FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox

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FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox

Tom Johnson

"The modeling tool SketchUp has long been a favorite of designers,
architects, and hobbyists who have used the powerful program to render 3D
images of their ideas. In March, search-engine giant and emerging software
powerhouse Google acquired SketchUp developer @Last Software. Last week, Google
quietly released to the public. The program has been made completely
free for personal use, and it includes tools for integrating your creations
with Google Earth<>or
uploading them to Google's 3D

Google is establishing a pattern of acquiring software companies and
releasing free versions of their programs. As with Keyhole (now Google
and Picasa<>,
Google hopes to make SketchUp popular with its massive Web audience. We get
very cool free software, and Google gains new users, loyal customers, and a
potential avalanche of third-party content added to Google Earth.

It might appear at first that the free version of SketchUp has been watered
down, but you'll find most of its same functionality in an easier-to-use
interface. The creative possibilities are endless, and included video
tutorials will get you up and modeling in no time. Not only can Google
SketchUp create detailed structural models, it can also be used as a more
general conceptual visualization tool for everything from games and art
projects to work flows and engineering.

Take Google SketchUp for a spin, and let us know what you think. Then see
what others have to
Google's latest software or add
a review of your

Finally, if you're a fan of CNET <> and are
willing to back it up with an Internet vote, please help support us by
voting for <> in the Webby's People's
Voting ends this week.

Peter Butler
Senior Editor, CNET <>

J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism
505.577.6482(c)                                 505.473.9646(h)               tom at

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the
existing model obsolete."
                                                   -- Buckminster Fuller
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FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox

Joe Spinden
I've just started using Sketchup myself.  It seems pretty good to me,
but I am a novice.

If anyone else here is using it, I would be interested to hear about
your experiences, preferred ways to use it, etc.


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FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox

Michael Gizzi
Tom has done it again!  Given me an excuse to waste time on another cool
gadget!  This one is pretty neat.



On 5/2/06, joseph spinden <js at> wrote:

> I've just started using Sketchup myself.  It seems pretty good to me,
> but I am a novice.
> If anyone else here is using it, I would be interested to hear about
> your experiences, preferred ways to use it, etc.
> Joe
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
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FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox

Colm Toolan
In reply to this post by Tom Johnson
Probably way too basic for you guys, but just in case: There's an
interesting link from SketchUp Help menu to something called "Ruby Help"


SketchUp contains a Ruby application programming interface (API) for users
who are familiar with (or want to learn) Ruby scripting and want to extend
the functionality of SketchUp. This interface allows users to create macros,
such as automated component generators and additional tools, to be included
in the menus within SketchUp. In addition to the API, SketchUp also includes
a Ruby console, which is an environment where you can experiment with Ruby
commands and methods.


Colm Toolan, Business Architect



I'm LinkedIn:  <>



From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
Of Tom Johnson
Sent: 02 May 2006 19:37
To: Friam at redfish. com; Ver1point0 at
Subject: [FRIAM] FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox




"The modeling tool SketchUp has long been a favorite of designers,
architects, and hobbyists who have used the powerful program to render 3D
images of their ideas. In March, search-engine giant and emerging software
powerhouse Google acquired SketchUp developer @Last Software. Last week,
Google SketchUp
&s=5&fs=0>  was quietly released to the public. The program has been made
completely free for personal use, and it includes tools for integrating your
creations with Google Earth
&s=5&fs=0>  or uploading them to Google's 3D Warehouse
&s=5&fs=0>  gallery.

Google is establishing a pattern of acquiring software companies and
releasing free versions of their programs. As with Keyhole (now Google Earth
&s=5&fs=0> ) and Picasa
&s=5&fs=0> , Google hopes to make SketchUp popular with its massive Web
audience. We get very cool free software, and Google gains new users, loyal
customers, and a potential avalanche of third-party content added to Google

It might appear at first that the free version of SketchUp has been watered
down, but you'll find most of its same functionality in an easier-to-use
interface. The creative possibilities are endless, and included video
tutorials will get you up and modeling in no time. Not only can Google
SketchUp create detailed structural models, it can also be used as a more
general conceptual visualization tool for everything from games and art
projects to work flows and engineering.

Take Google SketchUp for a spin, and let us know what you think. Then see
what others have to say
&s=5&fs=0>  about Google's latest software or add a review of your own
&s=5&fs=0> .

Finally, if you're a fan of CNET <>  and
are willing to back it up with an Internet vote, please help support us by
voting for <>  in the Webby's People's
&s=5&fs=0>  competition. Voting ends this week.

