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the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics... The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit, free full text, 2014 Frank Znidarsic PE: Rich Murray 2015.02.05

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the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics... The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit, free full text, 2014 Frank Znidarsic PE: Rich Murray 2015.02.05

Rich Murray-2
248 posts
the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics... The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit, free full text, 2014 Frank Znidarsic PE: Rich Murray 2015.02.05

"This author suggests that this extension analysis may demonstrate that the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics."


Open Chemistry Journal 
ISSN: 1874-8422 ― Volume 1, 2014

The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit

Frank Znidarsic P.E.
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Pennsylvania


Charles-Augustin de Coulomb introduced his equations over two centuries ago. 

These equations quantified the force and the energy of interacting electrical charges.

The electrical permittivity of free space was factored into Coulomb’s equations.

A century later James Clear Maxwell showed that the velocity of light emerged as a consequence this permittivity. 

These constructs were a crowning achievement of classical physics.

In spite of these accomplishments, the philosophy of classical Newtonian physics offered no causative explanation for the quantum condition. 

Planck’s empirical constant was interjected, ad-hoc, into a description of atomic scale phenomena. 

Coulomb’s equation was re-factored into the terms of an elastic constant and a wave number. 

Like Coulomb’s formulation, the new formulation quantified the force and the energy produced by the interaction of electrical charges.

The Compton frequency of the electron, the energy levels of the atoms, the energy of the photon, the speed of the atomic electrons, and Planck’s constant, spontaneously emerged from the reformulation. 

The emergence of these quantities, from a classical analysis, extended the realm of classical physics into a domain that was considered to be exclusively that of the quantum.

Keywords: Atomic radii, photoelectric effect, Planck’s constant, the quantum condition.

Article Information 
Identifiers and Pagination:

Year: 2014
Volume: 1
First Page: 21
Last Page: 26
Publisher Id: CHEM-1-21
DOI: 10.2174/1874842201401010021
Article History:

Received Date: 26/06/2014
Revision Received Date: 28/07/2014
Acceptance Date: 02/09/2014
Electronic publication date: 28/11/2014
Collection year: 2014

© Frank Znidarsic P.E.; Licensee Bentham Open. 

Open-Access License: This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.

* Address correspondence to this author at
481 Boyer St, Johnstown Pa 15906, USA;
Tel: <a href="tel:814%20505%204638" value="+18145054638" target="_blank">814 505 4638; 


One school of thought holds that the universe is constructed of continuous stuff.

Newton’s laws of motion and Einstein’s theory of Special and General Relativity operate upon this continuum. 

Coulomb’s equation describes the continuous nature of the electrical field.

Maxwell employed Coulomb’s equation and described the wavelike properties of light. 

Another school of thought holds that the universe is constructed of particle like things.

These things were quantified with Planck’s empirical constant. 

Einstein used Planck’s constant and introduced the particle of light.

Niels Bohr showed that an atom’s electrons reside in discrete particle like energy levels [1]

The philosophy of quantum mechanics precisely describes the lumpiness of the quantum realm. 

This philosophy could not explain why the quantum realm was lumpy.

Max Planck searched for a classical principle that would establish the state of the quantum.

It has been over a century since Planck’s quest and no classical principle was discovered. 

The Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics was introduced in order to offer some explanation [2-4]. 

This interpretation describes a probability based reality. 

The everyday classical realm, of our experience, is only a subset of this mysterious reality. 

The classically wired human mind cannot intuitively grasp the condition of the quantum reality.

This quandary has become the accepted norm.

Znidarsic refactored Coulomb’s equation into the terms of an elastic constant Ke and a displacement Rc.

The elasticity of the electron, like that of a rubber band, is greatest as it just begins to expand.

It diminishes, from that maximum, with displacement. 

The Compton frequency, of the electron, emerges as this elasticity acts upon the mass of the electron. 

In general, the wave like properties of stuff emerge as a condition of this elastic constant.

It was assumed that the electron has a classical limit to its elasticity. 

An electron expels the field of another through a process of elastic failure. 

The displacement, of the elastic discontinuity, equals classical radius of the electron Rc.

The wave number of the electromagnetic field was produced as an effect of this elastic discontinuity. 

In general, the particle like properties of things emerge as a condition of this wave number.

The duality of matter and waves emerges as an effect of the interaction of the elastic constant and the wave number.

The elastic constant was used to determine the speed of a longitudinal mechanical wave in the nucleus.

The quantum condition emerged when the speed of this longitudinal nuclear wave was set equal to the speed of transverse electronic wave. 

In more general terms, the quantum condition was described as a point where the speed of sound equals the speed of light. 

The speed match is conceptually equivalent that of one billiard ball directly impacting another. 

The second ball promptly adsorbs all of the kinetic energy and flies away at the speed of the impacting ball. 

