you all come, well come, Awakening Clarity blog -- potent essays by
teachers of modern nonduality: Rich Murray 2012.06.28 "After all, ultimately there is just one thing going on. On that we can all agree." Awakening Clarity is about Self-realization; discovering and living as who we really are. Whether this comes as event or process, sudden or slow, requires spiritual practices, or transcends them, has been argued for thousands of years. Here we are not arguing. It unfolds as it unfolds. We initially begin spirituality to answer our questions, but here we are questioning our answers. We are certainly for something, but we are against nothing. Surrender, not resistance, is our movement here NONDUALITY AMERICA has sent out another great post, this one about a movie, "The Quantum Activist". Amazon has it, and so does Netflix. I watched it the other night and it's simply terrific. Rather than tell you all about it, I'm just going to include a link to NDA's site. Do check this out. [ Introduction: Fred Davis, blog editor, Columbia, South Carolina ] THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2012 Recognizing Awareness: Guest Teaching by Bentinho Massaro WELCOME TO THE TWENTIETH EDITION OF AWAKENING CLARITY'S GUEST TEACHING SERIES. Our growing database of current Nondual teachers and teachings has already been discovered by thousands of readers from 89 countries, and more find us every day. Five new countries have joined us just since the last post. This website is a remarkable experiment; I hope it can help to bring a small sense of underlying community to the far flung Nondual world. WE DON'T FAVOR any single "brand" of the teaching over any other. Old path, new path, no path: whatever works. I will repeat what I've said before: We provide the teachers, and you provide the discrimination. If something resonates with you, great. If it doesn't, tip your hat and move on down the line. Differing views are all welcome and respected here. We are far more interested in the teaching's commonalities than we are its differences. After all, ultimately there is just one thing going on. On that we can all agree. That truth reminds me of another: on July 6 we'll have Stephan Bodian dropping in with something special for us. BENTINHO MASSARO has "come out of the gate" as fast as any teacher I've ever seen. One minute I'd never heard of him, and in the next I was seeing him everywhere. Obviously he's a handsome young man with a stop-your-heart smile, but that doesn't entirely explain his swift rise as a teacher. This guy is on fire; you can feel it. Bentinho's teaching is simple, but precise. He is absolutely confident that what he's sharing works, and sees no reason at all why it shouldn't work for us right now. That level of confidence is quite endearing. BENTINHO HAS MORE than a passing knowledge of a number of spiritual disciplines and practices, but he's not pushing any of those those. He tells us that his teaching arises from his own experience, and asks us to follow his lead. He and I agree that everyone must find this freedom for themselves. I've heard Bentinho stress that all of us -- teacher and student, writer and reader, speaker and listener -- are all here to support each other, and that everyone's role deserves equal attention and respect. I agree with that, too. After all they are all just that -- roles. We don't want to take any of them, especially our own, too seriously. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. I REMEMBER my response the first time I watched Bentinho on a video -- he really moved me in a sweet and gentle way. Energy flowed through the screen as this thoroughly disarming and charming young man encouraged us to recognize awareness right here, right now, just for a few seconds at a time, over and over. And then he would cut on that smile and you felt he was speaking from his whole heart with his whole heart. Surely here was freedom itself encouraging us to also be free. BENTINHO IS SOMETHING of a world citizen. He was raised in Holland, but has an Italian name. He spent quite a bit of time studying in India, but now lives in the mountains of North Carolina. He seems to be everywhere at once, and one of those places this autumn will be at the SAND Conference 2012, where a lot of others from our Guest Teachings Series will also be appearing. Here's how he describes the genesis of that on his website, Free Awareness: "From the very beginning and throughout all this seeking and the experiences that came with that seeking, a desire arose and developed to create something efficient for the rest of the world. Something that would actually make sense and be accessible to everyone, regardless of background or interest." IN THE QUEST FOR ENLIGHTENMENT Bentinho tried meditation, yoga, reiki, NLP, EFT, Personal Development, Self-Hypnosis, Affirmations, Transformations, and