Weeks ago at a Physical Friam Meeting I was gumming on about four classes of economic goods and Jim Girard asked me what the dickens I was talking about. I, of course, didnt know. But I promised to look it up and then the book I had to look it up in went missiong and so forth. So here, belatedly from Wikipedia ("public goods") is SOMETHING.
Excludable Non-excludable Rivalrous Private goods
food, clothing, toys, furniture, cars Common-pool resources / Common good
water, fish, hunting game Non-rivalrous Club goods
cable television Public goods
national defense, free-to-air television, air Private and public goods
Damn! This was supposed to come in as a 2x2 table with Rivalry on one Margin and excludability on the other . Rivalry is the degree to which the use of a good by one person prevents another from using it; excludability is the degree to which a good can be possessed by one person and access to it can be denied to others .
Sorry, I will do better than this later.
Nicholas S. Thompson
Research Associate, Redfish Group, Santa Fe, NM (nick at redfish.com)
Professor of Psychology and Ethology, Clark University (nthompson at clarku.edu)
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