Mathematics and Music

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Re: Mathematics and Music

Paul Paryski
Carl et al,

Yes, perhaps mathematics is built into our brains which seem (again speaking out of innocent ignorance) function somewhat as a binary electrical system.  And perhaps our nervous system reflects the "nature" of the universe.

As many philosophers, e.g., Whitehead, have postulated, knowledge and science is based on evolving metaphors that get better and better but never perfect.  But what does this mean for mathematics which claims to be perfectly logical in spite of irrational numbers?

I do like Carl's response to David.


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Re: Mathematics and Music

Prof David West
In reply to this post by Marcus G. Daniels

A computer program, currently, is an attempt to mathematize; and the
goal of traditional computer science is to refine the process of
creating a computer program to the purely formal / mathematical.  It is
still an attempt, because a huge gulf remains between what I want and
can say about what I want in a natural language and what the computer
can 'hear' with its mathematical 'ears.'


On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 15:30:47 -0600, "Marcus G. Daniels"
<[hidden email]> said:

> Michael Agar wrote:
> > Is a computer program a mathematization?
> >  
> Proof is that Mathematica is in large part written in the functional
> programming language Mathematica, and Macsyma/Maxima written in Lisp.
> Marcus
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Re: Mathematics and Music

Prof David West
In reply to this post by Carl Tollander

On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:39:40 -0600, "Carl Tollander" <[hidden email]>
> Perhaps the invention is intrinsic?   The either/or conundrum seems
> artificial, unless one buys into a narrower definition of mathematician.
> C.

the mathematician is channeling the universe as it expresses itself?

> Prof David West wrote:
> >
> > Mathematicians have asserted both positions - some believing that math
> > is a process of "discovery" of the intrinsic nature of the universe (or
> > the mind of God) while others believe it is a process of "invention" and
> > isomorphism between the invention and the universe is serendipitous.
> >
> > davew
> >
> > On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:23:50 EDT, [hidden email] said:
> >> A larger question might be (perhaps indicating my own ignorance) : is
> >> mathematics inherent in the universe or a rational construct of the human
> >> mind?  
> >> Paul
> >>
> >>
> >> **************
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> >
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Re: Mathematics and Music

Prof David West
In reply to this post by Günther Greindl

> >
> > But to make it into science, which means that you can make predictive
> > models certainly means mathematizing the theory.
> >

 As a human being, and as an anthropologist, I can make predictions and
 create predictive models based on a largely non-conscious understanding
 of culture.  Such predictions are not based on mathematics (a
 mathematics of culture is pragmatically impossible at the moment).
 Predictive models do not a science make.

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Re: Mathematics and Music

Marcus G. Daniels
In reply to this post by Prof David West
Prof David West wrote:
> A computer program, currently, is an attempt to mathematize; and the
> goal of traditional computer science is to refine the process of
> creating a computer program to the purely formal / mathematical.  It is
> still an attempt, because a huge gulf remains between what I want and
> can say about what I want in a natural language and what the computer
> can 'hear' with its mathematical 'ears.'
I think the challenge is not to just facilitate use of natural
language.   Natural language has the benefit of tolerating ambiguity and
thus making it possible to communicate half of an idea while continuing
a conversation.   But I doubt that it is language issue per se.  In
describing a problem to, say, a skilled computer programmer, the
programmer often models the intent in more operational and precise way
than the speaker delivers it.   She has the benefit of sharing a lot of
common knowledge with the speaker, the challenge of acquiring domain
relevant knowledge which she does not share, and also having to keep
track of inconsistencies in the story, teasing apart things that are
clearly unspecified from those that come from her lack of knowledge of
the domain (things that are nailed down but not obviously so).

What we don't have now are programming systems that can take a vague set
of propositions and instantiate possible candidate computer programs for
evaluation.   I think the answer is not magical automatic computer
programming that can cope with the most muddled of thoughts, but many
computer aided analysis and synthesis tools that help communicate back
to the user what is not resolved in their idea and the consequences of
that, i.e. I think humans have to change too.

