Re: Santa Fe Plaza Riot

Posted by Marcus G. Daniels on

Jon writes:


< From my perspective, it takes a lot of energy and resources to force life into
a state of homogeneity. My bets are on continued cultural diversification,
on into the future.


The stock market has been mostly unaffected by all of this.   After the outrage over George Floyd passes, and the protest and looting slows, will it really change voter turnout?   A catharsis was had, and no doubt there will be periodic catharses going forward.  Poor treatment of angry minorities can be rationalized as a necessary remedy to those that get in the way of commerce (just as letting people get sick from COVID-19 is).  It’s easy to talk about revolution, and but developing a strategy and organizations to realize change takes time and space to plan.   It didn’t work particularly well to delegate the revolution to someone like Bernie Sanders.   Sure there may be cultural diversification, but if those subcultures have no sustained power, how can it be enduring? 


When I walk my dogs at night I walk by house after house and can see the same programs on their televisions.   How can this not be making them similar?



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