voice-ethernet gateway

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voice-ethernet gateway

Christopher Jungmann
I've had experience implementing gateway solutions using Cisco routers with
FXO and FXS (foreign exchange office and station respectively) modules.  I
LOVE VoIP!  The 102S is an MGCP device which according to D-Link "By
definition MGCP devices such as the DG-102S require a Call Management system
to function.", sometimes called a "Softswitch".  I take it you're going to
subscribe to a service.

You should also look into the DG-102SH which is an H.323 solution.  The Web
site says it also needs a VoIP softswitch, but I seem to recall H.323
supporting P2P.  In any event, there is probably an open-source Linux based
Call Manager floating around out there.
Good luck!

>From: Sven Gato Redsun <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee
>Group<[hidden email]>
>To: Friam Group <[hidden email]>
>Subject: [FRIAM] voice-ethernet gateway
>Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 10:42:22 -0700
>Does anyone have experience with voice-ethernet gateways for making
>long-distance telephone calls over the internet? I am looking at D-Link
>products (DG-102S, etc) but would like to get a better idea how they work.
>FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
>Meets Fridays 9AM @ Jane's Cafe
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