent.
> Michael T. Hyson Ph.D.
> Michael was born on July 5, 1948 in Rockford, Illinois and spent his early
> life in Winnebago, Illinois on a small farm. He was greatly inspired by his
> father, Eugene, a microbiologist who helped develop yellow fever vaccine.
> Eventually, Dr. Hyson attained a BS in Biology at the University of Miami in
> 1970, followed by a MS in Biology in 1973, and a Ph.D. in Biology in 1976
> with specialization in neurobiology. From 1977-79 he pursued a Post
> Doctorate in Bioinformation Systems at CalTech. From
> 1980-87 he worked as a systems engineer for electrostatic levitation at Jet
> Propulsion Laboratories (JPL). From 1988-89 he functioned as research
> director at Pacific American Launch Systems. From 1990 to the present day he
> is the Research Director of the Sirius Institute.
> Presently he is a full-time Consultant with the Resonance Project Foundation
> and a member of the Board of Directors.
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives,
> unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: "We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a Schwarzchild entity..." Nassim Haramein [oops, into nonduality...]: Rich Murray 2010.01.26

46 posts
In reply to this post by Rich Murray-2
Wow, this has all the hallmarks of a crackpot organization:

- unification of relativity, quantum mechanics and permaculture
- enlightened and beatified genius children
- holofractographical supercallafragilistic gobbledigook
- a small $10/month contribution

If these guys aren't bogus, then they definitely need a new marketing department!


On 27 January 2011 17:45, Rich Murray <[hidden email]> wrote:
"We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a
Schwarzchild entity..." Nassim Haramein  [oops, into nonduality...]:
Rich Murray 2010.01.26

N. Haramein, The Schwarzschild Proton, AIP CP 1303, ISBN
978-0-7354-0858-6, pp. 95-100, December 2010.

6 page

The Schwarzschild Proton  [hidden email]

"We have presented evidence that the proton may be considered as a
Schwarzchild entity and that such a system predicts remarkably well,
even under crude approximations utilizing semi-classical mechanics,
its interaction time, its radiation emissions, its magnetic moment,
and the possible origin of the nucleon confinement in terms of
spacetime curvature..."

19 references, including 4 by N. Haramein since 2005 with colleagues



Nassim Haramein's award winning scientific paper, "The Schwarzschild
Proton," has passed the peer review process and has been published at
the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings.
The table of contents of the proceedings book can be found on their
site and should soon be updated with full text.

This paper received a Best Paper Award in the field of "Physics,
Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Field Theory, and Gravitation" at the
University of Liège, Belgium during the 9th International Conference
CASYS'09 (Computing Anticipatory Systems).


18 page

Spinors, Twistors, Quaternions, and the “Spacetime” Torus Topology
(PDF), by Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

This significant paper marks a new paradigm in the world of quantum
theory, as it describes the nuclei of an atoms as a mini black hole,
where protons are attracted to each other by gravitation rather than
some mysterious undefined "strong force."
This radical new view of the quantum world produces a unification of
the forces and appropriately predicts measured values for the nucleon
of an atom.

Much more work must be done to complete the picture, yet this simple
paper is already producing remarkable results!

We have introduced torque and Coriolis forces in Einstein's field
equation to form an expression for the spin driving forces that we
observe in a vast variety of cosmological, classical, and quantum
domain phenomenon.
This approach appears to fit well with the spinor approach in the
Dirac formalism in the quantum domain, that is, that the Lorentz
conditions applied by Einstein in relativity may be the origin of the
spinor and, hence, be the fundamental theory that yields the spinor
formalism and the role of spin in physical phenomena.

The dual torus topology occupies a central role in the spinor, twistor
and quaternionic formulation.
This topology appears to be ubiquitous in astrophysical and
cosmological phenomena and is predicted by the U4 bubble of the affine
connection in the Haramein-Rauscher solution to Einstein’s field
The geometric structure of the complexified Minkowski space is
associated with the twistor algebra, spinor calculus, and the SUn
groups of the quaternionic formalism.
Hence quantum theory and relativity are related mathematically through
the dual torus topology.

We have demonstrated a unique relationship of the dual torus topology
to the spinor calculus, twistor algebra and the quaternionic
This topology appears to be ubiquitous in Nature and may result from
spacetime torque and Coriolis forces generating spin/rotation at all
scales, from galactic and stellar objects, supernovae, to the weather
patterns in the Earth’s atmosphere, and may even be a key to defining
an electron’s path.
The tori form appears to also occupy a role in unification models
through the group utilized in supersymmetry models.

Logic and Semantics in Front of Nanoscale Physics;
6th BCSCMsG International Symposium on Rewrite Science;
VIth International Symposium in Honor of Jean-Pierre Vigier.
Partial Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference CASYS'07 on
Computing Anticipatory Systems, Institute of Mathematics, Liège,
Belgium, August 6-11, 2007
D. M. Dubois (Ed.),
Publ. by CHAOS, Vol. 22, 2008. ISSN 1373-5411 ISBN 2-930396-09-1.