I would further argue that computer programs are a good way to move from
coarse to refined science.  A computer program is more expressive than
the mathematical toolbox can handle, but with it can also move in that
direction.  It's a good staging ground for formalization.


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Re: Mathematics and Music

Carl Tollander
In reply to this post by Prof David West
...or vice-versa, depending on which sort of mathematician you are
today...I think I would be more content with a universe that continually
reinvents itself rather than one that waits patiently to be discovered.  
The former seems more happily complex.  Pi would be more conserved over
time than given at Boot Time.

Prof David West wrote:

> On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:39:40 -0600, "Carl Tollander" <[hidden email]>
> said:
>> Perhaps the invention is intrinsic?   The either/or conundrum seems
>> artificial, unless one buys into a narrower definition of mathematician.
>> C.
> the mathematician is channeling the universe as it expresses itself?
>> Prof David West wrote:
>>> Mathematicians have asserted both positions - some believing that math
>>> is a process of "discovery" of the intrinsic nature of the universe (or
>>> the mind of God) while others believe it is a process of "invention" and
>>> isomorphism between the invention and the universe is serendipitous.
>>> davew
>>> On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:23:50 EDT, [hidden email] said:
>>>> A larger question might be (perhaps indicating my own ignorance) : is
>>>> mathematics inherent in the universe or a rational construct of the human
>>>> mind?  
>>>> Paul
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Re: Mathematics and Music

glen ep ropella
In reply to this post by Günther Greindl
Günther Greindl wrote:
> Hmm - in the background he will have hypotheses; knowledge which is
> implicit in the neural weigthing in his brain (representing the evidence
> he has seen and categorized). So the physician has a mathematical
> (probabilistic) model of the situation, albeit maybe not
> verbalized/symbolized. He is probably not even aware of the mathamtics
> his brain embodies.

Excellent point!  But, I'm not sure it's right to call that wet-ware
"mathematics".  It is certainly correct to call it a model, though.
More specifically, the physician's brain (in that mode) is an analog of
the patient.  (By "analog", I mean one extant object that mimics or is
largely similar -- by some similarity measure -- some other extant object.)

It would be closer to say that the physician's wet-ware brain is an
implementation of a (implicit) mathematical model.  Or, perhaps it would
be better to say that the wet-ware _could_ be mathematically described
but isn't.

So, I agree with you that it's a model; but I disagree that it's a
mathematical model except in the pathological limit-case where all of
reality is somehow defined as "mathematics".  A strong Platonist might
well say that all reality is mathematics.  And if that's your point,
then it's well taken!

I find such an extreme limit case degenerate, though, because it
obviates the need for one of the two words.  If all reality is math and
all math is reality, then we don't need both terms and we shouldn't use
both terms.  We could just say stuff like:

"Bobby, go and do your reality homework!" [grin]

> When you go mathematical, you make it explicit. Knowledge can be
> transferred exactly. You can even mechanize it, meaning that you do not
> rely on neural weighting of the brain to which you communicate (drawing
> on the other person's experience of living in the same world as you
> actually).

I can't argue with that!  I'd like to; but I can't.  Since I'm
obstinate, however, if I were able to argue against it, I'd have to go
back to the distinction between a real object versus a
representation/description of an object.  a.k.a. an implementation vs. a

A construct in math, being a story/description/specification would then
be _less_ particular than an implementation that was described by that
story.  If the story were so very explicit as to permit only 1
implementation, _then_ we might be able to claim what you claim ... that
knowledge can be transferred exactly with math.

But if the mapping from the set of constructs to the set of real things
is not injective, then that leaves open the chance that any one story
defines an equivalence class of implementations.  And that means that
the implementations are _more_ exact than the story.

glen e. p. ropella, 971-219-3846,

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Re: Mathematics and Music

Carl Tollander
In reply to this post by Marcus G. Daniels
So maybe simulated annealing is another way of looking at it.  But...

In the tradition-orientation that Corfield is describing, the "hill
climbers" would be talking to each other, and refining their ears.  In
any case, I don't view this as necessarily an optimization problem (see
the companion comment on invention vs discovery).