Peter Butler
Senior Editor, CNET <>  


J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism
505.577.6482(c)                                 505.473.9646(h)               tom at
<mailto:tom at>

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the
existing model obsolete."
                                                   -- Buckminster Fuller

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FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox

Stephen Guerin
Yep, the Ruby/SketchUp combo is intriguing.

One thing we're curious about is the potential for agent-based modeling.
We're particularly interested in how many agents we can get going in
realtime. Also, can you deploy a Ruby-based ABM and have end users run it
using the free version of SketchUp? I saw a couple conflicting things about
that on the Sketchup Ruby forums. There could be some technical limitations
to the free tool as well as licensing violation as the use wouldn't be
"personal use" for our clients.

I suspect one decent workflow might be quick 3D modeling in SketchUp and
then import to Blender for simulation and rendering.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Colm Toolan [mailto:subscriptions at]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 2:59 PM
> To: 'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group'
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox
> Probably way too basic for you guys, but just in case:
> There's an interesting link from SketchUp Help menu to
> something called "Ruby Help"
> SketchUp contains a Ruby application programming interface
> (API) for users who are familiar with (or want to learn) Ruby
> scripting and want to extend the functionality of SketchUp.
> This interface allows users to create macros, such as
> automated component generators and additional tools, to be
> included in the menus within SketchUp. In addition to the
> API, SketchUp also includes a Ruby console, which is an
> environment where you can experiment with Ruby commands and methods.
> Colm Toolan, Business Architect
> Germany
> I'm LinkedIn: 
> <>
> ________________________________
> From: Friam-bounces at
> [mailto:Friam-bounces at] On Behalf Of Tom Johnson
> Sent: 02 May 2006 19:37
> To: Friam at redfish. com; Ver1point0 at
> Subject: [FRIAM] FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox
> All:
> "The modeling tool SketchUp has long been a favorite of
> designers, architects, and hobbyists who have used the
> powerful program to render 3D images of their ideas. In
> March, search-engine giant and emerging software powerhouse
> Google acquired SketchUp developer @Last Software. Last week,
> Google SketchUp
> <
> 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0>  was quietly released to the public.
> The program has been made completely free for personal use,
> and it includes tools for integrating your creations with
> Google Earth
> <
> 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0>  or uploading them to Google's 3D
> Warehouse
> <
> 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0>  gallery.
> Google is establishing a pattern of acquiring software
> companies and releasing free versions of their programs. As
> with Keyhole (now Google Earth
> <
> 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0> ) and Picasa
> <
> 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0> , Google hopes to make SketchUp
> popular with its massive Web audience. We get very cool free
> software, and Google gains new users, loyal customers, and a
> potential avalanche of third-party content added to Google Earth.
> It might appear at first that the free version of SketchUp
> has been watered down, but you'll find most of its same
> functionality in an easier-to-use interface. The creative
> possibilities are endless, and included video tutorials will
> get you up and modeling in no time. Not only can Google
> SketchUp create detailed structural models, it can also be
> used as a more general conceptual visualization tool for
> everything from games and art projects to work flows and engineering.
> Take Google SketchUp for a spin, and let us know what you
> think. Then see what others have to say
> <
> 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0>  about Google's latest software or
> add a review of your own
> <
> 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0> .
> Finally, if you're a fan of CNET
> <>  and are willing to back it up with an
> Internet vote, please help support us by voting for
> <>  in the Webby's People's
> Voice
> <
> 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0>  competition. Voting ends this week.
> Peter Butler
> Senior Editor, CNET <>  
> --
> ==============================================
> J. T. Johnson
> Institute for Analytic Journalism
> 505.577.6482(c)                                 505.473.9646(h)
>               tom at
> "You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
> To change something, build a new model that makes the
> existing model obsolete."
>                                                    --
> Buckminster Fuller ==============================================

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FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox

Giles Bowkett
In reply to this post by Colm Toolan
I'm kind of reviving a dead thread here but is SketchUp like a version
of Blender with Ruby scripting instead of Python, or is it a different
type of thing altogether?

(Downloading as we speak.)

