that internal limits riddle...

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that internal limits riddle...

Phil Henshaw-2
So I didn't get takers on the question of what internal limits to growth
apply when there are no external limits.   It's sort of a trick
question.  My approach to the answer has to do with the difference
between physical and theoretical systems.  Mostly we think about
physical systems as if they behaved like theoretical ones but theories
are infinitely malleable and have no inherent limits, internal or
external.  They're just projections of rules and natural limits are
discoveries of changes in the rules, not extensions.  

One categorical divide for the types of inherent internal limits to
growth for physical systems uses the two categories, stabilization and
failure.   Stabilization results, broadly, from diverting the positive
feedbacks before they become disruptive, and failure from not doing so.
Some physical systems have some choice in the matter, and for others
it's pretty automatic.  

If you don't see the possibility you don't have the choice, of course,
and we're trained to substitute models for physical systems in our
explanations for things, and therefore tend not to see the possibility.
I think learning to be aware of what's inherently different about
physical and theoretical systems takes patient attention to the
discrepancies, using theory to guide you to an fresh exploration of the
world rather than as a substitute that hides the real world...
Certainly living in theories can be both fun and productive, but it's
also missing some essential things.

I hope it's not too painful to watch me struggling with the words for
this.  Often enough I just get frustrated, but I think this bit may have
it fairly straight.   Ring any bells for you?

Phil Henshaw                       ????.?? ? `?.????
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