** reminder today **
Shawn Barr
Clark University / Redfish Group
TITLE: Building Simply with Google SketchUp
TIME: Wednesday, September 26, 12:30p
LOCATION: Redfish Conference Room, 624 Agua Fria Street
Lunch will be available for $5
Abstract: Google SketchUp is a free software tool (with a for-pay pro version)
that is useful for creating 3-D models. SketchUp provides a toolbox containing
basic tools for drawing, modifying, and texturing 3-D objects. Extensions to
these functions can be made within SketchUp using the Ruby API (Application
Programming Interface). By giving an informal demonstration in SketchUp, I hope
to demonstrate both SketchUp's accessibility to new users and capacity to export
3D models that can be used as agent views in ABM environments such as NetLogo.