May I add — what would convince you that psychedelic experiences are worth of the same kind of investigation as "ordinary" experiences.
> Well, I definitely privilege scientific ways of knowing more than any
> other way of knowing [†]. So I don't disagree with what you *say*. But
> it seems to me that *you* don't privilege scientific knowledge in these
> discussions. You talk a LOT about philosophy and metaphysics, but not
> much about scientific results. The recent 'round and 'round about
> "sledgehammers", Peirce's metaphysics, or whatnot, largely ignoring any
> attempts to discuss psychedelic research and medicine, seems to imply
> that you do not privilege science.
> So, maybe if I pull out the old saw again? If results published in
> peer-reviewed literature and clinical trial data will NOT convince you
> that psychedelics can be used as medicine, then what WOULD convince
> you? If nothing will ever convince you, then you certainly do NOT
> privilege science.
> [†] It ain't perfect; and it ain't the only kind of knowledge. But it's
> the best we have.
> On 3/10/20 11:03 AM,
[hidden email] wrote:
> > No, I am not sure that Dave and Glen would disagree with any of this.
> --
> ☣ uǝlƃ
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