>Does this depend on the number of fillings you have, and their type?
>On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 18:26:59 -0600,
[hidden email] said:
>>Here's another wierd one that seems to work - using your head as an
>>If you have a vehicle with a remote keyless entry, then try this: start
>>what you feel is about as far away from your vehicle as you can be that
>>still allow you to lock or unlock it, then walk further away until you
>>can no
>>longer activate it. Take a few more steps away just to be sure you can't
>>activate it from that distance. Now, facing the vehicle, hold the device
>>against your chin, open your mouth, and try to activate the lock. I've
>>that I can be at least half again as far from the vehicle this way, and
>>be able to activate the lock.
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