Re: Fun Times in Ecuador

Posted by Steve Smith on

and is your price for this is $100/Mbit/month?  

I'm on a similar "first mile" (23miles in my case) and they (cnsp) are about to offer 50Mb/s service off of SF Ski Hill... for not much more than my 1.5Mbit/s runs...  I assume the extra cost is a combination of shared total-bandwidth and maybe "scarcity"?

The owner is a friend, so he let me out an antenna on his tower. It is quite common here, except that the ISP usually provides the equipment. Some friend...

On Tuesday, June 30, 2015, Marcus Daniels <[hidden email]> wrote:

Gary writes:


Fiber in most cities now, nothing in rural areas. I have a good view of a town 20 km away that has fiber, so have wireless connection from my tower to my ISP. 


Is that common, or something you negotiated with the ISP?



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