** today ** lecture Wed August 30 - David Stout: 100 Monkey Garden - Interactive Ecosystem

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** today ** lecture Wed August 30 - David Stout: 100 Monkey Garden - Interactive Ecosystem

Stephen Guerin
*** note that this lecture will be hosted at College of Santa Fe ***

David Stout, Cory Metcalf and Luke DuBois
College of Santa Fe

100 Monkey Garden - Interactive Ecosystem

MOV-iN Gallery
College of Santa Fe
1600 St. Michaels Dr.

Located at Moving Image Arts Department
(same building as THE SCREEN)
map: http://mov-in.org/aboutus.php

TIME: Wed, August 30 12:30p

Lunch will be available for purchase

Video/sound artist and moving image arts Professor David Stout will give a
personal tour of this highly immersive interactive ecosystem and digital art
space. Using multiple projectors and computer monitors, as well as an array of
sound and motion sensing devices, David enables the 100 Monkey spectator to
witness a digitally imagined world creating and recreating itself, its rules and
dimensions. Accompanying art pieces fill the space and compliment this
particular style of digital art.

Check out past incarnations of this piece online:

Other works by David Stout:

Santa Fe's THE Magazine review of this installation:

David Stout is an interactive video-sound artist and one of the worlds leading
laptop performers exploring real-time cross-synthesis of sound and image.   He
is the recipient of the Harvestworks Interactive Technology Award and the Sun
Micro Systems Award for Academic Excellence (2004) and a nominee for the both
the WTN World Technology Award (2003) and the International Media Art Prize
(2004). His work in interactive media includes electro-acoustic scores for stage
and screen, live cinema, video-dance, data-base narrative, noise performance and
telematic video events that emphasize multi-screen projection as an extension of
performer, audience and environment. David currently lives and works in Santa
Fe, New Mexico.

Cory Metcalf is a moving image and sound artist who lives in Santa Fe, NM. His
work explores the intersection of human performance, real-time media systems and
responsive installation environments. His interests range from the field of
bio-mimicry to the practices of aerial theater, extended vocal techniques and
instrumental noise-music performance. As a seminal member of the interactive
performance group, i2O, Metcalf developed dynamic diffusion sound designs for
live acoustics and video performance instruments. Metcalf's interest in physical
computing is evidenced in works such as Sensor Swarm, a hybrid interactive
performance-installation that employs sensing technology to blur the distinction
between the audience and performance, fore-grounding the normally unconscious
influence that humans impose on their environment. Currently Cory is working
with real-time 3D simulation and complex data feed-back programs to model
synthetic-ecologies based on genetic and behavioral processes found in living

R. Luke DuBois is a composer, programmer, and video artist living in New York
City. He holds a doctorate in music composition from Columbia University, and
teaches interactive sound and video performance at Columbia's Computer Music
Center and at the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University.
He has done collaborated on interactive performance, installation and music
production work with many artists, most recently Toni Dove, Todd Reynolds,
Michael Joaquin Grey, Elliott Sharp, and Michael Gordon, and was a staff
programming consultant for Engine27 for the 2003 season. He is a co-author of
Jitter, a software suite developed by Cycling'74 for real-time manipulation of
matrix data. His music (with or without his band, the Freight Elevator Quartet),
is available on Caipirinha/Sire, Cycling'74, and Cantaloupe music, and his
artwork is represented by Bitforms Gallery in New York City.