Thinking some of you might be able to help with this one-one of the clients
we are working with on the water summit in Santa Fe Sept. 21-22 is onto something. Call me if you have any questions or contacts. edy 505-989-9800; 466-4040 Or call James directly 983-4014. ------ Forwarded Message From: "james mcmath" <[hidden email]> Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 09:21:05 -0600 To: "Abad Sandoval" <[hidden email]>, "Allan MacGillivray" <[hidden email]>, "Andrea Tintle" <[hidden email]>, "Ben Haggard" <[hidden email]>, "Bill Althouse" <[hidden email]>, "bj harris" <[hidden email]>, "Bob Sulnick" <[hidden email]>, "Bonnicia Youst" <[hidden email]>, "Brian Skeele" <[hidden email]>, "CeCilia Sadler" <[hidden email]>, "Celia Hildebrand" <[hidden email]>, "Charles Bensinger" <[hidden email]>, "Chris Griscom" <[hidden email]>, "Colleen Cayes" <[hidden email]>, "Craig Fiels" <[hidden email]>, "Diego Mulligan" <[hidden email]>, "Dr. Gilbert" <[hidden email]>, "Dr. Myron Murdock" <[hidden email]>, "Dr. Warren Levin" <[hidden email]>, "Dwayne King" <[hidden email]>, "Ed Puckett" <[hidden email]>, "Edy Keeler" <[hidden email]>, "Eric Lancaster" <[hidden email]>, "Erika Solberg" <[hidden email]>, "Gary Petersen" <[hidden email]>, "Gretel Follingstad" <[hidden email]>, "Gwynne Tyksinski" <[hidden email]>, "J. Stace McGee" <[hidden email]>, "Jack Kolkmeyer" <[hidden email]>, "Jackie Boor" <[hidden email]>, "Jan-Willem Jansens" <[hidden email]>, "Jeffery Birnbaum" <[hidden email]>, "Jeremy Murdock" <[hidden email]>, "Jessie Emerson" <[hidden email]>, "Joan Bourque" <[hidden email]>, "Joel Goldblatt" <[hidden email]>, "John Wallace" <[hidden email]>, "Joni Arends" <[hidden email]>, "Julie Higgins" <[hidden email]>, "Junko Gabriel" <[hidden email]>, "Kendall Arey" <[hidden email]>, "Kimberly Whelan" <[hidden email]>, "Lazlo Lazowska" <[hidden email]>, "Lisa Flynn" <[hidden email]>, "Lou Schreiber" <[hidden email]>, "Lyra Barron" <[hidden email]>, "Marcia Stark" <[hidden email]>, "Margaret Gray" <[hidden email]>, "Margo Covington" <[hidden email]>, "Mark Sardella" <[hidden email]>, "Mary Lou Cook" <[hidden email]>, "Meera Desai" <[hidden email]>, "Mellisa Macdonald" <[hidden email]>, "Michelle Mosser" <[hidden email]>, "Murray Sachs" <[hidden email]>, "Nancy Mason" <[hidden email]>, "Neil Bleiweis" <[hidden email]>, "Pamela Hoke-Dussault" <[hidden email]>, "Panfilo Tabora" <[hidden email]>, "Paul Paryski" <[hidden email]>, "Pavel Bouska" <[hidden email]>, "Peggy O'Mara" <[hidden email]>, "Richard Jennings" <[hidden email]>, "Richard Rathbun" <[hidden email]>, "Robert Griffin" <[hidden email]>, "Robert Haspel" <[hidden email]>, "Shannyn Sollitt" <[hidden email]>, "Sigmund Silber" <[hidden email]>, "Tai Bixby" <[hidden email]>, "Theo" <[hidden email]>, "Tom Knoblach" <[hidden email]>, "Victor di Survero" <[hidden email]>, "tomtexasjohnson" <[hidden email]>, "Virginia Smith" <[hidden email]>, "Willem Malten" <[hidden email]> Subject: EM Disaster Relief Urgently Needed To All Concerned Parties, We are getting very close to applying "Effective Microorganisms" (EM) to the disaster site in New Orleans. Jon Mackey, founder of Whole Foods, is willing to purchase all of the stocks of EM from the production plant in Tucson, about 25 tons, and ship it to the New Orleans Disaster Relief. Once there, each gallon of EM can be activated 2000 times from its original quantity, which would total 50,000 tons. The final hurdle is in getting the authorization to begin applying it. EM was used extensively throughout the Tsunami Wave Disaster. The World Health Organization had originally warned that more deaths would occur from the spread of pathogen diseases than occurred from the Tsunami Waves, which was over 150,000 deaths. The deaths from the pathogen diseases never happened. The death rate was actually lowerafter the disaster than before. EM saved tens of thousands of lives. EM was also used by the German government after the flood disasters a couple of years ago that resulted in over $20 Billion in damage. Also, EM has beensuccessful in cleaning up the inland seas of Japan. EM is relatively new to the US, although it is being used in over 120 countries around the world and has been in use for over 25 years. The final hurdle of getting EM applied to the disaster site in Louisiana is crucial. Whole Foods has been very generous in offering to purchase and transport EM to New Orleans. The flooded area will take at least six more weeks to pump and drain. However, in about a week, the stagnant waters combined with sewage, poisons, and other contamination sources in New Orleans will begin breeding pathogen bacteria that will begin spreading diseases throughout the region. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) in Atlanta is aware of this, but is not publicizing it to the media. The government is currently planning on spraying bleach to control the spread of pathogens, but bleach will only add to the long-term deleterious damage of the disaster. EM is an all-natural, organic solution that has no negative side-effects. This is why Germany and South Asia resorted to its usage rather than chemicals in their disaster decontamination relief. At this point, we simply need authorization from FEMA and federal relief agencies to move forward. Senator John McCain is from Arizona, where EM is produced in the US. Many top officials are telling us that he is the most influential individual to gain approval in these emergency circumstances. We currently have friends of Sen. McCain contacting him and apprising him of the situation. But other contacts are needed. We need top officials from around the country encouraging this proven technology to be used immediately, before this disaster evolves into a horrendous catastrophe from the spread of pathogen diseases. Please, this is a call to everyone to use your personal resources and personal contacts to prevent a tragedy of much greater proportions. Help us to get FEMA to authorize the application of EM as soon as possible! The EM website is: <> . They can be contacted at: 1-866-369-3678. Please forward this message to all interested parties or call my office at 505-983-4014. Every day, every hour, every minute is crucial! Many thanks for your prayers and encouragement. James McMath ------ End of Forwarded Message ------- End of Forwarded Message ------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: /pipermail/ |
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