As an example, I have recently taken up Taiko.   Each dojo has its own
set of teachings, how the drums are positioned, what kinds of drums are
used, what kinds of stands, how music is played, what music is played,
how much to emphasize choreography, pedagogy, how to practice, overall
philosophy, and so on.   Teachers and students from other places
occasionally come by with other ways of going about it, maybe there are
different lineages, maybe they are exploring some relatively new way of
playing.  And they say, ya know, you guys are doing things differently
from the way I do it, but I will respect your way and try to show what I
know in that context.  And everybody learns a bit and gets a bit better
as a result of that.  But the dojo refines itself in that process, it's
not a compromise.

Sometimes a guy comes by and sez, no no, you're not playing it right, my
way is the way, or worse, you guys do what you want, I'm gonna play it
my way, and maybe  you should all come study with me.

I mention this example, because it seems to me that (1) it reflects the
T&G conversations between working mathematicians I personally read
online (which, admittedly, is not the same as actual experience), and
(2) it highlights the desirability for inquiry of parallel tracks among
a set of local foci that occasionally communicate - consolidating dojos
(or mathematical centers) would not result in as much progress (moving
the exploration and invention along) as the current  system.  

It seems more of a jazz ethic than an academic ethic.


Marcus G. Daniels wrote:

> Carl Tollander wrote:
>> the G guy is trying to discredit the other guy by
>> showing that he is just on a power trip of some sort.  I tend to look at
>> them as subtractive (G) and additive (T) sculpture - complementary if
>> some common goal is in mind, but the G guy never gets there, as he has
>> no motivation or handy mechanism to do so.  
> Yet the Will to Power is served by discovery and invention, as well as
> by criticism.   A risk for the T guy is that the `intellectuals' in his
> community are not acting in good faith and not trying to do more than
> just refine a self-consistent story, which can then be passed on as the
> canon.   So it could be the reverse, the T guys are the subtractive or
> inhibitory player.  
> Imagine optimizing a function of many variables using hillclimbing.  In
> a bumpy landscape, the single trajectory (the community) will soon get
> stuck at a local optimum, even though up to that point progress was
> being made.   Better not to follow any search rules and just randomly
> pick points for a while (multiple trajectories/communities/individuals).
> Put another way, there are countless questions to ask, and certain
> communities may serve just to create a comfortable consensus reality
> which then fails to explore a problem thoroughly enough.
> Marcus
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Re: Mathematics and Music

Robert Holmes
In reply to this post by Prof David West
Let me see if I've followed David's argument... science doesn't need math and it doesn't need to possess any predictive power and - given the cultural/individual specificity of metaphors - reproducibility seems kinda optional. So exactly what does something need to make it science?


On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Prof David West <[hidden email]> wrote:

 As a human being, and as an anthropologist, I can make predictions and
 create predictive models based on a largely non-conscious understanding
 of culture.  Such predictions are not based on mathematics (a
 mathematics of culture is pragmatically impossible at the moment).
 Predictive models do not a science make.


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Re: Mathematics and Music

Michael Agar
In reply to this post by Nick Thompson
Damned if I know. Clarity of an assertion about how the world works with intent to revise against subsequent experience?

Probably spent too much time in Vienna.


>>> "Robert Holmes" <[hidden email]> 07/12/08 5:31 PM >>>
Let me see if I've followed David's argument... science doesn't need math
and it doesn't need to possess any predictive power and - given the
cultural/individual specificity of metaphors - reproducibility seems kinda
optional. So exactly what does something need to make it science?


On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Prof David West <[hidden email]>

>  As a human being, and as an anthropologist, I can make predictions and
>  create predictive models based on a largely non-conscious understanding
>  of culture.  Such predictions are not based on mathematics (a
>  mathematics of culture is pragmatically impossible at the moment).
>  Predictive models do not a science make.
>  davew
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Re: Mathematics and Music

Carl Tollander
Coherent is good, but an epithet we usually reserve for scientific
theories more than science per se.

