Physics at Albertsons

Posted by Roger Critchlow-2 on

I think it's the resonant cavities.

The question is, what did he try in the parking lot before he hit upon
holding the keyring by his chin with his mouth open, and how is it that
he is still walking about free to tell the tale?

-- rec --

Joseph Dalessandro wrote:

>Does this depend on the number of fillings you have, and their type?
>On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 18:26:59 -0600, [hidden email] said:
>>Here's another wierd one that seems to work - using your head as an
>>If you have a vehicle with a remote keyless entry, then try this: start
>>what you feel is about as far away from your vehicle as you can be that
>>still allow you to lock or unlock it, then walk further away until you
>>can no
>>longer activate it. Take a few more steps away just to be sure you can't
>>activate it from that distance. Now, facing the vehicle, hold the device
>>against your chin, open your mouth, and try to activate the lock. I've
>>that I can be at least half again as far from the vehicle this way, and
>>be able to activate the lock.
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