new form of phishing?

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new form of phishing?

Nick Thompson

Have you received the one with the subject line, “Bad things are being said on line”.   It give you a link to go to find out your “reputation report” 


Great business model.  All I can do not to look to see what they have on me. But  I figure that with the number of people named Nicholas Thompson in this world (we are as thick on the ground as rabbits in Australia)  if somebody is saying bad things about at least one of us, the world is a very strange place, indeed.




Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: new form of phishing?

Steve Smith

NLT> Have you received the one with the subject line, “Bad things are being said on line”.   It give you a link to go to find out your “reputation report” 


I would say that my junk mail has at least a dozen of *forms* of phishing in it, though maybe that is *my* junk *plus* my that of my wife's, as I provide (poor) tech support for tuning her junk filters as well.  There must be a compiled list somewhere of these (Snopes?)...  here are the ones that come to mind right off the bat!

Your Credit Score Changed
Your PayPal (!) account needs attention
Your FezBewk/LinkedOut/Pincherest/Tumblation/Gmule/etc... account has been hozed...
Nigerian (or lots of different) official has a bunch of ill-gotten gains for you, just send your bank account info...
Dating (straight, L, G, B, T, fetish, dom, sub, <disgusting stuff deleted>)
Your Mac/PC is low on memory/has a problem/has a virus
YOU MAY HAVE WON!  (anyone go see Nebraska?)
Bad things have been said about you!  See what they are!
Your friend (insert generic name) is trying to reach you!
et cetera

What fascinates *me* are the ones which have *no* apparent point.  I've gotten a LOT of interesting poetry in the last few months... one liners to usually no more than six liners with a link (almost always some eastern european/Russian country DNS)...  There are also often strange gibberish (Lewis Carrollesque "Slivey Toves" and "Borerang" type nonsense)...  

I'm wondering if these "no apparent purpose" games are some kind of salt or tracer... sending it out (modified by an algorithm) to see where it shows back up?  Something like e-mail Tomography?  (Finding mail archives, discussion groups (like this one) who discuss such things, etc.???)

Great business model.  All I can do not to look to see what they have on me. But  I figure that with the number of people named Nicholas Thompson in this world (we are as thick on the ground as rabbits in Australia)  if somebody is saying bad things about at least one of us, the world is a very strange place, indeed.




Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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