Re: Fun Times in Ecuador
Posted by
Steve Smith on
Miracles of modern antibiotics... If I go to Panama (or Ecuador) ,
I'm stocking the Veterinary grade equivalent (FishMox and FishFlex,
who knew?) for such (hopefully rare) occasions. Though I think
human grade versions are just a Farmacia away there? This course
required careening through our dysfunctional medical system...
although it sure beat the bottle of bourbon, a leather belt, a
bullet (to bite on) and a saw ... Just checking to see who was
reading, and how deep!
Didn't help that I was camping at a different hot spring nearly
daily for two weeks... could have just been something else...
Drinking beer at the third "yacht club" I tried in Seattle... who
knew many "yacht clubs" actually are there to share information and
teach yachting to members?
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