Re: Santa Fe Plaza Riot

Posted by Marcus G. Daniels on

Something like Elysium or outposts on the Moon, Mars, etc. may recover pockets of autonomy.   Now that launch is getting cheap and it has been demonstrated with human crews.

On 6/3/20, 8:47 AM, "Friam on behalf of uǝlƃ ☣" <[hidden email] on behalf of [hidden email]> wrote:

    Aside: Do you avoid using the Reply mechanism on purpose? The subject seems to be a normally formatted reply, but there are no References: headers in your posts. This prevents threading clients from treating your post as a reply. It seems like you're using the Gmail web client. But I haven't read email headers in awhile. So who knows?

    I entertain a long-running (longer than usual for me) ill-formed hypothesis that as our population density approaches the carrying capacity of the earth, such isolation will be more and more rare. And that diversity will also go down. We'll become more of a biofilm (or superorganism) on the surface of the earth and less of a seething constellation of differentiable agents. One hitch is that as climate change worsens, some places will be the exclusive playgrounds of the wealthy (wealthy enough to own the water and supply chains to move goods to these rarified places). So you optimistic elitists living in compounds like Santa Fe (parasitic off those of us who might still function more naturally as climate change blossoms) will become more and more isolated while the rest of us become more and more like a biofilm.

    So you'll need to cling to your diversity while it lasts because WE are coming for you! >8^D

    On 6/3/20 7:41 AM, Jon Zingale wrote:
    > I personally find the Santa Fe police force to be very good at being
    > empathetic and encouraging peaceful conflict. As someone who has spent
    > half of my life living in dense urban centers, I often feel a responsibility
    > to witness when I see police interactions with others. Moving to Santa Fe has
    > done a lot to remediate my feelings around the police. Further, while there is
    > a very long way to go wrt race and equity, the discussion has been explicitly
    > in motion here in New Mexico for a long time. Is it possible that our apparent
    > /isolation from the broader unrest/ is a sign of maturity within our social
    > discourse? I have some concern that there may be a rising pressure
    > across the diverse regions of our country to abstract away our differences,
    > and to behave as if the discourse is /everywhere the same/. Doing so in
    > many cases would erase the very good work that has been hard-won.

    ☣ uǝlƃ

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