efficient wood fired power plants. (hundreds of kW) Imagine them in
places like Truchas, etc. all throughout the intermountain West.
Provide local work, too. And save the large diameter timber.
> Belinda, I was thinking of commenting, but I'm not as knowledgeable as
> you about power
> generation - I'm just a tree hugging eco-radical who thinks that large
> scale power plants
> are a bad idea. I would suspect that the generation part would be
> pretty
> efficient, but
> even at the high voltages at which power is transmitted over long
> distances, I'd think
> the loss must be tremendous. My gut feeling is that the large scale
> power production
> industry is successful because of its powerful lobbying rather than any
> inherent
> technological advantages.
> // Gary
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
[hidden email] [mailto:
[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of Belinda Wong-Swanson
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 5:07 PM
> To: The Friday Morning Complexity Coffee Group
> Subject: RE: [FRIAM] Score one for small-scale distributed power
> Economies of scale is really not much an issue if you use small
> generation systems and use the power locally. Most small cities in the
> US have sufficient population size and activities to make this viable;
> it is not because the utility industry prevents it from doing so.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
[hidden email] [mailto:
[hidden email]]On
> Behalf Of Robert Holmes
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 4:43 PM
> To:
[hidden email]; 'The Friday Morning Complexity Coffee Group'
> Subject: RE: [FRIAM] Score one for small-scale distributed power
> Small-scale distributed power is OK but has issues of economies of
> scale
> (namely it doesn't have them).
> For complexity people like us, the real opportunity lies in distributed
> (agent-based) control as a way of identifying cascading outages and
> self-repairing them. I know that EPRI were researching this and I
> believe they are now (through putting together pilot
> projects.
> Robert
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