Re: Santa Fe Plaza Riot

Posted by gepr on

Excellent cite! Renee' and I had a discussion about the cops joining the protesters (or taking a knee, or hugging people, or whatever). She bought the line the TV People were hawking that this was a sign that the police are people too and it's just a few bad apples ... yadda yadda. I objected and claimed these lip service gestures provide COVER for the inaction of the legislators and upper law enforcement (DAs, Governors, President, etc.) in making the changes that are required to actually fix things.

So, were I the type to protest, and a cop tried to hug me, I'd probably punch her. Those hugs and kneels and speeches about love and inclusion are garbage, second, and excuses to avoid real action, first.

On 6/3/20 9:48 AM, Merle Lefkoff wrote:
> I'm old enough to remember the release of the President's National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorder, known as the Kerner Report, FIFTY-TWO years ago in 1968. After surveying 24 "disorders" in 23 cities, the final conclusion was that "Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white--separate and unequal". The report then went on in extraordinary detail to describe the challenges of pervasive racism and the absence of political will to provide the federal money needed to intervene AT THE SYSTEM LEVEL.  It was quite remarkable to read again; every word could have been written today; President Johnson immediately dismissed the report, released on February 29; and on April 4 Martin Luther King was shot dead.

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