Michael Agar wrote:

> Damned if I know. Clarity of an assertion about how the world works with intent to revise against subsequent experience?
> Probably spent too much time in Vienna.
> Mike
>>>> "Robert Holmes" <[hidden email]> 07/12/08 5:31 PM >>>
> Let me see if I've followed David's argument... science doesn't need math
> and it doesn't need to possess any predictive power and - given the
> cultural/individual specificity of metaphors - reproducibility seems kinda
> optional. So exactly what does something need to make it science?
> Robert
> On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Prof David West <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
>>  As a human being, and as an anthropologist, I can make predictions and
>>  create predictive models based on a largely non-conscious understanding
>>  of culture.  Such predictions are not based on mathematics (a
>>  mathematics of culture is pragmatically impossible at the moment).
>>  Predictive models do not a science make.
>>  davew
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Re: Mathematics and Music

Michael Agar
Hola Carlos. (I'm in Buenos Aires)

I don't want to separate theory from practice like that. And  
"coherent" in the Euclidean sense of consistent axioms isn't what I  
meant by "clarity." Clarity can be about where in the assertion  
contradictions and contingencies are made explicit, the sorts of  
things that make for an interesting ABM.

I dunno, I just work here.


On Jul 13, 2008, at 9:47 AM, Carl Tollander wrote:

> Coherent is good, but an epithet we usually reserve for scientific
> theories more than science per se.
> Michael Agar wrote:
>> Damned if I know. Clarity of an assertion about how the world  
>> works with intent to revise against subsequent experience?
>> Probably spent too much time in Vienna.
>> Mike
>>>>> "Robert Holmes" <[hidden email]> 07/12/08 5:31 PM >>>
>> Let me see if I've followed David's argument... science doesn't  
>> need math
>> and it doesn't need to possess any predictive power and - given the
>> cultural/individual specificity of metaphors - reproducibility  
>> seems kinda
>> optional. So exactly what does something need to make it science?
>> Robert
>> On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Prof David West  
>> <[hidden email]>
>> wrote:
>>>  As a human being, and as an anthropologist, I can make  
>>> predictions and
>>>  create predictive models based on a largely non-conscious  
>>> understanding
>>>  of culture.  Such predictions are not based on mathematics (a
>>>  mathematics of culture is pragmatically impossible at the moment).
>>>  Predictive models do not a science make.
>>>  davew
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Re: Mathematics and Music - missed opportunity

Phil Henshaw-2
In reply to this post by glen ep ropella
I think what may be holding back the math is our failure to go to the next
level and consider change as a physical process.  When you do that you find
what nature actually does much more interesting and inspiring than anything
we can invent.  

Using a physical systems model the process now bringing about our whole
system collapse was seen coming a long way off and it could have inspired
the math to demonstrate the turn onto another path instead too.   Live and
learn I guess.  

