
Posted by Steve Smith on


> I suspect I have trypophobia <>. But having a *name* for the trigger helps me a lot, even if I can't help that my heart races and I start sweating when I look at that set of google images.

I can't say that I go into cold sweats with this imagery but it does
trigger some very visceral (and strangely ambiValent) reaction... my
instinct is to suggest that this particular "phobia" is broader/deeper
than any one person or set of experiences or cultural embeddings. 

This particular suite of images/subjects seems to include A)
fruiting-body-seeds erupting; B) insect hives; C) skin eruptions/disease.

A) seems pretty benign but B) and C) would seem to have some survival
value in aversion.   "don't go kicking a hive" and "keep your distance
from bad rash/hive/spongiform-skin-conditions because it might be catching".

I am *drawn* to A) but B) and C) cause more tension with a certain

I wonder if this correlates in any way with more "social/cultural"
triggers.  Having been raised in the West by parents who left the hills
of Appalachia after WWII, I still can't hear an Applachian drawl (and
the many variants of "southern" from TX to FL to VA) without thinking
"ignorant", even though most of my relatives are relatively well
educated and not (always) as parochial/provincial as the stereotypes
might imply.  I know others who romanticize the "southern accent" even
(especially?) if they don't "hail from those parts, y'all".


  - Steve

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