Re: description - explanation - metaphor - model
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Frank Wimberly-2 on
I'm sure I've met Rescher at Pitt. In the mid-sixties (I think) most of Yale's philosophy department moved en masse to Pitt resulting in it's being ranked second to Harvard in the Carter Study q.v.
Heh... ask and ye shall receive!
Rescher, seemingly a Peircian pragmatist, goes through a hypothetical in an attempt to argue that for a moral principle to be objective, the community to which it applies must have some (accurate) conception of morality. By the parenthetical "accurate", I mean those moral principles they hold must, in some definition, benefit that community.
But what's interesting in relation to EricS's question about higher order structures is his assertion that moral principles are *schematic*, with some variables bound to context. And he develops, then, a hierarchy of moral principles where:
"At this highest level alone is there absoluteness:the rejection of appropriate moral contentions at this level involves alapse of rational cogency. But at the lower levels there is almost always some room for variation, and dispute as well."
Such a nesting of schema bears a striking resemblance to what EricS is asking for in the context of the biosphere or the higher order attributes of dynamic systems. The *trick*, of course, that Rescher doesn't seem to cover (perhaps I missed it), is whether the *schema* evolve, whether it's a strict hierarchy, etc. hearkening back to EricC's post about whether or not a Peircian "convergence" assumes stationarity.
Regardless, I'm pretty skeptical of Rescher's setup because it hinges on this ability to predicate/define groups and define what's beneficial for those groups. But that's orthogonal to the rather nice idea of schematic principles.
On 12/26/19 3:43 PM, uǝlƃ ☣ wrote:
> It would be fantastic to read some treatment of higher order structures like social justice issues from Peirce or one of his intellectual descendants.
> On 12/26/19 2:47 PM, Eric Charles wrote:
>> Eric (Smith), Peirce has extensive writings on probability and VERY extensive writings on logic. I suspect he has much of what you are looking for, we just don't focus on that part of his work as much. While he didn't have a full modern understanding of all that stuff, he was massively ahead of his time.
☣ uǝlƃ
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