The 2006 paper by Bettencourt is easily generalized to reach this
implication, acknowledging that for the physical growth system he considered
"achieving major innovation cycles must be generated at continually
accelerating rates"(
That's remarkably close to the basis of proof for the general principle I
offered in my "Infinite Society" paper in 1979
(  The general
principle being the theorem that I've been using ever since with excellent
forecasting results.  In physical systems "growth runs into complications"
and nature does a lot of creative stuff with it.   You just look for the
complications coming and then 'voila', cool new science at every turn!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of glen e. p. ropella
> Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 6:10 PM
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Mathematics and Music
> Prof David West wrote:
> >
> >> We have also talked about the lack of rigorous mathematical
> >> representation of complexity and that being a barrier to progress
> >> in the science.
> >
> >
> > the idea of magic raised your hackles - the above sentence raises
> mine.
> >
> > implicit in the sentence is some variation of "mathematics is a
> better /
> > superior / privileged / real language compared to all other languages
> > used by humans to think and therefore we cannot really think properly
> or
> > rigorously unless we are thinking mathematically."
> I don't think that inference is implied by that sentence.  I so believe
> math is a better language with which to describe reality than, say,
> English.  But, that's not what the sentence above says.  The sentence
> above states that a _lack_ of math rigor is a barrier to one particular
> domain: plectics.
> Your inference goes quite a bit further than the David's sentence.
> > this annoying attitude is expressed / believed by a majority of
> > intellectuals and academicians - not just mathematicians.  We cannot
> be
> > "scientists" unless we 'mathematize' our field of enquiry.
> And although I believe that math is the best known language for
> describing reality, I don't believe that one must mathematize every
> scientific field or that one cannot be a scientist without
> mathematizing
> their field.
> Science is the search for truth.  And truth can be sought using any
> language... any language at all.  Some domains, particularly the ones
> resistant to rigor are best studied with languages that have a high
> tolerance for ambiguity... e.g. English.
> Some domains that are not so resistant to rigor are best studied with
> math.  Often, it takes a great deal of work using ambiguity tolerant
> languages like English before an ambiguity intolerant language like
> math
> can be effectively used.
> If and when less ambiguous languages can be used, _then_ those
> languages
> become more effective than the more ambiguous languages.
>  From 50,000 metaphorical feet, this can be seen as a simple case of
> specialization.  A generalist uses coarse tools and a specialist uses
> fine tools.  Math is a fine tool that can only be used after the
> generalists have done their upstream work in the domain.  Neither is
> really "better", of course, when taking a synoptic view of the whole
> evolution of the domain.  But math is definitely more refined... more
> special.
> > Interestingly enough, all advances in science stem from the uses of
> > metaphor - not mathematics.  (see Quine)  The premature rush to
> abandon
> > the language of metaphor and publish using arcane squiggles is the
> real
> > - in my not very humble opinion - barrier to progress.
> I agree.  Likewise, the tendency to stick with a coarse language when a
> more refined language is called for is also a real barrier to
> progress... "progress" defined as: the evolution of a domain from
> general to special, coarse to fine.
> --
> glen e. p. ropella, 971-219-3846,
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Re: Mathematics and Music - missed opportunity

Carl Tollander
Holding ourselves apart from nature,
We are surprised when nature pays our work no mind.
Were our methods unsound?

Phil Henshaw wrote:

> I think what may be holding back the math is our failure to go to the next
> level and consider change as a physical process.  When you do that you find
> what nature actually does much more interesting and inspiring than anything
> we can invent.  
> Using a physical systems model the process now bringing about our whole
