third Meteor Night, 7 pm Tuesday Feb 2, SF Complex -- soon I will show Tim McElvain 3 sites in La Tierra-Las Dos subdivision, Santa Fe, NM -- my samples show intense blast effects with surface melting and mineral coatings: Rich Murray 2010.01.28

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third Meteor Night, 7 pm Tuesday Feb 2, SF Complex -- soon I will show Tim McElvain 3 sites in La Tierra-Las Dos subdivision, Santa Fe, NM -- my samples show intense blast effects with surface melting and mineral coatings: Rich Murray 2010.01.28

Rich Murray
third Meteor Night, 7 pm Tuesday Feb 2, SF Complex -- soon I will show Tim
McElvain 3 sites in La Tierra-Las Dos subdivision, Santa Fe, NM -- my
samples show intense blast effects with surface melting and mineral
coatings: Rich Murray 2010.01.28
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Only Michael Barron came this week, so I'll repeat a Google Earth tour
of Argentina, "From sea to shining sea", W to E at about 16 km altitude
to view hundreds of impact craters:

It helps to use View to turn on Grid, and to set eye altitude at 33 km,
and then use Shift Down arrow to point the direction of view about
30 deg forward down, and then Shift Right arrow to rotate the ground
about 15 deg counterclockwise -- then use Right arrow to fly at a
constant elevation and view with an excellent three-dimensional
rendition.  Coast to coast is 485 km.

-50.0398 -76.0284 -1.705 km el impacts in coastal sea? -- possibly
when sea floor was exposed during huge tsunamis

-49.8080  -74.6308 0 km el -- sea level crack in vast "shotgun blast"
terrain -- near vertical erosion by high pressure hot temperature
superjets? -- as simulated by Mark Boslough at Sandia National Lab
2007.12.17 8 videos

-50.2158 -71.9751 .180 km el huge EW trenches -- glaciers,
glancing impacts, sudden megafloods?

-50.4897 -71.7568 .626 km el long lake EW

-50.5085 -70.3711 .356 km el white impacts

-50.8127 -69.2581 .077 km el coastal lakes

It's time for conscientious amateurs and retired professionals to join
together to share findings and feedback on a single public blog that
allows collaboration in the spirit of scientific inquiry based on shared
public data and polite reason.
The owners of the blog can use editing to maintain a high standard
of sharing to evolve a community of trust.
This would enormously stimulate exploration of issues highly
relevant to global human security.
My role is reconnaisance and initial networking.
Santa Fe Complex exists to support democratic, self-organizing
networks for research and service.

----- Original Message -----
From: Tim McElvain
To: Rich Murray
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: #7 35.7506 -106.0242 2.037 km el Robert L Borton,
1979 NMGS 30th Field Conf. Guidebook p 289-91:
Rich Murray 2010.01.26
third Meteor Night, 7 pm Tuesday Feb 2, SF Complex -- soon
I will show Tim McElvain 3 sites in La Tierra-Las Dos subdivision,
Santa Fe, NM -- my samples show intense blast effects with
surface melting and mineral coatings: Rich Murray 2010.01.28


I am out in CA this week with my son.
I will give you a call when I return and
we can try and work up a time to visit these quartzite piles.
I am guessing they are Mega-breccia blocks,
and they will most definately help support my theory
about the age of the Santa Fe impact structure.


On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 3:31 PM,
Rich Murray <[hidden email]> wrote:

#7 35.7506 -106.0242 2.037 km el Robert L Borton,
1979 NMGS 30th Field Conf. Guidebook p 289-91:
Rich Murray 2010.01.26
Named # 7 of 8 piles, these paired piles are in a road loop
on Camino Montuoso at the north end of Vuelta Muerdago,
.37 km SEE of Paseo de la Tierra.

They are the easiest to access.

"Enigmatic quartzite piles of the La Tierra-Las Dos Subdivisions
Area, Santa Fe County, New Mexico"

Available at NM State Library,
Cerrillos Road & Camino Carlos Rey,
and at library of New Mexico State Engineer Office,
basement from E entrance to Bataan Memorial Building,
Santa Fe, NM 87503, M-F.

second Meteor Night sharing 7 pm Tuesday Jan 26 Santa Fe
Complex: Rich Murray 501-2298 2010.01.25

Donations support SFCx...

large dense fractal meteor cluster in Alaska?  also 21 pages re
unusual 0.6 m rock in Palmer: Horace Heffner:
Rich Murray 2010.01.24
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meteor Night 7 pm tonight, Santa Fe Complex, Santa Fe, Jan 19,
Rich Murray with 10x12 screen on two extensive websites by
Dennis Cox and by Tim McElvain: Rich Murray 2010.01.19
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Dennis Cox,  Fresno, California
Thornton H. "Tim" McElvain, Santa Fe, New Mexico

awesome evidence (Google Earth images, stereo pairs, some videos)
from Mexico to Canada for 500 km comet rubble pile air impacts
12950 BP -- Dennis Cox: Rich Murray 2010.01.13
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

exact Carolina Bay crater locations, RB Firestone, A West, et al,
two YD reviews, 2008 June, 2009 Nov,
also 3 upcoming abstracts: Rich Murray 2009.11.14
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
505-501-2298  [hidden email] new primary archive
group with 142 members, 1,588 posts in a public archive

participant, Santa Fe Complex


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