Signed Email

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Signed Email

Owen Densmore
I'm considering use of secure email: encrypted/decrypted with public  
key crypto.  Do many folks do this?  I'd be interested to here their  

     -- Owen

Owen Densmore - - - http://

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Signed Email

Tim Densmore
Hash: SHA1

Actually encrypting the mail, or just digitally signing it?  Either
way, look at GPGMail - it's a 3rd party add-on for that I
found easy to install and very user friendly.  Not sure it works with
tiger yet though...

Thank you,
Tim Densmore

- --------------------------

"Linux could drink FreeBSD under the table."

- -Unknown Internet Source
On Sep 14, 2005, at 8:39 AM, Owen Densmore wrote:

> I'm considering use of secure email: encrypted/decrypted with public
> key crypto.  Do many folks do this?  I'd be interested to here their
> experiences.
>      -- Owen
> Owen Densmore - - - http://
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9:30a-11:30 at ad hoc locations
> Lecture schedule, archives, unsubscribe, etc.:

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


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Signed Email

Owen Densmore
On Sep 14, 2005, at 9:44 AM, Tim Densmore wrote:
> Actually encrypting the mail, or just digitally signing it?

Good point.  I suppose the high order bit is simply digitally signing  
it so that it insures the mail is from me.  Authentication vs Privacy.

> Either
> way, look at GPGMail - it's a 3rd party add-on for that I
> found easy to install and very user friendly.  Not sure it works with
> tiger yet though...

I'll check it out.

> Thank you,
> Tim Densmore
> - --------------------------
> "Linux could drink FreeBSD under the table."

     -- Owen

Owen Densmore - - - http://

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Signed Email

Tom Carter
In reply to this post by Owen Densmore
Owen -

   I have things set up for myself to do authentication (digital  
signing) and encryption, although I end up not using either very  
much.  The easy part is the app - the Apple mail app (in Tiger) is  
all set up to do it (as I write this, there are two little icons  
waiting for my click).  I can't encrypt this, because I "do not have  
the public key for The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee  
Group" (so it says when I click on the little lock) . . .

   The slightly harder part was getting my own public/private key  
pair.  I ended up using the Thawte Group ( ( )  
for certification.

   Sending this "signed" should make it possible for you to test  
sending an encrypted email back to me after you get your key pair . . .


p.s. - Tim - can you encrypt back to me?  Does GPG inter-operate with  
Tiger mail?

On Sep 14, 2005, at 7:39 AM, Owen Densmore wrote:

> I'm considering use of secure email: encrypted/decrypted with public
> key crypto.  Do many folks do this?  I'd be interested to here their
> experiences.
>      -- Owen
> Owen Densmore - - - http://
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9:30a-11:30 at ad hoc locations
> Lecture schedule, archives, unsubscribe, etc.:

-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: smime.p7s
Type: application/pkcs7-signature
Size: 2375 bytes
Desc: not available
Url :

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Signed Email

Tim Densmore
Yup - I get a little "signed" indicator.  I do not, however, see your
hash in plain text.

To get myself a key, I just used fink to install GPG and then created a

Thank you,
Tim Densmore


If I have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing
on my shoulders.
-- Hal Abelson

On Sep 14, 2005, at 12:02 PM, Tom Carter wrote:

> Owen -
>   I have things set up for myself to do authentication (digital
> signing) and encryption, although I end up not using either very much.
>  The easy part is the app - the Apple mail app (in Tiger) is all set
> up to do it (as I write this, there are two little icons waiting for
> my click).  I can't encrypt this, because I "do not have the public
> key for The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group" (so it
> says when I click on the little lock) . . .
>   The slightly harder part was getting my own public/private key pair.
>  I ended up using the Thawte Group ( ( ) for
> certification.
>   Sending this "signed" should make it possible for you to test
> sending an encrypted email back to me after you get your key pair . .
> .
> tom
> p.s. - Tim - can you encrypt back to me?  Does GPG inter-operate with
> Tiger mail?
> On Sep 14, 2005, at 7:39 AM, Owen Densmore wrote:
>> I'm considering use of secure email: encrypted/decrypted with public
>> key crypto.  Do many folks do this?  I'd be interested to here their
>> experiences.
>>      -- Owen
>> Owen Densmore - - - http://
>> ============================================================
>> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
>> Meets Fridays 9:30a-11:30 at ad hoc locations
>> Lecture schedule, archives, unsubscribe, etc.:
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9:30a-11:30 at ad hoc locations
> Lecture schedule, archives, unsubscribe, etc.:

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Signed Email

Russell Standish
In reply to this post by Owen Densmore
I use mutt for my mail client, and GnuPG for signing/encryption. This
works extremely well, and is easy to set up. However, a certain
popular mail client that refuses to grok signed email (I believe it is
one of the Outlook variants) and displays signed email as a blank
page, despite email signing being an internet standard for more than a

As a consequence, I've turned off autosigning for most email lists
(some email lists have a blanket policy on attachments, so refuse
signed emails).


On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 08:39:27AM -0600, Owen Densmore wrote:

> I'm considering use of secure email: encrypted/decrypted with public  
> key crypto.  Do many folks do this?  I'd be interested to here their  
> experiences.
>      -- Owen
> Owen Densmore - - - http://
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9:30a-11:30 at ad hoc locations
> Lecture schedule, archives, unsubscribe, etc.:

*PS: A number of people ask me about the attachment to my email, which
is of type "application/pgp-signature". Don't worry, it is not a
virus. It is an electronic signature, that may be used to verify this
email came from me if you have PGP or GPG installed. Otherwise, you
may safely ignore this attachment.

A/Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 8308 3119 (mobile)
Mathematics                               0425 253119 (")
UNSW SYDNEY 2052                 R.Standish at            
            International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

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Signed Email

Owen Densmore
In reply to this post by Tom Carter
I found an interesting talk about this topic:
Does a reasonable job of comparing using the basic built-in Mac x.509  
certificates vs the more open GPG system mentioned in this topic.

     -- Owen

Owen Densmore - -