Re: Fun Times in Ecuador

Posted by Gary Schiltz-4 on

Grid power is fairly reliable here, and ubiquitous. Not enough sun for solar to be cost effective. Micro hydro can be decent. Diesel only $1 per gallon for reliable generator backup. 

Connections to reliable internet is expensive, about $100 per megabit per month. Fiber in most cities now, nothing in rural areas. I have a good view of a town 20 km away that has fiber, so have wireless connection from my tower to my ISP. Latency in country about 20 ms average, to Europe or NA over 100 ms.

On Tuesday, June 30, 2015, Marcus Daniels <[hidden email]> wrote:
"I live at about 6500 feet elevation, so I don't need much heat, and never any cooling.
It's amazing living on the west slope of the Andes. I can drive half an hour and get an increase in temperature of about 10 degrees F, another half an hour for another 10 degrees"

How about power and low-latency broadband availability?     I had satellite internet when I lived out in Arroyo Hondo, and I about lost it.
Looking for a mountain hideaway for a bitcoin mining empire --  something will have to pick up the slack when in the event of a Euro meltdown!


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