Re: Static Site Generator

Posted by Russell Standish-2 on

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 11:16:55PM -0500, Gary Schiltz wrote:

> Hey Russell, in case it wasn’t clear, please understand that I was
> making a joke with a (probably overly obscured) compliment. I very
> much admire folks who use manual tools like LaTeX and Emacs, and also
> like a lot of what I know of Australian culture. Although “Crocodile
> Dundee” was an absurd stereotype of that culture, a lot of us
> Americans relate to the brash, no-BS character of that stereotype. And
> in case you didn’t see the movie, my comment referred to a scene where
> some American gang punk pulls a switchblade knife and threatens Dundee
> with it. Dundee says “Knife?”, pulls out a huge Bowie knife, holds it
> up, and says in that stereotyped accent, “Now, *that’s* a knife!”.

Sure I was aware of the scene. It was a fun movie. And Hoges's accent
was genuine, even though he doesn't normally talk that way, you do get
characters who talk like that.



Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics      [hidden email]
University of New South Wales

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