On 5/3/06, Stephen Guerin <stephen.guerin at> wrote:

> Yep, the Ruby/SketchUp combo is intriguing.
> One thing we're curious about is the potential for agent-based modeling.
> We're particularly interested in how many agents we can get going in
> realtime. Also, can you deploy a Ruby-based ABM and have end users run it
> using the free version of SketchUp? I saw a couple conflicting things about
> that on the Sketchup Ruby forums. There could be some technical limitations
> to the free tool as well as licensing violation as the use wouldn't be
> "personal use" for our clients.
> I suspect one decent workflow might be quick 3D modeling in SketchUp and
> then import to Blender for simulation and rendering.
> -S
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Colm Toolan [mailto:subscriptions at]
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 2:59 PM
> > To: 'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group'
> > Subject: Re: [FRIAM] FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox
> >
> > Probably way too basic for you guys, but just in case:
> > There's an interesting link from SketchUp Help menu to
> > something called "Ruby Help"
> >
> >
> >
> > SketchUp contains a Ruby application programming interface
> > (API) for users who are familiar with (or want to learn) Ruby
> > scripting and want to extend the functionality of SketchUp.
> > This interface allows users to create macros, such as
> > automated component generators and additional tools, to be
> > included in the menus within SketchUp. In addition to the
> > API, SketchUp also includes a Ruby console, which is an
> > environment where you can experiment with Ruby commands and methods.
> >
> >
> >
> > Colm Toolan, Business Architect
> >
> > Germany
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm LinkedIn:
> > <>
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> > From: Friam-bounces at
> > [mailto:Friam-bounces at] On Behalf Of Tom Johnson
> > Sent: 02 May 2006 19:37
> > To: Friam at redfish. com; Ver1point0 at
> > Subject: [FRIAM] FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > All:
> >
> > "The modeling tool SketchUp has long been a favorite of
> > designers, architects, and hobbyists who have used the
> > powerful program to render 3D images of their ideas. In
> > March, search-engine giant and emerging software powerhouse
> > Google acquired SketchUp developer @Last Software. Last week,
> > Google SketchUp
> > <
> > 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0>  was quietly released to the public.
> > The program has been made completely free for personal use,
> > and it includes tools for integrating your creations with
> > Google Earth
> > <
> > 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0>  or uploading them to Google's 3D
> > Warehouse
> > <
> > 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0>  gallery.
> >
> > Google is establishing a pattern of acquiring software
> > companies and releasing free versions of their programs. As
> > with Keyhole (now Google Earth
> > <
> > 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0> ) and Picasa
> > <
> > 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0> , Google hopes to make SketchUp
> > popular with its massive Web audience. We get very cool free
> > software, and Google gains new users, loyal customers, and a
> > potential avalanche of third-party content added to Google Earth.
> >
> > It might appear at first that the free version of SketchUp
> > has been watered down, but you'll find most of its same
> > functionality in an easier-to-use interface. The creative
> > possibilities are endless, and included video tutorials will
> > get you up and modeling in no time. Not only can Google
> > SketchUp create detailed structural models, it can also be
> > used as a more general conceptual visualization tool for
> > everything from games and art projects to work flows and engineering.
> >
> > Take Google SketchUp for a spin, and let us know what you
> > think. Then see what others have to say
> > <
> > 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0>  about Google's latest software or
> > add a review of your own
> > <
> > 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0> .
> >
> > Finally, if you're a fan of CNET
> > <>  and are willing to back it up with an
> > Internet vote, please help support us by voting for
> > <>  in the Webby's People's
> > Voice
> > <
> > 6b1f3cc7f67-bf&s=5&fs=0>  competition. Voting ends this week.
> >
> > Peter Butler
> > Senior Editor, CNET <>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ==============================================
> > J. T. Johnson
> > Institute for Analytic Journalism
> >
> > 505.577.6482(c)                                 505.473.9646(h)
> >               tom at
> >
> > "You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
> > To change something, build a new model that makes the
> > existing model obsolete."
> >                                                    --
> > Buckminster Fuller ==============================================
> >
> >
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

Giles Bowkett

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FYI: Google adds SketchUp to its toolbox

James Steiner
Sketchup is primarily a 3D vector drawing/drafting tool, with a
Ruby-based extensions thingla. Its drawing tools are geared towards
making it easy to build boxes with holes in, ala houses, decks,
skyscrapers, etc. The idea is you can build your house in Sketchup,
then import the structure into Google Earth, and plop it onto your
property in the global map. Wee.


On 6/28/06, Giles Bowkett <gilesb at> wrote:
> I'm kind of reviving a dead thread here but is SketchUp like a version
> of Blender with Ruby scripting instead of Python, or is it a different
> type of thing altogether?
> (Downloading as we speak.)