> system collapse was seen coming a long way off and it could have inspired
> the math to demonstrate the turn onto another path instead too.   Live and
> learn I guess.  
> The 2006 paper by Bettencourt is easily generalized to reach this
> implication, acknowledging that for the physical growth system he considered
> "achieving major innovation cycles must be generated at continually
> accelerating rates"(
> That's remarkably close to the basis of proof for the general principle I
> offered in my "Infinite Society" paper in 1979
> (  The general
> principle being the theorem that I've been using ever since with excellent
> forecasting results.  In physical systems "growth runs into complications"
> and nature does a lot of creative stuff with it.   You just look for the
> complications coming and then 'voila', cool new science at every turn!
> Phil
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
>> Behalf Of glen e. p. ropella
>> Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 6:10 PM
>> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
>> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Mathematics and Music
>> Prof David West wrote:
>>>> We have also talked about the lack of rigorous mathematical
>>>> representation of complexity and that being a barrier to progress
>>>> in the science.
>>> the idea of magic raised your hackles - the above sentence raises
>> mine.
>>> implicit in the sentence is some variation of "mathematics is a
>> better /
>>> superior / privileged / real language compared to all other languages
>>> used by humans to think and therefore we cannot really think properly
>> or
>>> rigorously unless we are thinking mathematically."
>> I don't think that inference is implied by that sentence.  I so believe
>> math is a better language with which to describe reality than, say,
>> English.  But, that's not what the sentence above says.  The sentence
>> above states that a _lack_ of math rigor is a barrier to one particular
>> domain: plectics.
>> Your inference goes quite a bit further than the David's sentence.
>>> this annoying attitude is expressed / believed by a majority of
>>> intellectuals and academicians - not just mathematicians.  We cannot
>> be
>>> "scientists" unless we 'mathematize' our field of enquiry.
>> And although I believe that math is the best known language for
>> describing reality, I don't believe that one must mathematize every
>> scientific field or that one cannot be a scientist without
>> mathematizing
>> their field.
>> Science is the search for truth.  And truth can be sought using any
>> language... any language at all.  Some domains, particularly the ones
>> resistant to rigor are best studied with languages that have a high
>> tolerance for ambiguity... e.g. English.
>> Some domains that are not so resistant to rigor are best studied with
>> math.  Often, it takes a great deal of work using ambiguity tolerant
>> languages like English before an ambiguity intolerant language like
>> math
>> can be effectively used.
>> If and when less ambiguous languages can be used, _then_ those
>> languages
>> become more effective than the more ambiguous languages.
>>  From 50,000 metaphorical feet, this can be seen as a simple case of
>> specialization.  A generalist uses coarse tools and a specialist uses
>> fine tools.  Math is a fine tool that can only be used after the
>> generalists have done their upstream work in the domain.  Neither is
>> really "better", of course, when taking a synoptic view of the whole
>> evolution of the domain.  But math is definitely more refined... more
>> special.
>>> Interestingly enough, all advances in science stem from the uses of
>>> metaphor - not mathematics.  (see Quine)  The premature rush to
>> abandon
>>> the language of metaphor and publish using arcane squiggles is the
>> real
>>> - in my not very humble opinion - barrier to progress.
>> I agree.  Likewise, the tendency to stick with a coarse language when a
>> more refined language is called for is also a real barrier to
>> progress... "progress" defined as: the evolution of a domain from
>> general to special, coarse to fine.
>> --
>> glen e. p. ropella, 971-219-3846,
>> ============================================================
>> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
>> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
>> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
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Haiku-ified was: Mathematics and Music - missed opportunity

