Re: The Astounding Link Between the P≠NP Problem and the Quantum Nature of Universe

Posted by Gillian Densmore on

No but the Newton was a badass pocket doodad before it was cool.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 1:01 AM, Bela Patkai <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I have a bet that the original paper does not suggest what the blog post
> does.
> This post basically suggests that nature decides whether something is
> quantum or newtonian based on whether it can calculate its quantum state.
> But that would be a limitation of our model and our computing devices, not a
> limitation of nature. Newton's apple is not a macintosh ;)
> On 6 November 2014 08:55, Jochen Fromm <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> From the Physics arXiv Blog via Grady Booch. Is there such a link?
>> -J.
>> Sent from my Tricorder
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