Posted by
gepr on
Well, I think it was EricS who suggested things like this can be examples of themselves (?). The message you *hide* in your expression can seem independent of the message I decode from the expression. The same goes for me. You decode a different person from my text than you decode from my image/sound in the Zoom meetings.
I couldn't ask for a better demonstration of privacy via obscurity. Your *choice* of decoder is your choice and your choice alone. But your choice of decoder does feed back on the structure of your next expression because the hidden message you encode inside that expression subtly affects the expression [†].
You can choose to extrapolate from my expressions that I "feel" differently inside my text expressions than I "feel" inside my image/sound expressions. But I can tell you that you'd be wrong. My feelings are pretty much the same in either state. And my inference of your authoritarianism has no effect on my ability to be friends with you.
I think you'd be *shocked* at some of the people I call friends. ... Seriously.
[†] I've tee'd up someone like SteveS or Dave to mention "political correctness" and trigger warnings, here. >8^D How loopy can we go, here?
On 5/20/20 10:23 AM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> I apologize that I come across to you as aggressively authoritarian. I admit that I'm wrong frequently. Do you remember when I said that NPD is almost psychotic and then took it back? There are many other examples. If learn that I am like Trumpian will withdraw from all human activity.
> There does seem to be some frequent misinterpretation and misperception of feelings going on between us. You seem like a different person in the Zoom Friam meetings.
> I offer the hand of friendship (if I could),
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