*** tomorrow, Wed August 23rd ***
Charles Macal, Ph.D., P.E.
Director, Center for Complex Adaptive Agent Systems Simulation (CAS2)
Decision & Information Sciences Division, Bldg. 900
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL 60439 USA
macal at anl.gov
TITLE: Recent Applications of Agent-Based Modeling and Next Directions for
TIME: Wed August 23, 12:30p
LOCATION: 624 Agua Fria Conference Room
Lunch will be available for purchase
In this presentation I will discuss how my colleagues and I are using
agent-based modeling in a variety of application areas. The first application
describes recently completed work on the impact of deregulation of the electric
power market in Illinois, scheduled for January 1, 2007, on spatial electricity
prices and the possibilities for agents to establish market power. The second
application is completed work on the use of multi-scale agent-based modeling to
model the chemotactic behavior of bacteria (translating sensed chemicals into
motion) based solely on the underlying signal transduction networks (networks of
chemical reactions) that occur inside the bacteria. The third part of the
presentation describes ongoing work at various stages of progress in several
areas including modeling the transition to the hydrogen infrastructure, modeling
the energy markets, a theoretical model of supply chains, a theoretical model of
occupational dynamics and the derivation from the underlying social science
theories. The presentation concludes by mentioning current work on the Repast
agent-based modeling toolkit and the new releases planned for Repast Simphony.