One snap of sound is emitted. 

Likewise, a single photon is emitted, during the quantum transition. 

A prompt, single step, transfer of energy is a characteristic of a system of matched impedances.

The particle like properties of things emerged, within stuff, at points of matching impedance. 

The analysis introduced an “impedance matching” interpretation of quantum physics. 

The quantification of this impedance match produced elements of the quantum condition within a subset of Newtonian mechanics.

[ free full text -- commonsense notions lucidly expressed via simple calculus ]


Coulomb’s equation has been used to quantify the force and the energy of the electric interaction. 

Maxwell extended Coulomb’s formations and produced the speed of light.

These accomplishments were a crowning achievement of classical physics. 

The philosophy of classical physics could not explain the discrete quantum properties of matter and energy. 

Planck’s constant was injected, into a set of classical constructs, in an effort to qualify the lumpiness of the quantum realm.

This author refactored Coulomb’s equation into terms of an elastic constant and a wave number. 

The elastic constant quantified the wave like properties of stuff and the wave number quantified the particle like properties of things. 

The analysis, in this paper, was used to describe a small, but important, portion of the quantum condition. 

This author suggests that this extension analysis may demonstrate that the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics.

[ 17 references ]

"As a matter of course, every soul citizen of Earth has a priority to quickly find and positively share evidence for healthy and safe food, drink, environment, and society."

within the fellowship of service,

Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
1039 Emory Street, Imperial Beach, CA 91932
<a href="tel:505-819-7388" value="+15058197388" target="_blank">505-819-7388 cell
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rich.murray11 free Skype audio, video chat

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics... The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit, free full text, 2014 Frank Znidarsic PE: Rich Murray 2015.02.05

Rich Murray-2
248 posts
Since QM applies to all physical systems, the question arises: does your simple approach apply to systems that do not have an atomic nucleus, such as positronium, an electron and a positron in orbit around their common center of mass?

with appreciation, Rich Murray

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Frank Znidarsic <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks Rich.  

I have read of Jones Bennie's comment where he speculates that transformer action lies at the heart of the cold fusion phenomena.  This is very close to my logic, however, I have come up with a velocity associated with the transformer action.  The product of the nm dimension and the terahertz stimulation is 1 million meters per second.  This is Jones' transformer described in more detail.   So what is the 1 million meters per second?  Its the velocity of sound in the nucleus.  Once we know this we can derive the entirety of the quantum condition without and cold fusion.  My paper has no cold fusion in it.

Jones has also commented about a strong paramagnetic effect.  This idea is on track but too limited.  We must understand that magnetic fields are not a conserved property of the universe.  They come and go as needed.  It's the magnetic component of the strong nuclear force (the spin orbit force) that's at work in cold fusion.  I believe that Jones has the right idea but the wrong force.

We have also discussed interpretations of quantum physics.  These are the Copenhagen and the pilot wave.  A new one emerges as a result of the transform action.  Transformers match the impedance of a system.  The interpretation to arrive out of Jones' transformer the impedance matching interpenetration of quantum physics.  One one photon emerges from a quantum transition.  That implies that the quantum transition occurs in a single step without bounce.  How do you match impedance of a line?  With a transformer, of course.

Frank Znidarsic

-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Murray <[hidden email]>
To: vortex-L <[hidden email]>; Frank Znidarsic <[hidden email]>; Rich Murray <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thu, Feb 5, 2015 10:51 pm
Subject: the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics... The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit, free full text, 2014 Frank Znidarsic PE: Rich Murray 2015.02.05

the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics... The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit, free full text, 2014 Frank Znidarsic PE: Rich Murray 2015.02.05

"This author suggests that this extension analysis may demonstrate that the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics."


Open Chemistry Journal 
ISSN: 1874-8422 ― Volume 1, 2014

The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit

Frank Znidarsic P.E.
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Pennsylvania


Charles-Augustin de Coulomb introduced his equations over two centuries ago. 

These equations quantified the force and the energy of interacting electrical charges.

The electrical permittivity of free space was factored into Coulomb’s equations.

A century later James Clear Maxwell showed that the velocity of light emerged as a consequence this permittivity. 

These constructs were a crowning achievement of classical physics.

In spite of these accomplishments, the philosophy of classical Newtonian physics offered no causative explanation for the quantum condition. 

Planck’s empirical constant was interjected, ad-hoc, into a description of atomic scale phenomena. 

Coulomb’s equation was re-factored into the terms of an elastic constant and a wave number. 

Like Coulomb’s formulation, the new formulation quantified the force and the energy produced by the interaction of electrical charges.

The Compton frequency of the electron, the energy levels of the atoms, the energy of the photon, the speed of the atomic electrons, and Planck’s constant, spontaneously emerged from the reformulation. 