he read "plenty of 'spiritual' books". Nothing quite clicked. There came a sense that "if nothing works, why try?" This kind of frustration is often not only encountered on the path, it often is the path. It is a message for us to be still. Most of us have to really be worn down before we can open to truth. When we get tired enough, when we get beat up enough, then at some point we may see we "can't do it". Enter surrender. The root of enlightenment is not found in success; it is found in failure. FOR BENTINHO, along with that sense of rising frustration there also arose fresh spiritual discernment. Perhaps he had been listening too much to what was being said outside, and not enough to what was being said inside. He began to trust his own feelings and insights. From that trust arose what he describes here, in another quote from Free Awareness: "This natural presence reveals the unity beyond all ideas and concepts and there is nothing that ever affects it. It's completely stable, ever-present and unchanging awareness. Yet it is not 'out of this world' or 'detached' in any way. In fact, it allows us to be completely engaged in life, for the first time really, without fear for our thoughts and emotions or those of others. There is a loving freedom present in and as every experience, without exception. Experiences come and go, but they all come and go within that which is effortlessly aware of them. When this awareness becomes obvious to us, then not only is it discovered to be unaffected by whatever appears within awareness, but the unity of experiences and awareness is gradually (or suddenly) revealed." IT IS A PLEASURE to host this fortnight's post from Bentinho Massaro. I've only lightly edited a transcript of his introduction for a conference call. I want to thank not only Bentinho, but also Michael Jeffries and Stan Hartmann for helping me build this post. There is a beautiful flow here as Bentinho talks to us. Let's listen in. AND NOW . . . RECOGNIZING AWARENESS By Bentinho Massaro [ more... ] THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2012 [ Introduction: Fred Davis, blog editor ] The Invisible Man: Special Guest Memoir by Louis Brawley Welcome to another offering in our Guest Teaching Series. This is the fifteenth installment in a groundbreaking string of posts that's caught the interest and imagination of seekers and teachers around the world. On a personal note, let me say that editing this series continues to be an extraordinary broadening process for me. It's been my great fortune to become friends with numerous teachers in Europe, North America, and Australia. Ours is a generous and loving community; I've found support and encouragement at every turn. I look forward to hosting material from more countries and new continents as we go forward. Thank you for your interest. LOUIS BRAWLEY didn't want me to call this week's entry a "teaching". I think it has something to do with humility. I suspect his teacher would have approved. Ever mindful of being the polite host, I agreed to modify the header if he'd agree to do what he does so well: write. I'll post a link to my 5-Star Amazon review of his extraordinary memoir of his days with U.G. Krishnamurti, Goner: The Final Travels of U. G. Krishnamurti, published a littler earlier this year by our friends at Non-Duality Press, Julian and Catherine Noyce. They are tireless servants of this teaching we all share, and they sent me Louis' book to see if I might be interested in reviewing it. I was. GONER is more about U.G. Krishnamurti, whom I have elsewhere termed "The Hunter S. Thompson of Gurus", than it is about Louis Brawley. "Goner" was the phrase U.G. used most often about those people who hung around him, so Louis himself certainly qualifies as a goner. His book is a travel log and spiritual documentary, at times almost an homage, but there is not a lick of boo hoo sentimentality in it. That's smart thinking on Louis' part, because there's little doubt in my mind that U.G. would come back and kick his butt if he overheard his American travel-buddy getting sappy. U.G. was nothing if not feisty, like an angel toting a tire iron. His friend, Louis Brawley is a big, knockabout sort of New Yorker, self-deprecating to a fault, yet with a artist's fine sensibility, and a mystic's intuitive insight. For five years these two odd humans were fellow adventurers, gonzo buccaneers careening through the weirdness that is Planet Earth. U. G. died in the spring of 2007, leaving one of the strangest and most colorful legacies in the history of Nonduality. IN THE BOOK, Louis' role is as that of a stand-in for us: a (somewhat) average person in an altogether amazing situation; a situation peopled by the mercurial U. G., and a band of the deepest, sweetest, nuttiest group of seekers you ever had the pleasure to meet and spend