Scale Unification – A Universal Scaling Law For Organized Matter (PDF),
by Nassim Haramein, Michael Hyson, and E.A. Rauscher.  21 page

From observational data and our theoretical analysis, we demonstrate
that a scaling law can be written for all organized matter utilizing
the Schwarzschild condition of a black hole, describing cosmological
to sub-atomic structures.
Of interest are solutions involving torque and Coriolis effects in the
field equations.
Significant observations have led to theoretical and experimental
advancement describing systems undergoing gravitational collapse,
including vacuum interactions.
The universality of this scaling law suggests an underlying
polarizable structured vacuum of mini white holes / black holes.
As the atomic and subatomic data points levels obey the scaling law, a
computation is given demonstrating that the proton can be defined in
terms of a Schwarzschild condition, when the vacuum structure is
Further, we briefly discuss the manner in which this polarizable
structured vacuum can be described in terms of resolutions analogous
to a fractal-like scaling as a means of renormalization at the Planck
Finally, we describe a new horizon we term the “spin horizon” which is
defined as a result of a spacetime torque producing boundary
conditions in the magnetohydrodynamic structures of galactic center
black holes, which we demonstrate obeys similar dynamics as the
interior of our sun.

Amoroso, R.L., Diens, I., & Varga, C., (eds)
Oakland: The Noetic Press, ISBN 9780967868776

52 pages

Collective Coherent Oscillation Plasma Modes In Surrounding Media of
Black Holes and Vacuum Structure - Quantum Processes with
Considerations of Spacetime Torque and Coriolis Forces (PDF),
by Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

This paper details the dynamics of coherent bodies such as stars,
black holes, and galaxies and provides in depth information about the
nature of plasma and the vacuum at the quantum level.

Published in R. L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (eds.)
Beyond The Standard Model: Searching For Unity In Physics, 279-331.
© 2005 The Noetic Press, ISSN# 1528-3739.

16 page

"The Origin of Spin: A Consideration of Torque and Coriolis Forces in
Einstein's Field Equations and Grand Unification Theory" (PDF),
by Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

This paper constitutes a foundational description of the source of
angular momentum/spin at all scales (from macro systems to micro
subatomic particle structures) rendering a unified view of gravitation
to the other forces such as electromagnetism, strong and weak force.
It does so by using the dual torus U4 bubble spacetime manifold
resulting from the inclusion of torque and Coriolis forces in
Einstein’s gravitational equations.
The theory then relates the dual torus spacetime manifold to the
subatomic group theoretical geometry of the cubeoctahedron (i.e.
vector equilibrium), completing the picture at the quantum level.
Both of these geometric structures and concepts are long-standing and
fundamental components of Haramein’s research.

Published in R. L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (eds.)
Beyond The Standard Model: Searching For Unity In Physics, 153-168,
© 2005 The Noetic Press, ISSN# 1528-3739.

1 page

American Physical Society (APS) Meetings
A Consideration of Torsion and Coriolis Effects in Einstein's Field Equations
Four Corners Fall October 24-25, 2003 Meeting ID: 4CF03
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.

Session S10 - Poster Session (During Extended Coffee Breaks Throughout
POSTER session, Friday afternoon, October 24
Cochise, Memorial Union

[S10.016] A Consideration of Torsion and Coriolis Effects in
Einstein’s Field Equations

Nassim Haramein, E.A. Rauscher (The Resonance Project)

Recent observation of distant acceleration of observed supernovae and
other cosmological objects lead to deviation from the usual Hubble’s
constant, and resulted in the reintroduction of a nonzero cosmological
constant in order to not only explain cosmological acceleration but
also to formulate a model of galactic, stellar and other cosmological
rotational structures.
We introduce a variable form of \Lambda (M_4) where M_4 is the four
dimensional Minkowski space.
We also introduce additional terms in the stress energy tensor which
accommodates torsion and the coriolis forces [1,2] reconciling the new
terms with the properties of the inhomogeneous Lorentz transformations
which are made so as to preserve the affine connections.
Discussions are made about the implications of galactic, supernovae,
etc. structures;
also proper frame of reference is considered in detail.

(1) R. Hammond, Gen. Rel. And Grav. 26, 247 (1994),
(2) J.P. Vigier, lett. Nuovo Cimento 24, 258 (1979).

The Quest for the Higgs Boson and the Planck Black Hole Production at
the CERN Large Hadron Collider

Fundamental Dynamics of Black Hole Physics

View video of conference >>

April Meeting 2002 :: Jointly Sponsored with the High Energy
Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the American Astronomical Society
April 20 - 23, 2002; Albuquerque Convention Center; Albuquerque, New

The Role of the Vacuum Structure on a Revised Bootstrap Model of the GUT Scheme

A Scaling Law for Organized Matter in The Universe

View video of conference >>

Joint Fall Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS and AAPT, and Zone
13 of the SPS October 4 - 6, 2001; Texas Christian University; Fort
Worth, Texas.

