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** reminder ** Math Circle - tonight 6-8p

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** reminder ** Math Circle - tonight 6-8p

Stephen Guerin
Please join us tonight 6-8p!

-- pizza and beverages provided --

Introducing the Santa Fe Math Circle for grades 5-8

No knowledge of math at any level is necessary!  Circle math is about starting
from nothing (or not much) and exploring strange and beautiful ideas with
nothing more than marker and board.  Think of it as build-it-yourself math.
Sometimes we will start with a game--or play a game the whole session.  Or learn
how to see the world as a Flatlander from the Second Dimension would.

Math circles are a place for spirited play with the patterns of math and games
of ideas.  Math circles are absolutely nothing like the rigid lockstep of school
math's drill through technique after technique.  

What if everything you think you know about math is wrong? All young people
grades 5-8 are welcome!

Santa Fe Complex
624 Agua Fria Street

Contact James Taylor jtaylor at sfprep.org or 466-3439

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** reminder ** Math Circle - tonight 6-8p

Marko Rodriguez
Cool Stephen...


> Please join us tonight 6-8p!
> -- pizza and beverages provided --
> Introducing the Santa Fe Math Circle for grades 5-8
> No knowledge of math at any level is necessary!  Circle math is about
> starting
> from nothing (or not much) and exploring strange and beautiful ideas with
> nothing more than marker and board.  Think of it as build-it-yourself
> math.
> Sometimes we will start with a game--or play a game the whole session.  Or
> learn
> how to see the world as a Flatlander from the Second Dimension would.
> Math circles are a place for spirited play with the patterns of math and
> games
> of ideas.  Math circles are absolutely nothing like the rigid lockstep of
> school
> math's drill through technique after technique.
> What if everything you think you know about math is wrong? All young
> people
> grades 5-8 are welcome!
> Santa Fe Complex
> http://sfcomplex.org/
> 624 Agua Fria Street
> Contact James Taylor jtaylor at sfprep.org or 466-3439
> ============================================================
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