missed messages

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missed messages

Stephen Guerin
I looked into possible causes for non-delivery of some FRIAM emails.

The app previously had a default "low priority" for accessing the mail
server. While the mail server should deliver all messages for a mailing
list with a low priority, sometimes the mailing list software will timeout
when sending to a large amount of recipients. The possibility increases
when the servers are overloaded with virus traffic like last week's noVarg
and myDoom viruses.

We raised the priority of the mailing list app on the server to the
highest level. This priority change should reduce the possiblity of
dropped mails.

Let me know if you think you think you are missing messages in the future.
I guess the only way to know is to occasionally monitor the archive for
unreceived messages at http://www.redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/


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