Re: hidden

Posted by gepr on

You're so aggressively authoritarian. Sheesh. Do you ever admit you might be wrong? Or am I simply "rubbed the wrong way"?

You seem to minimize the importance of the *additional* measures I mention over and over again like para- and endocrine signalling, hormones, fMRI, etc.

I am *not* minimizing the content of the dreams. I'm claiming that the content of the *stories* about dreams are not the same as the content of the dreams. I'm further hypothesizing that there may be NO CONTENT to the dreams, only content to the stories told using the dreams as content.

On 5/20/20 10:07 AM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> You seem to minimize the importance of the content of dreams which is what most people are interested in.  By the way, some people do have recurring dreams especially bad dreams.  There can be variations but they are essentially the same dream.

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