Re: anthropological observations
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gepr on
Link! I should buy the German version and see if I can read some of it. The last time I tried that was with Faust after my German II semester in college ... terrible failure.
On 4/13/20 10:58 AM, Jochen Fromm wrote:
> America under Trump moves clearly towards an authoritarian system. When she was a graduate student in Anthropology, Sarah Kendzior studied authoritarianism in Uzbekistan. As she describes in her book "Hiding in plain sight", what she saw when Trump emerged was oddly familiar with the things she saw in the states of the former Soviet Union - nepotism, corruption, etc.
> In my opinion fascism is always about merging different evolutionary systems, a move backwards towards a lesser degree of differentiation. The deeper we go back, the worse it becomes, from authoritarianism to communism and totalitarianism. It is a fascinating topic. I describe it in detail in my book which I published last year in German. I use the free time to translate it to English now.
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