time with. The whole thing is a grand affair on wheels and sofas. Louis is so funny: I nearly cried laughing over his romantic pinings and self-seen shortcomings. I didn't feel superior to one bit of it; I felt just like Louis felt, and that's the power of his pen and eye. [ more...] PAGES HOME Events & Announcements Scott Kiloby's Reflections of the One Life Greg Goode's Atmananda and the Direct Path Direct Path Resources (Krishna Menon) Nathan Gill's Clarity Vicki Woodyard's Wisdoms Pointers & Counsel Friends & Resources Who's reading Awakening Clarity? In Memoriam: Gustopher Robin Hackett-Davis Contact Us "THE TEACHER does not feel the need to enlighten the student. He sees the student as already being this light about which he speaks. The teacher just sings his song like the bird on the branch -- just for the sake of singing." ~Francis Lucille "NINE OUT OF TEN people who have had a real life-transforming spiritual awakening are still in the process of coming into full alignment with the awakened view." ~Adyashanti WHAT TEACHERS ARE SAYING ABOUT AC ________________________________________ "I'M HAPPY AND PROUD to be part of Awakening Clarity." ~Gangaji "THERE ARE SO MANY websites and blogs and things out there on Nonduality these days that it can be overwhelming. Fred's site is really an exception." ~Rupert Spira "YOUR BLOG LOOKS great. I've added a link to it on my links list. When you speak clearly, they will come. You speak clearly." ~Scott Kiloby "I ADDED YOUR BLOG to my list. You're creating a valuable site. Thank you." ~Jerry Katz "THE OVERALL IMPRESSION [of Awakening Clarity] is thorough and authoritative as well as the smart presentation." ~Dennis Waite "THANK YOU for this beautiful offering." ~Ellen Emmet "THANKS SO MUCH for your wonderful words. I'm enjoying Awakening Clarity! I've added you to our links." ~Peter Dziuban "THE SITE IS BEAUTIFUL." ~Paul Hedderman "THANK YOU for sharing the light, and for bringing more clarity with your wonderful blog." ~Petrica Verdes "I THINK what you're doing is wonderful. The site is great. I've added your site to my links list." ~James Braha "THIS IS A GREAT SITE!" ~Rick Linchitz "THANK YOU so much for all you share on your lovely site." ~Nirmala "YOUR SITE looks wonderful!" ~Michael Jeffreys "A BEAUTIFUL, articulate site." ~Chris Hebard "LET IT EXPRESS through you in your way and many will find their way to you and be helped. Thank you, Fred." ~Sailor Bob Adamson "WHY TAKE YOURSELF, or your teaching, or your website personally or seriously? Neither the up, nor the down is a big deal. People come, they go; that's show-biz!" ~Greg Goode UPCOMING GUEST TEACHERS Dennis Waite Ellen Emmet Gangaji Jeff Foster Joan Tollifson Rupert Spira Stephen Bodian _____________________________________________ THE AWAKENING CLARITY ARCHIVES RECENT POSTS POPULAR POSTS Stop Seeking and Relish It: Guest Teaching by Suzanne Foxton The Headless Way: Guest Teaching by Richard Lang Sri Atmananda Krishna Menon and the Direct Path Consciousness Is All: Guest Teaching by Peter Dziuban Flowers of the Tree of Life and Sunflower of the Heart: Guest Teachings by Francis Lucille The Direct Path, A User Guide: Guest Teaching by Greg Goode The Invisible Man: Special Guest Memoir by Louis Brawley The Sparks Before the Explosion: Special Guest Teaching by Jerry Katz Realization and Desire: Guest Teaching by Dennis Waite Soundbites Will Never Liberate You: Guest Teaching by Chris Hebard GUEST TEACHINGS SERIES BENTINHO MASSARO: Recognize Awareness CHRIS HEBARD: Soundbites Never Liberate You DENNIS WAITE: Realization and Desire FRANCIS LUCILLE: Flowers of the Tree of Life GINA LAKE: The Ego's Many Guises GREG GOODE: Standing As Awareness GREG GOODE: The Direct Path, A User Guide ILIE CIOARA: The Wondrous Journey JAMES BRAHA: Living Reality JERRY KATZ: The Sparks Before the Explosion LOUIS BRAWLEY: The Invisible Man NIRMALA: Meeting the Mystery PETER DZIUBAN: Consciousness Is All RICHARD LANG: The Headless Way RICK LINCHITZ: No You and No Me RUPERT SPIRA: The Light of Knowing SAILOR BOB ADAMSON: Are You the Mind? SCOTT KILOBY: Living Realization SUZANNE FOXTON: Stop Seeking and Relish It VICKI WOODYARD: Life With A Hole In It OTHER POSTS OF NOTE A Very Short Course in Surrender Everything As It Is Of Gods and Magicians "Okay, but what about MY life?" Part I of II "Okay, but what about MY LIFE?” (Part II of II) On Passion, Truth, and Hitting the Mark Completely On Positions "So, am I awake yet, or WHAT?" Welcome to Awakening Clarity Waking Down "What IS enlightenment, anyway?" Where did the time go? ABOUT OUR STAFF FRED DAVIS is an antiquarian and technical bookseller with a background in writing and suffering. A married hermit, he lives with his extraordinary wife and a pack of beloved animals in Columbia, South Carolina, USA. He can be reached at [hidden email]. Please put "Awakening Clarity" in the subject line. BETSY HACKETT-DAVIS is a fine furniture maker and a fine art auction consultant with a degree in Art History. She continually tweaks the site for proper aesthetics, and functions as our Style Editor. MAUREEN JORDAN lives in Massachusetts. After having had a lifetime legal career she's now focusing on acupuncture and Nonduality. Mo has been a faithful Awakening Clarity reader and has regularly corresponded with me since the early days of the site. She is now our volunteer Research Assistant for the Guest Teachings Series. LINKS TO THIS YEAR'S AMAZON REVIEWS The Transparency of Things (2 disc DVD set) by Rupert Spira and Chris Hebard The Unknowable Reality of Things (DVD) by Rupert Spira, from Neti Neti Films Consciousness Is All (2 disc DVD set) by Peter Dziuban and Chris Hebard Love: The Underground River (2 disc DVD set) by Rupert Spira and Chris Hebard The Wondrous Journey by Ilie Ciora/Petrica Verdes The Direct Path: A User's Guide by Greg Goode Goner: The Final Travels of U. G. Krishnamurti by Louis Brawley No You and No Me by Rick Linchitz The Philosophy Book by multiple editors Illumination (2 disc DVD set) by Greg Goode and Chris Hebard Francis Lucille: Retreat Dialogues (5 disc DVD set) by Francis Lucille Presence, Volume I: The Art of Happiness & Presence: The Intimacy of All Experience (Two volume book set) by Rupert Spira Silence of the Mind by Ilie Cioara and Petrica Verdes Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth by Gangaji Notes on Spiritual Discourses of Shri Atmananda taken by Nitya Tripta (3 volume book set) Standing as Awareness by Greg Goode Back to the Truth: 5,000 Years of Advaita by Dennis Waite Awakening Clarity is dedicated to my beloved wife and guardian angel, Betsy J. Hackett-Davis. It's good to have you with us today. Namaste. ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at |
I tried to watch this awhile back. It just seemed like New Age mumbo-jumbo to me. I didn't watch the whole thing. Am I wrong? Was I too quick to judge? Rich Murray wrote at 06/28/2012 08:54 AM: > NONDUALITY AMERICA has sent out another great post, this one about a > movie, "The Quantum Activist". > Amazon has it, and so does Netflix. > I watched it the other night and it's simply terrific. > Rather than tell you all about it, I'm just going to include a link to > NDA's site. > Do check this out. > -- glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at |
I'd say no, and no. It didn't take me long to form an opinion. This is as far as I got: "The Quantum Activist tells the story of a man who challenges us to rethink our very notions of existence and reality, with a force and scope not felt since Einstein. This film bridges the gap between God and Science." -Doug Sent from Android. On Jun 28, 2012 12:16 PM, "glen e. p. ropella" <[hidden email]> wrote:
============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at |
In reply to this post by glen ep ropella
uh, you could already have a substantial grasp, or are a total newbie...
everything you have experienced ever is always within the awareness space in which right now these little crooked dark ma r k s appear and are somehow understood as invisible me a n i n g s .. . . so every moment is mysterious, inexplicable, an ever changing aspect of a single unlimited unity process -- "personal" awareness-being is a level within something vastly larger -- that is why inner exploration inevitably uncovers new territories of sheer experience -- the movie may be an allegory or metaphor, not a logical, perceptual realm production -- note that astrophysics now mandates 10 dimensions of space and one of time to fit everything into our initial flash of vibrating geometries, which has resulted in such moments as this very ...... Rich Murray On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 11:16 AM, glen e. p. ropella <[hidden email]> wrote: > > I tried to watch this awhile back. It just seemed like New Age > mumbo-jumbo to me. I didn't watch the whole thing. Am I wrong? Was I > too quick to judge? > > Rich Murray wrote at 06/28/2012 08:54 AM: >> NONDUALITY AMERICA has sent out another great post, this one about a >> movie, "The Quantum Activist". >> Amazon has it, and so does Netflix. >> I watched it the other night and it's simply terrific. >> Rather than tell you all about it, I'm just going to include a link to >> NDA's site. >> Do check this out. >> > > > -- > glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, > > > > > ============================================================ > FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv > Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College > lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at |
No offense, Rich, but anybody who claims "This film bridges the gap between God and Science." is full of shit.
