Re: Graal VM

Posted by Steve Smith on

Glen -
>> I'm surprised (but welcome more introspection) that you would prescribe
>> *installing triggers* in the light of your proscription against
>> *premature binding* in general.  I'm sure there are plenty of nuances
>> I'm missing here.
> That's a good point. I suppose I should distinguish between an installed trigger and a pre-existing one. My guess is their persistence differs. A pre-existing one (installed "naturally", genetics or non-conscious learning) is likely to persist longer than a purposefully installed one. I'm sure there are other ways to distinguish. E.g. authenticity, "false humility", etc.
> And we can say the same thing about semantic binding. An artificially installed binding will be weaker and less likely to persist than one that "grew organically" or was defined in one's genes.

Thanks for the disambiguation...  in my vocabulary/experience I think
what you are calling "installed triggers" are what I call "heuristics",
though in any other audience THAT might be considered pompous in one of
the ways Marcus indicates?   I *do* have the experience of *choosing* to
behave or respond in one way or another.  My own connotation of
"trigger" I suppose is that it becomes a "reaction" rather than a
"response" and in fact some "heuristic" I might adopt (like when I
became a vegetarian in my teens? or decided that off-color jokes i
thought were funny should rarely if ever be shared, even in the locker
room environments that bred them)  will eventually become (habituation?)
a trigger in it's own right, eliciting a *reaction*, not a *response*

As a fairly naive person most of my life, my self-awareness didn't
extend to "triggers" as I understand them today.  In fact it is only the
last decade that I feel the term has come into wide use and come to have
other than a clinical meaning?   As a naive person, I recognized
*others* seemingly uncontrollable, automatic reactions to things, but
not so easily or often my own.   And with that came a judgment (by me)
that *their* "triggers" were a consequence of some kind of ignorance or
ill-breeding or more often were *deliberate* expressions of (another pop
psych term I had to learn) "passive aggression".  Maybe it is an example
of your "installed trigger" that I suppress that judgement and try to
give more benefit of the doubt, let things play out a little further?

>> I'd also be interested in more reflection on the qualitative difference
>> between self-reflection and emotional intelligence?  Is the latter
>> anything more than "pompous" name for self-reflection?  Or is it a
>> particular quality or mode OF self-reflection?   I will admit to not
>> having a specific understanding/definition of the term, and suspecting
>> that our (half?) generational difference means that this (like a lot of
>> pop) terminology means something different to you than to me (see
>> discussion of basis spaces from recent threads?).
> I'm too ignorant to really treat this properly. But my point (esp. in using the words "lecture" and "pompous") was along the same lines of what Rebecca (skepchick) was saying about figuring out Dawkins is wrong about eugenics. There are 2 ways to tell someone that Dawkins is wrong: 1) launch into a full graduate degree lecture series of genetics and selective breeding vs. 2) identify the critical points and place them in an example a "normal" will understand, like the cocker spaniel.
I will acknowledge that you are particularly good at 2) in this forum
and I value it, even if my attempts to learn from it feel futile
>> I can't attest to your (in)competence in this, but it does feel like I'm
>> starting to get it, though I'm not clear on the nuances of what you mean
>> by installing specific triggers.   Roughly maybe, but I think an example
>> or two might help?
> By asking for more examples, it seems the original one (Ellison's Trump support) isn't meaningful for you?

No... that is not the point of asking for more examples.   It is seeking
parallax on the concept of "installed triggers" vs "organic
triggers?".   Fortunately your earlier explanation sufficed, but these
additional examples are still helpful for more fidelity.   It really is
a matter of fitting yet more data points registered in YOUR basis space
to my own.  In this case your *language* more than your *values*.   That
is a whole other discussion we have bopped in and out of here which I
would like to see explored more. 

I think Marcus referred to it as "dimensional analysis" recently.   
Language and Values may not be the only two subspaces in human
experience which have strong correlations but seem also to *suffer* when
arbitrarily *conflated*.   I'm wondering if this isn't
responsive/reflective of this discussion about installed vs organic

- Steve

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