re Young but distant

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re Young but distant

HighlandWindsLLC Miller
Liked the discussion on this ... had a question --
Do the young stars and galaxies create vaccuums of energy when appearing, contributing to both light speed changes, deflections, and or changes in energy and gravity on our earth? I had read somewhere they do when they die (burnout) but did not know if they do when they are born .. and if so .. does the impact get felt universally simultaneously, or does it flow, reaching us on a path like the path of light?
Just wondered. sort of like the pebble in the pond maybe? or more like a huge vaccum cleaner hose sitting over the pond pulling at all the water at the same time .. maybe not enough to lift it entirely, but enough to change the makeup of the watery depths. shift the behavior of the fish .. that sort of thing. ..
Peggy Miller

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