I can send an email to David Coss expressing my support for the
Complex and requesting his support. I can also request a meeting. I
will attend the council meeting on December 10th. I don't have an
opinion about holding a planning session but would attend if asked.
If you want me to write to Mayor Coss, please email me our talking
points so I can construct my letter.
Don Begley wrote:
Dear FRIAM-ers,
We need support for our grant proposal at the city, which
I discuss in the email below, as this funding is
essentially make-or-break for us. I'd appreciate any help you can
give to have a good turnout at the council meeting next week and get
support letters to the councilors.
I don't have an agenda yet so I don't know when we are slotted.
I'll get that info to you when it is available. Please call me if you
have any questions.
Begin forwarded message:
Date: December 2, 2008 3:08:39 PM MST
Subject: sfx News: City Council to Consider
Support for Santa Fe Complex
December 10
City Council Considers
sfX Funding Proposal
Santa Fe City
to Consider Funding for SFX
Wednesday, December 10 5:15 pm
The Santa Fe City Council will review a proposal
to support Santa Fe Complex at its December 10 meeting next week. If
approved, the city would provide up to $165,000 per year for the next
three years to implement the proposal.
The council's review is the final stage of a
process that began in August when the city issued a request for
proposals for innovative economic development projects (RFP #09/02/P).
Santa Fe Complex responded with a plan to develop workforce skills and
create economic development opportunities through three key areas:
- educational internships;
- collaborative workspaces; and
- public education programs.
The RFP was reviewed by city staff, the Economic
Development Review Subcommittee, and the Business & Quality of Life
Committee, all of which recommended the city adopt sfX's proposal.
This funding would create a solid financial
basis for Santa Fe Complex, especially in the current economic climate.
You can help by letting your councilors know what the complex means to
you and asking them to support Santa Fe Complex's RFP: just call or
Mayor David Coss |
995-6590 [hidden email] |
Councilor Patti Bushee |
984-8744 [hidden email] |
Councilor Chris Calvert |
955-6812 [hidden email] |
Councilor Miguel Chavez |
955-6817 [hidden email] |
Councilor Carmichael Dominguez |
955-6814 [hidden email] |
Councilor Matthew Ortiz |
955-6817 [hidden email] |
Counclior Rosemary Romero |
955-6818 [hidden email] |
Councilor Ron Trujillo |
955-6811 [hidden email] |
Councilor Rebecca Wurzburger |
955-6815 [hidden email] |
For more information, call Don
Begley (505/216.7562) or stop by the complex. |
Coming to sfX |
programs at Santa Fe Complex · 632 Agua Fria · Parking via Romero St.
For more information, call 505/216.7562 or visit
as an Art Form
with Ann Racuya-Robbins
Wednesday, December 3 6:00 pm
Each human being's life experience is an
intrinsically creative insight into life. Ann Racuya-Robbins argues
that all lives, in the composite, create a work of art called
In her words, "I consider civilization a form of
art. A form of art deeply interconnected with many other works of
culture from the most practical of feeding ourselves to speculations,
inventions and technology of every sort. Many think of civilization as
the source of war and so much life suffering on earth. Many think of
civilization as the source of food and security. To be sure it can and
has been all of these things. From my perspective civilization is a
creation that more or less serves life."
Join Ann Racuya-Robbins, founder of the World
Knowledge Bank, as she discusses her career exploring the concept of
"wholeperception" and the corresponding concept of civilization as an
art form. <--more-->
Support sfX |
December 17 Fundraiser & Book Signing with
Jack Leibowitz:
From Picasso to Quarks
Examine the shared "compositional unity and internal coherence" of art
& physics in a visual exploration of Leibowitz's HIDDEN HARMONY:
The Connected Worlds of Physics and Art. You'll meet Jack, hear about
his career as a theoretical physicist and head of the art department at
The Catholic University of America, and support sfComplex with your
Be Part of
the Complex |
Are you working on a project that
fits the complex? Would you like to volunteer to help us with our
events or publicity? If so, call us at 505/216.7562 or Click here to let us know how you'd like
to volunteer. We need to talk.
Follow us on the
web |
<a on=""
linktype="link" target="_blank">Subscribe to our RSS feed
Come Visit Us
Fe Complex is located in the Railyard Art District within walking
distance of the hotels, restaurants and shops at the plaza downtown.
We're housed in two facilities, the project space at 624 Agua Fria and
the common space at 632 Agua Fria.
The conference area contains meeting rooms and facilities for
short-term use associated with on-going sfComplex projects. The project
space houses the great room, where we hold events and offer Internet
access, working facilities, a coffee lounge and work carrels for laptop
While there is parking at 624 Agua Fria, the Romero Street parking lot
is more conveniently located for the 632 facility. Romero St. is an
old-style Santa Fe ox-cart road just east of the 624 driveway. Follow
it south from Agua Fris St. until it opens up to two lanes; turn hard
right into the parking lot for 632. Or, enter from Manhattan St. &
Romero St. to the south.
Here's a map to our location, a
representative shot showing the Railyard District and a sketchup
drawing of the facility at 632. For more information, call 505/216.7562
or click here.
Managing Director
Santa Fe Complex
624 Agua Fria St
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Santa Fe Complex | 624
Agua Fria | Santa Fe | NM | 87501

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at