Need proof? Define "God". Now ask somebody else. Repeat.
--Doug On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 7:47 PM, Rich Murray <[hidden email]> wrote: uh, you could already have a substantial grasp, or are a total newbie... ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at |
well, since 1660 science has grown exponentially, never failing to
display astonishing jumps in universe size, age, fractal complexity of structure, constituents, weird processes, and recently ten necessary dimensions of space, all evolving from a single flash within the as yet unknown source -- so the empirical evidence since 1660 is that the eternal expansion of science will always grow exponentially -- so the greater source reality must therefore be capable of allowing unlimited qualitative and quantitative growth -- so this is a sort of metamathematical no-upper-bound proof that hints at possibilites of evolution and sentience far beyond 2012 -- so, if we reason that all things that interact are thus aspects of a common unifiying higher system, thus, a single unique unifying higher system, then a "finger pointing at the Moon" term like "God", points at this metamathematical reality -- for instance, even within a toy model system, like the integers, has an infinite number of possible theorems, i.e., as Georg Cantor pointed out 130 years ago, the set of all possible subsets of the integers, which can be mapped by all possible linear arrays of 0 and 1, is the definition of the real line continuum C -- as a corollary, no matter how many unique theorems of interger arithmetic are proved for billions of years, they will only be a point of measure zero compared to the ordinary infinity of the integers, or of the higher order infinity C -- and the Mandelbrot Set shows how this shows up as a simple 2D fractal. As a mystic, I say that the present moment of awareness has and is the entire creative focus of the entire single fractal hyperinfinity -- this is th i s i s .. . . . . your awareness-being right now *!?###&=0 and a dollar gets you a cup of java. Rich On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 6:50 PM, Douglas Roberts <[hidden email]> wrote: > No offense, Rich, but anybody who claims "This film bridges the gap between > God and Science." is full of shit. > > Need proof? Define "God". Now ask somebody else. Repeat. > > --Doug > > > On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 7:47 PM, Rich Murray <[hidden email]> wrote: >> >> uh, you could already have a substantial grasp, or are a total newbie... >> >> everything you have experienced ever is always within the awareness >> space in which right now these little crooked dark ma r k s appear >> and are somehow understood as invisible me a n i n g s >> .. . . >> >> so every moment is mysterious, inexplicable, an ever changing aspect >> of a single unlimited unity process -- "personal" awareness-being is a >> level within something vastly larger -- that is why inner exploration >> inevitably uncovers new territories of sheer experience -- the movie >> may be an allegory or metaphor, not a logical, perceptual realm >> production -- note that astrophysics now mandates 10 dimensions of >> space and one of time to fit everything into our initial flash of >> vibrating geometries, which has resulted in such moments as this very >> ...... >> >> Rich Murray >> >> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 11:16 AM, glen e. p. ropella >> <[hidden email]> wrote: >> > >> > I tried to watch this awhile back. It just seemed like New Age >> > mumbo-jumbo to me. I didn't watch the whole thing. Am I wrong? Was I >> > too quick to judge? >> > >> > Rich Murray wrote at 06/28/2012 08:54 AM: >> >> NONDUALITY AMERICA has sent out another great post, this one about a >> >> movie, "The Quantum Activist". >> >> Amazon has it, and so does Netflix. >> >> I watched it the other night and it's simply terrific. >> >> Rather than tell you all about it, I'm just going to include a link to >> >> NDA's site. >> >> Do check this out. >> >> >> > >> > >> > -- >> > glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > ============================================================ >> > FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv >> > Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College >> > lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at >> >> ============================================================ >> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv >> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College >> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at > > > > > > ============================================================ > FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv > Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College > lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at |
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