The emergence of these quantities, from a classical analysis, extended the realm of classical physics into a domain that was considered to be exclusively that of the quantum.

Keywords: Atomic radii, photoelectric effect, Planck’s constant, the quantum condition.

Article Information 
Identifiers and Pagination:

Year: 2014
Volume: 1
First Page: 21
Last Page: 26
Publisher Id: CHEM-1-21
DOI: 10.2174/1874842201401010021
Article History:

Received Date: 26/06/2014
Revision Received Date: 28/07/2014
Acceptance Date: 02/09/2014
Electronic publication date: 28/11/2014
Collection year: 2014

© Frank Znidarsic P.E.; Licensee Bentham Open. 

Open-Access License: This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.

* Address correspondence to this author at
481 Boyer St, Johnstown Pa 15906, USA;
Tel: 814 505 4638


One school of thought holds that the universe is constructed of continuous stuff.

Newton’s laws of motion and Einstein’s theory of Special and General Relativity operate upon this continuum. 

Coulomb’s equation describes the continuous nature of the electrical field.

Maxwell employed Coulomb’s equation and described the wavelike properties of light. 

Another school of thought holds that the universe is constructed of particle like things.

These things were quantified with Planck’s empirical constant. 

Einstein used Planck’s constant and introduced the particle of light.

Niels Bohr showed that an atom’s electrons reside in discrete particle like energy levels [1]

The philosophy of quantum mechanics precisely describes the lumpiness of the quantum realm. 

This philosophy could not explain why the quantum realm was lumpy.

Max Planck searched for a classical principle that would establish the state of the quantum.

It has been over a century since Planck’s quest and no classical principle was discovered. 

The Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics was introduced in order to offer some explanation [2-4]. 

This interpretation describes a probability based reality. 

The everyday classical realm, of our experience, is only a subset of this mysterious reality. 

The classically wired human mind cannot intuitively grasp the condition of the quantum reality.

This quandary has become the accepted norm.

Znidarsic refactored Coulomb’s equation into the terms of an elastic constant Ke and a displacement Rc.

The elasticity of the electron, like that of a rubber band, is greatest as it just begins to expand.

It diminishes, from that maximum, with displacement. 

The Compton frequency, of the electron, emerges as this elasticity acts upon the mass of the electron. 

In general, the wave like properties of stuff emerge as a condition of this elastic constant.

It was assumed that the electron has a classical limit to its elasticity. 

An electron expels the field of another through a process of elastic failure. 

The displacement, of the elastic discontinuity, equals classical radius of the electron Rc.

The wave number of the electromagnetic field was produced as an effect of this elastic discontinuity. 

In general, the particle like properties of things emerge as a condition of this wave number.

The duality of matter and waves emerges as an effect of the interaction of the elastic constant and the wave number.

The elastic constant was used to determine the speed of a longitudinal mechanical wave in the nucleus.

The quantum condition emerged when the speed of this longitudinal nuclear wave was set equal to the speed of transverse electronic wave. 

In more general terms, the quantum condition was described as a point where the speed of sound equals the speed of light. 

The speed match is conceptually equivalent that of one billiard ball directly impacting another. 

The second ball promptly adsorbs all of the kinetic energy and flies away at the speed of the impacting ball. 

One snap of sound is emitted. 

Likewise, a single photon is emitted, during the quantum transition. 

A prompt, single step, transfer of energy is a characteristic of a system of matched impedances.

The particle like properties of things emerged, within stuff, at points of matching impedance. 

The analysis introduced an “impedance matching” interpretation of quantum physics. 

The quantification of this impedance match produced elements of the quantum condition within a subset of Newtonian mechanics.

[ free full text -- commonsense notions lucidly expressed via simple calculus ]


Coulomb’s equation has been used to quantify the force and the energy of the electric interaction. 

Maxwell extended Coulomb’s formations and produced the speed of light.

These accomplishments were a crowning achievement of classical physics. 

The philosophy of classical physics could not explain the discrete quantum properties of matter and energy. 

Planck’s constant was injected, into a set of classical constructs, in an effort to qualify the lumpiness of the quantum realm.

This author refactored Coulomb’s equation into terms of an elastic constant and a wave number. 

The elastic constant quantified the wave like properties of stuff and the wave number quantified the particle like properties of things. 

The analysis, in this paper, was used to describe a small, but important, portion of the quantum condition. 

This author suggests that this extension analysis may demonstrate that the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics.

[ 17 references ]

"As a matter of course, every soul citizen of Earth has a priority to quickly find and positively share evidence for healthy and safe food, drink, environment, and society."

within the fellowship of service,

Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
1039 Emory Street, Imperial Beach, CA 91932
rich.murray11 free Skype audio, video chat

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com