Steve Smith

Held apart from nature
Nature pays our work no mind
Were methods unsound?
> Holding ourselves apart from nature,
> We are surprised when nature pays our work no mind.
> Were our methods unsound?

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
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Re: Mathematics and Music - missed opportunity

Mikhail Gorelkin
In reply to this post by Phil Henshaw-2

Phil, I totally agree with it:

>>I think what may be holding back the math is our failure to go to the next
level and consider change as a physical process.  When you do that you find
what nature actually does much more interesting and inspiring than anything
we can invent.<<
And perhaps first we need to understand quantum mechanic. I think Chaitin and maybe Wolfram are close to it.



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Mathematics and Music - missed opportunity

I think what may be holding back the math is our failure to go to the next
level and consider change as a physical process.  When you do that you find
what nature actually does much more interesting and inspiring than anything
we can invent. 

Using a physical systems model the process now bringing about our whole
system collapse was seen coming a long way off and it could have inspired
the math to demonstrate the turn onto another path instead too.   Live and
learn I guess.  

The 2006 paper by Bettencourt is easily generalized to reach this
implication, acknowledging that for the physical growth system he considered
"achieving major innovation cycles must be generated at continually
accelerating rates"(  http://www.pnasorg/content/104/17/7301.abstract).
That's remarkably close to the basis of proof for the general principle I
offered in my "Infinite Society" paper in 1979
(  The general
principle being the theorem that I've been using ever since with excellent
forecasting results.  In physical systems "growth runs into complications"
and nature does a lot of creative stuff with it.   You just look for the
complications coming and then 'voila', cool new science at every turn!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of glen e. p. ropella
> Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 6:10 PM
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Mathematics and Music
> Prof David West wrote:
> >
> >> We have also talked about the lack of rigorous mathematical
> >> representation of complexity and that being a barrier to progress
> >> in the science.
> >
> >
> > the idea of magic raised your hackles - the above sentence raises
> mine.
> >
> > implicit in the sentence is some variation of "mathematics is a
> better /
> > superior / privileged / real language compared to all other languages
> > used by humans to think and therefore we cannot really think properly
> or
> > rigorously unless we are thinking mathematically."
> I don't think that inference is implied by that sentence.  I so believe
> math is a better language with which to describe reality than, say,
> English.  But, that's not what the sentence above says.  The sentence
> above states that a _lack_ of math rigor is a barrier to one particular
> domain: plectics.
> Your inference goes quite a bit further than the David's sentence.
> > this annoying attitude is expressed / believed by a majority of
> > intellectuals and academicians - not just mathematicians.  We cannot
> be
> > "scientists" unless we 'mathematize' our field of enquiry.
> And although I believe that math is the best known language for
> describing reality, I don't believe that one must mathematize every
> scientific field or that one cannot be a scientist without
> mathematizing
> their field.
> Science is the search for truth.  And truth can be sought using any
> language... any language at all.  Some domains, particularly the ones
> resistant to rigor are best studied with languages that have a high
> tolerance for ambiguity... e.g. English.
> Some domains that are not so resistant to rigor are best studied with
> math.  Often, it takes a great deal of work using ambiguity tolerant
> languages like English before an ambiguity intolerant language like
> math
> can be effectively used.
> If and when less ambiguous languages can be used, _then_ those
> languages
> become more effective than the more ambiguous languages.
>  From 50,000 metaphorical feet, this can be seen as a simple case of
> specialization.  A generalist uses coarse tools and a specialist uses
> fine tools.  Math is a fine tool that can only be used after the
> generalists have done their upstream work in the domain.  Neither is
> really "better", of course, when taking a synoptic view of the whole
> evolution of the domain.  But math is definitely more refined... more
> special.
> > Interestingly enough, all advances in science stem from the uses of
> > metaphor - not mathematics.  (see Quine)  The premature rush to
> abandon
> > the language of metaphor and publish using arcane squiggles is the
> real
> > - in my not very humble opinion - barrier to progress.
> I agree.  Likewise, the tendency to stick with a coarse language when a
> more refined language is called for is also a real barrier to
> progress... "progress" defined as: the evolution of a domain from
> general to special, coarse to fine.
> --
> glen e. p. ropella, 971-219-3846,
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
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Re: Haiku-ified was: Mathematics and Music - missed opportunity

Carl Tollander
In reply to this post by Steve Smith
Is this a model?
Enjoy the moment,
We will clean it up in post.

Steve Smith wrote:

> Held apart from nature
> Nature pays our work no mind
> Were methods unsound?
>> Holding ourselves apart from nature,
>> We are surprised when nature pays our work no mind.
>> Were our methods unsound?
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
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Re: Mathematics and Music - missed opportunity

Mikhail Gorelkin
In reply to this post by Mikhail Gorelkin

And new math should be more like Computational Intelligence than Lie groups and algebras. --Mikhail

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 11:55 PM
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Mathematics and Music - missed opportunity

Phil, I totally agree with it:

>>I think what may be holding back the math is our failure to go to the next
level and consider change as a physical process.  When you do that you find
what nature actually does much more interesting and inspiring than anything
we can invent.<<
And perhaps first we need to understand quantum mechanic. I think Chaitin and maybe Wolfram are close to it.



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Mathematics and Music - missed opportunity

I think what may be holding back the math is our failure to go to the next
level and consider change as a physical process.  When you do that you find
what nature actually does much more interesting and inspiring than anything
we can invent. 

Using a physical systems model the process now bringing about our whole
system collapse was seen coming a long way off and it could have inspired
the math to demonstrate the turn onto another path instead too.   Live and
learn I guess.  

