zoomable infrared color mosaic image of our entire galaxy, scanning all directions, 20, 000 MPx data showing half the stars, viewable on Net: Rich Murray 2014.03.25

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zoomable infrared color mosaic image of our entire galaxy, scanning all directions, 20, 000 MPx data showing half the stars, viewable on Net: Rich Murray 2014.03.25

Rich Murray-2
zoomable infrared color mosaic image of our entire galaxy, scanning all directions, 20,000 MPx data showing half the stars, viewable on Net: Rich Murray 2014.03.25

A zoomable 360-degree view of our galaxy
March 25, 2014

Milky-Way---featured  NASA’s new zoomable, 360-degree mosaic,  presented Thursday at the TED 2014 Conference in Vancouver, allows for exploring the Milky Way interactively. The panorama of our galaxy is constructed from more than 2 million infrared snapshots taken over the past 10 years by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. The 20-gigapixel mosaic uses Microsoft’s WorldWide Telescope visualization platform. … more…



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