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new "this weeks finds"

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new "this weeks finds"

Carl Tollander
412 posts
Almost missed it; there's a new "This week's finds in mathematical physics"
from John Baez.  Interesting review of a book by David Corfield,
"Towards a Philosophy of Real Mathematics", which looks accessible.  Might
be good counterpoint to some of this year's SFI public lectures.


(they don't really come out every week, just not more often than every week)

As with all Baez's writings, I feel at the end that I almost understand it,
or should, or should want to.  He has a way of inadvertently reminding you
of things you remember learning in undergrad math class, but didn't really.
Sort of like the TV show "Crocodile Hunter", only with math.

Fun airplane reading, in any case.
