Re: Graal VM

Posted by Marcus G. Daniels on

Yes.  Whether it is filtered or invented, the same kind of preferences apply.  (At least that is my hypothesis.). It is really more like the metaprogramming approach than a reactive reoptimization.   I have to do similar things just to stay focused or avoid getting over-focused.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 23, 2020, at 5:37 AM, glen <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On February 22, 2020 4:31:21 PM PST, Marcus Daniels <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hah, Glen "doesn't really believe in desensitization", but he sometimes
>> opts for terms that are highly loaded terms in "normals" speak!
> I suppose the fault is mine for not *emphasizing* the inspiration for my use of the term. Here it is again if anyone might care.
>> trigger - The simple, specific sight/sound/smell/thought/feeling/etc. which you hook a behaviour onto.
> --
> glen
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