Score one for small-scale distributed power

Posted by Owen Densmore on

This reminds me of the Palo Alto, CA subsidy for solar panels.  The
city, county, state subsidies were impressive enough that most folks
working on their houses took seriously converting to solar.

Are there subsidies like that here?

Sorta like shared WiFi, it might be nifty for some of us to have
interesting new power supplements .. probably solar.  Is anyone looking
into alternatives for their home?

On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 09:15  PM, Bruce Sawhill wrote:

> I think there's enough wood for a few hundred MW for about 50 years in
> the intermountain West.  Hopefully by then the forests will be thinner
> and we'll have Mr. Fusion, or at least Mr. Wind and Mrs. Solar.  I
> think clean burning microturbines exist now.
> Bruce\

Owen Densmore           451 Camino Don Miguel     Santa Fe, NM 87505
Work: 505-983-6305      Cell: 505-570-0168        Home: 505-988-3787
[hidden email]