> This looks relevant. We'll be driving up around 3:15 if anyone needs a
> lift.
> -Steve
> ____________________________________________________
> [hidden email]
> 624 Agua Fria Street office: (505)995-0206
> Santa Fe, NM 87501 mobile: (505)577-5828
> *** ***
> To read Nam P. Suh's book "A Theory of Complexity and
> Applications" please go to:
> *** SFI COLLOQUIUM Thursday, September 25, 3:30-4:30pm ***
> Location: Noyce Conference Room
> Title: "A Theory of Complexity and Applications"
> Speaker: Nam P. Suh
> Affiliation: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory for
> Manufacturing and Productivity, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> Abstract:
> A complexity theory for engineered systems will be presented from the
> perspective of Axiomatic Design. The complexity theory is based on a
> narrow definition of complexity, which is defined as a measure of the
> uncertainty in achieving functional requirements or objectives. Based
> on
> this definition, it will be shown that complexity is a relative measure
> of uncertainty and that there are four types of complexity. Two of
> these
> types are the time-independent real complexity and the time-independent
> imaginary complexity. The other two types of complexity are the
> time-dependent combinatorial complexity and the time-dependent periodic
> complexity. Examples from diverse fields, including biology, materials,
> and socio-economic areas will be given to illustrate how these
> complexities can be reduced by changing the design and by introducing
> functional periodicity.
> ============================================================
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