Manifesto del Macchinismo - Bruno Munari (1938)

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Manifesto del Macchinismo - Bruno Munari (1938)

Steve Smith
Bruce Sterling on
Bruno Munari’s “Manifesto del Macchinismo” (1938)

I tripped over it while looking for a reference that crossed Glen and my images of SeaSteading (SeaSquatting?) with Owens reference to the concept being Stephensonian. 

This excerpt reminded me a great deal of Owen's love of all (many) things Italian (the language and Gelato for sure?):

In English that sentence may sound like a train wreck, but in Italian it goes down like gelato. “Ma cosa sappiamo noi dei lore umori, della lore nature, dei lore difetti animali, se non attraverso cognizioni tecniche, aride e pedanti?”

And on a continuing Sterling theme:

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Re: Manifesto del Macchinismo - Bruno Munari (1938)

Arlo Barnes
I stumbled across the Viridian Manifesto last year, when the movement was supposed to end (complete it's goal). Of course, Bruce Sterling had already declared it ended in 2008, but that did not stop me from finding it a wonderful speech.

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Re: Manifesto del Macchinismo - Bruno Munari (1938)

Pietro Terna
In reply to this post by Steve Smith
    Many thanks from Italy,


Il 21/11/13 20:42, Steve Smith ha scritto:
Bruce Sterling on
Bruno Munari’s “Manifesto del Macchinismo” (1938)

I tripped over it while looking for a reference that crossed Glen and my images of SeaSteading (SeaSquatting?) with Owens reference to the concept being Stephensonian. 

This excerpt reminded me a great deal of Owen's love of all (many) things Italian (the language and Gelato for sure?):

In English that sentence may sound like a train wreck, but in Italian it goes down like gelato. “Ma cosa sappiamo noi dei lore umori, della lore nature, dei lore difetti animali, se non attraverso cognizioni tecniche, aride e pedanti?”

And on a continuing Sterling theme:

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