Physics at Albertsons

Posted by Bruce Sawhill on

Offhand, sounds like it might have to do with insulation from static


On Wednesday, November 5, 2003, at 12:13 PM, joseph spinden wrote:

> (1) I can?t speak to the physics of Albertson?s, but I have seen
> cashiers use a similar technique at Whole Foods, so apparently this is
> not a strictly local phenomenon.
> ?
> (2) It has almost never worked with my cards, but apparently it is an
> article of faith that it does work.? ?
> ?
> Joe
> ?
> ?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
> Behalf OfRobert Holmes
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 4:20 AM
> Subject: [FRIAM] Physics at Albertsons
> ?
> So I was in the queue for the checkout, and the woman in front of me
> is having problems with her Visa card - she is swiping it through the
> machine but nothing registers. "Do you have a plastic bag?" she says
> and, on being given one, she puts her Visa card in it, holds the
> plastic taut, swipes the card (still in the plastic bag) through the
> machine and bingo, it's worked. Apparently this is a technique that
> all the checkout staff at Albertsons are familiar with.
> (1) Does this technique *really* work, or was it just a fluke?
> (2) If it does work, why?
> Robert
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