The 2006 paper by Bettencourt is easily generalized to reach this
implication, acknowledging that for the physical growth system he considered
"achieving major innovation cycles must be generated at continually
accelerating rates"(  http://www.pnasorg/content/104/17/7301.abstract).
That's remarkably close to the basis of proof for the general principle I
offered in my "Infinite Society" paper in 1979
(  The general
principle being the theorem that I've been using ever since with excellent
forecasting results.  In physical systems "growth runs into complications"
and nature does a lot of creative stuff with it.   You just look for the
complications coming and then 'voila', cool new science at every turn!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of glen e. p. ropella
> Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 6:10 PM
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Mathematics and Music
> Prof David West wrote:
> >
> >> We have also talked about the lack of rigorous mathematical
> >> representation of complexity and that being a barrier to progress
> >> in the science.
> >
> >
> > the idea of magic raised your hackles - the above sentence raises
> mine.
> >
> > implicit in the sentence is some variation of "mathematics is a
> better /
> > superior / privileged / real language compared to all other languages
> > used by humans to think and therefore we cannot really think properly
> or
> > rigorously unless we are thinking mathematically."
> I don't think that inference is implied by that sentence.  I so believe
> math is a better language with which to describe reality than, say,
> English.  But, that's not what the sentence above says.  The sentence
> above states that a _lack_ of math rigor is a barrier to one particular
> domain: plectics.
> Your inference goes quite a bit further than the David's sentence.
> > this annoying attitude is expressed / believed by a majority of
> > intellectuals and academicians - not just mathematicians.  We cannot
> be
> > "scientists" unless we 'mathematize' our field of enquiry.
> And although I believe that math is the best known language for
> describing reality, I don't believe that one must mathematize every
> scientific field or that one cannot be a scientist without
> mathematizing
> their field.
> Science is the search for truth.  And truth can be sought using any
> language... any language at all.  Some domains, particularly the ones
> resistant to rigor are best studied with languages that have a high
> tolerance for ambiguity... e.g. English.
> Some domains that are not so resistant to rigor are best studied with
> math.  Often, it takes a great deal of work using ambiguity tolerant
> languages like English before an ambiguity intolerant language like
> math
> can be effectively used.
> If and when less ambiguous languages can be used, _then_ those
> languages
> become more effective than the more ambiguous languages.
>  From 50,000 metaphorical feet, this can be seen as a simple case of
> specialization.  A generalist uses coarse tools and a specialist uses
> fine tools.  Math is a fine tool that can only be used after the
> generalists have done their upstream work in the domain.  Neither is
> really "better", of course, when taking a synoptic view of the whole
> evolution of the domain.  But math is definitely more refined... more
> special.
> > Interestingly enough, all advances in science stem from the uses of
> > metaphor - not mathematics.  (see Quine)  The premature rush to
> abandon
> > the language of metaphor and publish using arcane squiggles is the
> real
> > - in my not very humble opinion - barrier to progress.
> I agree.  Likewise, the tendency to stick with a coarse language when a
> more refined language is called for is also a real barrier to
> progress... "progress" defined as: the evolution of a domain from
> general to special, coarse to fine.
> --
> glen e. p. ropella, 971-219-3846,
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
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Re: Haiku-ified was: Mathematics and Music - missed opportunity

Douglas Roberts-2
In reply to this post by Carl Tollander
Useless words. Excess.
Will they never end?
Not in this world, I'm afraid.

Doug Roberts, RTI International
[hidden email]
[hidden email]
505-455-7333 - Office
505-670-8195 - Cell

On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 10:03 PM, Carl Tollander <[hidden email]> wrote:
Is this a model?
Enjoy the moment,
We will clean it up in post.

Steve Smith wrote:
> Held apart from nature
> Nature pays our work no mind
> Were methods unsound?
>> Holding ourselves apart from nature,
>> We are surprised when nature pays our work no mind.
>> Were our methods unsound?
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
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Re: Haiku-ified was: Mathematics and Music - missed opportunity

Carl Tollander
When words fail,
Seventeen syllables may suffice.
Our gumbo simmers.

Douglas Roberts wrote:

> Useless words. Excess.
> Will they never end?
> Not in this world, I'm afraid.
> --
> Doug Roberts, RTI International
> [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
> [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
> 505-455-7333 - Office
> 505-670-8195 - Cell
> On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 10:03 PM, Carl Tollander <[hidden email]
> <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>     Is this a model?
>     Enjoy the moment,
>     We will clean it up in post.
>     Steve Smith wrote:
>     > Held apart from nature
>     > Nature pays our work no mind
>     > Were methods unsound?
>     >
>     >> Holding ourselves apart from nature,
>     >> We are surprised when nature pays our work no mind.
>     >> Were our methods unsound?
>     >>
>     >>
>     >>
>     >
>     >
>     > ============================================================
>     > FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
>     > Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
>     > lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
>     >
>     >
>     ============================================================
>     FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
>     Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
>     lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at