what's going on and on and on, from void to smudge to diamond...: Rich Murray 2012.06.06

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what's going on and on and on, from void to smudge to diamond...: Rich Murray 2012.06.06

Rich Murray-2
what's going on and on and on, from void to smudge to diamond...: Rich
Murray 2012.06.06

Eternal Exponential Expansion of  Science


Thank you Chrisw, for your reasonable consideration.

I often, as an informal hobby, note all the surprises about C, carbon,
the sequence of facts, definitions, paradigms, since I first watched
matches and kerosene lattern wicks turn into charcoal in our rented
farmhouse in the pines of Fannett, east Texas, NE of Galveston, from
July 1941-- summer, 1945: coal, pencil "lead", diamond, graphite,
carbohydrate plants and foods, carbon dioxide, smoke, oil, gasoline,
greese, Vaseline, hydrocarbons, the endless pantheon of organic
chemistry, benzine ring, DNA, RNA, proteins, exhalation, carbon
monoxide toxicity, alcohol in all its permutations as drink and drug,
rocket exhaust specific impulse, V-2 rocket, nuclear structure,
isotopes, C-14 dating, C-13 for biological studies, pure isotopes,
C-14 from hydrogen bomb tests causing worldwide cancers, high pressure
studies to ever higher densities for  every decade to find and use
carbon allotropes, odd and even nuclear parity in C nuclei isotopes, C
nuclei beams, methane microwave maser and then CO2 infrared lasers,
interstellar and intergalactic C, C deep in the core of Earth and
large planets, a carbon nuclear resonance vital to the carbon nuclear
energy cycle in the Sun, carbon via the Big Bang, carbon gases
essential to allow the first H and He clouds to cool down by infrared
radiation from their quantum molecular vibrations and rotations and so
allowing the first stars, solar systems, supernovae, and black holes
leading to at least one planet warm enough with the CO2 solar heat
retention process to have oceans and carbon polymers evolving into the
appearance in awareness in your and my awareness-being as these very
little black and white le t  t   e    r  marks quickly cognized as
subtle and complex meaning conveying patterns of subjectively
experienced ever evolving understandings including the possibility and
eventual personal experience of unexpected higher dimensional phases
of conscious awareness -- while in our daily dream, buckyballs of all
kinds, spheres, rods, ovoids, the last ten years carbon nanotubes
incredibly strong and light, longer and longer until we have the Space
Elevator, and now 2D graphene in all its permutations for physics, a
host of quantum effects, simulation of cosmological theories, ultra
capable molecular scale quantum computers with photons in carbon
nanotubes (not electrons in wires) or quantum spin devices in 3D
crystal volumes, superconducting at room temperature, extending
Moore's Law for many more decades, with all the exponential
ramifications for humans suddenly moving in mile scale high altitude
solar powered air ships, big as ocean liners, spiraling safely and
gently with electric ion drives to orbit within a week, then extending
the ellipse of the orbit to orbit the Moon, Mars, the entire volume
around the Sun, creating solar system size telescope arrays,
harvesting asteroids for water, metals, and, yes, carbon -- and this
is merely what one age 69 geek is capable of saying on 2012.06.06,
online since December 1995 -- note that cosmology now necessitates 10
space dimensions and 1 "time" dimension -- while basic concepts about
causality, space, time, energy, mass are being derived from more
primitive and fundamental comprehensions, like Smolin's Loop Quantum
Gravity and a variety of others, while now it's, ha-ha, possible that
the metauniverse is infinitely fractal in all possible patterns of
basic physics, "carbons", dimensions of spaces and times, life forms,
and modes of awareness-being,
which is here this very mo m  e   n    t.. .  .   .    .     .

And, since January, 1999, I've been a layman volunteer information
activist on the Net, providing 1,650 long, detailed, civil,
conscientious reviews of aspartame toxicity,
[hidden email] , which turns out to be the toxicity of
its 11% methanol (smallest organic carbon molecule), which is turned,
in humans only, into formaldehyde by the ADH1 enzyme right inside the
cells of many tissues, starting many diseases from Alzheimer's to
multiple sclerosis, later cancers, and birth defects spina bifida,
autism, and Asperger's.

within mutual service, Rich

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