new book, concise opus "While Science Sleeps" life saving facts re aspartame (methanol, formaldehyde) -- 740 full text references free online, Woodrow "Woody" C. Monte, retired Prof. of Nutrition, Arizona State University: Rich

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new book, concise opus "While Science Sleeps" life saving facts re aspartame (methanol, formaldehyde) -- 740 full text references free online, Woodrow "Woody" C. Monte, retired Prof. of Nutrition, Arizona State University: Rich

Rich Murray-2
new book, concise opus "While Science Sleeps" life saving facts  re
aspartame (methanol, formaldehyde) -- 740 full text references free
online, Woodrow "Woody" C. Monte, retired Prof. of Nutrition, Arizona
State University: Rich Murray 2011.12.31

about 240 pages text, with 740 full text references free online, $
37.98 paperback -- see:

Customer Review

life saving facts -- the life work of an earnest, careful, caring,
bold expert, December 30, 2011

By Mr. Richard T. Murray "rmforall"

This review is from: While Science Sleeps (Paperback)

This work is the culmination of a professional lifetime dedicated to
elucidating the key biochemical details of methanol (formaldehyde)
toxicity, starting with a comprehensive warning review in 1984, with
62 references, by the earnest, careful, bold Woodrow "Woody" C. Monte,
retired Prof. of Nutrition, Arizona State University.

He has been sharing his research with me since 1999, including parts
of this masterpiece, as it evolved during the last three years.

Aspartame is indeed 11% methanol (wood alcohol), which the human body
quickly turns into formaldehyde via the ADH enzyme, concentrated in
many tissues: liver, kidney, brain, retina, skin, muscle, lung,
prostate, breast, womb, fetus -- forming cumulative micro lesions,
binding to and disabling DNA, RNA, and proteins, and so causing a wide
variety of symptoms.

Other methanol (formaldehyde) sources include wood and tobacco smoke,
dark wines and liquors, fruits and vegetables heated in sealed metal
and glass containers, and aspartame, as well as a variety of products
ranging from medicines to new carpet, drapes, and furniture to mobile

People vary enormously in individual vulnerability.

Google "While Science Sleeps" to reach his website, where you can
download for free his 1984 and 2010 reviews, and the final chapter 12
re birth defects and autism type diseases.

1. Monte WC. Aspartame; Methanol and the Public Health. Journal of
Applied Nutrition 1984;36(1):42-58. 16 pages

586. Monte W. Methanol: A chemical Trojan horse as the root of the
inscrutable U. Med Hypotheses 2010;74(3):493-6. 4 pages.

Download free Chapter 12 of the book "While Science Sleeps", re
methanol, formaldehyde, birth defects, autism type diseases, with 100
mainstream full text research paper references -- 25 pages.

Then, search Google for other research and news:

Amid health fears, Diet Coke sweetener [aspartame] in safety
spotlight, Sean Poulter, UK Daily Mail 2011.05.27, 141 comments: Rich
Murray 2011.05.30

Pass the good words, friends !

Download free Chapter 12 of the book "While Science Sleeps", re
methanol, formaldehyde, birth defects, autism type diseases, with 100
mainstream full text research paper references.

Amid health fears, Diet Coke sweetener [aspartame] in safety
spotlight, Sean Poulter, UK Daily Mail 2011.05.27, 141 comments: Rich
Murray 2011.05.30

aspartame water in rats for 6 months causes liver harm, RH Nair et al,
Mahatma Gandhi U, Food Chem Toxicol 2011.03.02: Rich Murray 2011.03.12

Food Chem Toxicol. 2011 Mar 2. [Epub ahead of print]
Effect of long term intake of aspartame on antioxidant defense status in liver.
Abhilash M, Paul MV, Varghese MV, Nair RH.
School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University,
Kottayam, Kerala, India, 686560.
[hidden email], [hidden email],

careful expert lifetime study on mice shows liver and lung cancers
from aspartame, M Soffritti et al, Ramazzini Institute, Italy, checked
by US National Toxicology Program experts, confirms many previous
studies from 2001 on: Rich Murray 2011.02.27

re GC Ebers study, females harmed more by body making methanol into
formaldehyde in brain via ADH enzyme: 589 references, WC Monte,
retired Prof. Nutrition: Rich Murray 2011.01.08

aspartame abstinance cures fibromyalgia chronic pain in 2 French
adults: R Ciappuccini et al, Clin Exp Rheumatol 2010 Nov: Rich Murray

formaldehyde from 0.2 mg daily methanol from aspartame in Singulair
(montelukast) chewable asthma medicine causes severe allergic
dermatitis in boy, SE Jacob et al, Pediatric Dermatology 2009 Nov:
Rich Murray 2010.09.27

Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
254-A Donax Avenue, Imperial Beach, CA 91932
[hidden email]
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