what goes up...

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what goes up...

Phil Henshaw-3

It looks like the collapse of the dollar in earnest…   see http://www.fxstreet.com/rates-charts/usdollar-index/  for what happens next…   This image shows the past 800 days of the dollar’s decline, and then its “mysterious” rapid rise as the “only safe haven” as the world financial system collapsed, and now what looks like it’s own collapse, falling precipitously since 12/7/08.    Maybe it’s indicates money people were rejecting the obviously flawed “borrow forever” plan we adopted and was obviously not working anyway.    Wonder where the money is going now…  Anyone know?     Aren’t misunderstood systems wonderful?  ;-)



Phil Henshaw                                                                              ¸¸¸¸.·´ ¯ `·.¸¸¸¸
680 Ft. Washington Ave NY NY 10040                      
tel: 212-795-4844   e-mail: [hidden email]     explorations: www.synapse9.com   

-- "it's not finding what people say interesting, but finding the interest in what they say" --


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