Re: anthropological observations

Posted by Prof David West on

It was not my intent to make any assertions, or claims. merely to offer completely subjective observations - "anecdotal data" as it were. Yes, there is a not-so-subliminal editorial slant behind the observations. But that slant is pretty obvious and quite familiar to those on the list:

 - I do not trust, and actually fear, government, especially the Federal Government
- I believe the danger of a 'dictatorship-of-the left' to be far greater than from the right, and that the clown in office is a trivial to non-existent threat.
- nothing posted, tweeted, published, aired — regardless of source — can be accepted at face value but must be deconstructed (including "scientific" material)
I have no expertise,, certainly no authority, but do fancy an aptitude for careful observation that may or may not be of value to anyone.


On Tue, Apr 14, 2020, at 9:27 AM, uǝlƃ ☣ wrote:

> The problem doesn't lie with any one of Dave's questionable assertions.
> The problem lies with his narrative arc. That arc argues that *others*
> (not Dave) claim non-credible expertise. Yet Dave implies over and over
> again that he has such credibility. Each list item and conclusion are
> replete with subjective perspective, but are stated with absolute
> authority.
> For example: "mainstream media outlets in the US assume their audience
> is composed of idiots ..."
> Never mind the unjustified generalization in lumping, say, MSNBC with
> Fox News. The idea that there even is such a thing as "mainstream
> media" given that many people get their news from Facebook or Twitter
> (for whatever that's worth) is just nonsense.
> One of the signals for "fake news" is whether or not it tweaks you,
> triggers you. Dave's post is chock full of trigger phrases intended to
> pluck at the tiny little drawstrings that evoke one's prejudices. It
> could have been submitted as an authentic *rant*. Had Dave peppered the
> post with qualifiers like "I think", "It seems to me", or "In my
> opinion", it would be easier to read as such an authentic rant.
> Instead, Dave is authoritatively presenting his beliefs as if they are
> facts, either rigorously established during a 2 day road trip or
> patently obvious to those in the know.
> To be clear, I'm not claiming any of Dave's questionable beliefs are
> false, only committing a bit of tu quoque. Dave's rant is as guilty of
> authoritarianism as his targets.
> On 4/13/20 9:59 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> > Among Dave's odd remarks,
> --
> ☣ uǝlƃ
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