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Haramein at the Science & Nonduality Conference
by admin on Oct.11, 2010, under Astrophysics, Events
Our Director of Research Nassim Haramein will be speaking at the
Science and Nonduality Conference in San Rafael, California later this
Details are as follows:
Event: Workshop
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Time: 2:00–6:00 PM
Location: Embassy Suites, San Rafael, California
Room: Santa Rosa room
Event: Afternoon Plenary Session
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010
Time: 4:30-6:30 PM
Location: Embassy Suites, San Rafael, California
Room: San Rafael Ballroom
For registration and more information please go to
Thank you!
P.S. We are working on the new membership site so stay tuned for
upcoming announcements!

a Comment:

October 22nd, 2010 on 2:21 am
Hi, Nonduality means that the inner revelation and the outer
expression of the personality are one and the same.
So few seem to be interested in the greater implication contained
within profound spiritual experiences, because it is the contemplation
of these implications which quickly brings to awareness the inner
divisions existing within most seekers.


About Nassim Haramein

Nassim Haramein was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1962.

As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already developing the basis for a
unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he
eventually called the “Holofractographic Universe.”

Nassim has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry
of hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics,
cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology
and ancient civilizations.
Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of
nature, he discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be
fundamental to creation, and the foundation for his Unified Field
Theory emerged.
This unification theory, known as the Haramein-Rauscher metric, is a
new solution to Einstein’s Field Equations that incorporates torque
and Coriolis effects.
Laying down the foundation of what could be a fundamental change in
our current understandings of physics and consciousness, this
groundbreaking theory has now been delivered to the scientific
community through peer-reviewed papers and presentations at
international physics conferences.
Fluent in both French and English, Mr. Haramein has been giving
lectures and seminars on his unification theory for over 10 years,
mostly in the U.S. and Canada.
His lectures are multimedia presentations that lead his audiences
through the validity of his theories with observational and
theoretical data.
He has presented at such institutions as the Department of Physics at
Georgia Tech, the Department of Physics at University of Nebraska at
Omaha, and Fellows of the Department of Education at the University of
Montreal, and his unification model has now been delivered to the
American Physical Society.
In addition to his scientific papers, Mr. Haramein imparts this theory
in a layman’s paper, a 4 DVD set entitled “Crossing the Event Horizon:
Rise to the Equation,” and his international speaking tours.
In the past 20 years, Mr. Haramein has directed research teams of
physicists, electrical engineers, mathematicians and other scientists.
He has founded a non-profit organization, the Resonance Project
Foundation, where, as the Director of Research, he continues exploring
unification principles and their implications in our world today.
The foundation is actively developing a research park on the island of
Hawai’i where science, sustainability, green technology, and
permaculture come together.

Elizabeth Rauscher Ph.D.

E. A. Rauscher, Ph.D. (Nuclear Physics and Engineering, University of
California at Berkeley). Dr. Rauscher was a nuclear scientist and
researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and at Stanford
Research Institute, Professor of Physics at John F. Kennedy University
of California, research consultant to NASA (space shuttle program) and
the U.S. Navy.

Dr. Rauscher served on the Congressional OTA Advisory Committee, and
has been Delegate and advisor to the United Nations.
Recognized for major contributions in Marquis Who's Who of Men and
Women in Science, Who's Who in California and in Technology Today,
Leading Consultants in Technology, DOE top ten man and women in USA
science award, USPA Leaders of America Life Time Membership Award. Dr.
Rauscher also received the award for Outstanding Contribution to
Astronomy and Astrophysics, American Astronomical Society Meeting,
Lawrence Hall of Science, and the CSPS Hall of Fame Award by the
California Society for Physical Studies for Outstanding Research in
Bioelectromagnetism, the Foundations of Quantum Theory, and
Contributions to Humanity. Also recipient of a Medal of Honor for
contributions to Unity of the Sciences, Seoul Korea, and many other
awards. Dr. Rauscher is author of over 250 scientific papers, 4 books,
3 US patents and held 1 European patent.

Michael T. Hyson Ph.D.

Michael was born on July 5, 1948 in Rockford, Illinois and spent his
early life in Winnebago, Illinois on a small farm. He was greatly
inspired by his father, Eugene, a microbiologist who helped develop
yellow fever vaccine.
Eventually, Dr. Hyson attained a BS in Biology at the University of
Miami in 1970, followed by a MS in Biology in 1973, and a Ph.D. in
Biology in 1976 with specialization in neurobiology. From 1977-79 he
pursued a Post Doctorate in Bioinformation Systems at CalTech. From
1980-87 he worked as a systems engineer for electrostatic levitation
at Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL). From 1988-89 he functioned as
research director at Pacific American Launch Systems. From 1990 to the
present day he is the Research Director of the Sirius Institute.
Presently he is a full-time Consultant with the Resonance Project
Foundation and a member of the Board of Directors.

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Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Saul Caganoff
Enterprise IT Architect
Mobile: +61 410 430 809
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/scaganoff

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org