Right on Peggy / Ray glad you got the point
For your power users conversion project the model is
1. What are the Base - Peaking targets for replacement energy taking
all factors into account and that includes usage
2. How does this affect the location transmission targets and how can
this altered to match 1
3. Communicate between systems and put the rubber on the road
I have spent years in the power industry and the deep dark secret is
that operation efficiency for the entire industry is
Production at power plant - 25 / 40 %
Transmission Line efficiency = 15 / 45%
Power distribution use off of main transmission to user = 10 / 30 %
Each one percent improvement nationwide relates to about $25B
So if the plants, the transmission lines and the distribution system
were smart like law and orders outlines ( which is already possible
with todays technology ) think of the humongous possibilities
especially if tax and financial incentives are included in the targets.
Here is a fun future outline
http://www.ideapete.com/AATG.html that we
are making into a promo movie to illustrate all the above, maybe we
should talk
( : ( : pete
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